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Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:02 pm
by WhiteNoise
Howdy Spring! Not One, but Two First Day of Spring Birthdays!

Yeah, yeah...We be Pointing the finger (not the nasty'on now) at Ye Hooligan's wawctw and Ratster!
"Hey Ya Happy Birthday to Both of You!"

How did the big day go on this fine Spring Day? Did the sun shine in Connecticut? Hmm, snow? :( Did it shine in Tennessee? Possible? ;) Ah, whatever the weather we're just hoping Ya'll had a Great Time.
From All of Us to the Two of You.....CHEERS to Another fun filled year of PCX riding!!

How many ways can you play Happy Birthday on a Guitar? 8)

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:26 pm
by WhiteNoise
We know it's Your Birthday, and we're hoping you Two had a Great Time!!

:P Cheers Birthday PCX'ers "6ftMach1Girl and haqeemlee!!" :P

What have ya'll been up to lately? Missing you around these parts. Hope all is well...why not chime in? Saddle up and Ride on back, give us an update, share an experience or story, the forum has grown nicely "Since You've Been Gone."

6footer, how's your stable of fun these days? Your 2 PCX's and a Roaring Red 1972 Mach 1!! 8)
This Roaring one as a matter of fact...
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That sounds like this!..... when "You" Wake It: :D

Not forgetting you haqeemlee, how is your fun-one doing...Your 2015 Pearl White? Pull over sometime and fill us in 8)

Congrats to you both! Wishing you miles of smiles on All your wheels!

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:41 pm
by homie
351 Cleveland?... sweet!

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:03 pm
by WhiteNoise
Been singing this song for awhile now, but this time it's for You conv1900!! Woot! Woot!

"Happy Birthday fellow PCX'er!!"
What are you doing today? Shining up your Red PCX getting her ready to roll? Or maybe you're adding a few accessories? Doesn't matter long as You're doing what You want to do and enjoying it!! Period. Your Day!! Bingo!

So, you're a Bass fisherman heh? Oh, I've got a story.... :D

It was the first and last time that I caught bass. It was out of Lake Champlain while vacationing in Vermont. I was in my late teens staying with a friend's grandparent's in their old old home, almost waterfront. The house was amazing. Wood, wood and more wood! It was late afternoon, the water was like glass and no other boats were in sight. We dragged their little rower offshore and headed out. Now we had heard a rumor that the lake was low on bass that year, and that the only catches made were small and all throw backs. We didn't care, we were out for our daily 10-15 perch catch for the family's dinner. Then afterwards, we'd pick some fresh corn and tomatoes across their dirt road and enjoy. Yummy!

We're talking Bass! what about the Bass? :roll: Oh...right, the bass :D
So lines are in, perch are caught, nothing unusual till....BAM! Smack! Geez, I almost lost my rod. It was heavy, it was crazy, it was fighting me. It twern't a perch! But, what the hell was it? I immediately thought of the Loch Ness Monster (another rumor running rampid in all daily newspapers. That was our awareness era of said creature, if I remember correctly). Anywho....I had something really big on my little rig swimming round n round causing a ruckus. I intended on landing it and I did!
Holy Smoker's it was the fattest fish I'd ever seen and....big! What a Mouth! It Took two of our shaking bodies, and with a boat rocking to get that sucker in the rowboat! Our eyes bulging at the lakes monster. Oh my God, we thought! The town ain't never gonna believe this!! We rowed our asses back to shore lick-kidy split, and I held it as proud as a peacock, my feathers ablaze! We got in the door and everyone stood amazed. They said, "get yourselves outside on the (dirt) road and walk the block circle around and come back! You show Everyone what you caught! You go and make believers outta them!"
Shoot, I was so embarrassed, but I did it. Like a soldier, I marched the path around. I didn't know any of them and they were saying this n that to me. That fish got heavier and smellier...I just kept walking faster and faster. When I got back the fish was taken away from me, cleaned and then cooked. I had a piece of him alright!

That's my story conv1900, I'm sure you have bigger and better tales to tell. Cheers to you for that!! I wish you many exciting catches ahead! After all........
It's "All About The Bass"

A little video for you too ("but, it ain't me babe..." :D )

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:17 pm
by WhiteNoise

I know you're out there and checking in on us every so often ;) and that's a good thing! But, I've been wondering IF you held onto your beautiful White PCX or sold it, now that you've been 3 wheeling around on your Yamaha TriCity. Next time you "stop by" give us an update, will you ? please).

Enough about that, it's your Birthday! Did you have a Great one? Nosey Question......Did You or Did You Not "Blow out All "25" of Your Candles? :D OKay, there's always that extra candle for good luck. So.....did you get all "26?"
Piece of Cake!! ;)

Let's move on to the good stuff: Presents!! Accessories for your scoot? New camera? Artwork?
Ahh...I know, :D MUSIC! Yes?
Have no fear, I got a song for you. A throwback from a group you like for "your special day!"
YOU GET, Grand Funk Railroad!!

Keep Rocking & Riding the Days Away! Cheers! Stay Happy!

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:04 am
by WhiteNoise
I'm a wee bit late with two Birthday wishes. My excuse? Easter Holiday. So....without further ado, ahem, rather delay on this Extremely important Day, let me say.....

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY to....gbmckenzie And buddy1976!"
Both PCX'ers from the UK! Cheers mates, PartyTime! 8)

I spent a bit of time YouTubing trying to gather a combo Birthday/Easter Video. But that didn't go so well. Yeah yeah mainly for kiddies finding eggs and the like. Hmm you two like eggs? Then that might have worked. Ah well, maybe next year :D

Then there were the YouTube 2015 Easter Scooter rides. Boo-hoo mostly Vespa' know, That "Piaggio" label :roll: Well, where the hell are the Honda's?! Whatever!

You know what? I'm stopping. Right here. Time ticks on and my belated wishes get be-late-ter-er.
So Here's our Late Birthday Video to you 2

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:01 am
by WhiteNoise
A quick SHOUTOUT to WORFAB, it's yer birthday!

So Whatcha been doing WORFAB? How's your scoot? Have you designed any welded pieces for it, a rack perhaps or an exhaust cover or........Anything? Would love to see it! :P
(folks if you go to his website, you'll see some cool stuff!

I know you haven't been around here in awhile, but I'm hoping you drop by soon to see what's happening in PCXland. Hey! Did you get a 2015 screen yet? They're available now! Hmm...I could use a rack though...any ideas? :P

Put on your thinking cap (after your Birthday of course :D ), and maybe you can Fire One Up!
Cheers 'n Beers!
Signed us

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:44 am
by WhiteNoise
Yowza! Another Birthday! This one belongs to.......SeaHawk!

How's retired life treating Ya? Gotta be good, especially when you're driving one of these:
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Wishing you a Fun Loving Day whether it be "Charg'in" or "PCX'in"
Be safe & return whenever

Hmm....These cars are looking familiar
8) getcha in the mood :D

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 10:16 pm
by WhiteNoise

How about that New 2015 PCX...have you gotten to ride it yet? How are you? I remember reading about your accident last July(?) are you "all better" now? Rough times, I bet! That was the past.
It's a new year and it'll be a better one, a Fun One you'll see! ;)

Flash forward......I read your profile and saw you're a Chef. That's so Yummy! What's your speciality, rather...what is it you enjoy cooking and where do you perform? It is a performance. If anyone ever sat and watched a cooking show, you'll See what I mean :P Kudo's to you, you make life more delicious!

I hope for your Birthday, that someone cooks your favorite meal, serves you, and cleans-up.
More than the meal, I hope your dessert is the "piece de resistance!"

Have Fun and Enjoy!

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:35 pm
by WhiteNoise

Hey Van-Man! We've got a sign for you! :P
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Today? ^^ Nah, I'm betting you know exactly who to hang with. :D Pub Day? :D

Raise yer glass, yer bottle, yer We tip our lids to "You!" 8) CHEERS

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:37 pm
by WhiteNoise
Cruising by to wish member "dmiles13 a Very Happy Birthday!"
Enjoy yourself,....get out!.....and Ride Captain Ride :P California style 8)
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Ahhh... o_O ... 60 ahead is actually, "60 mph ahead" ;) All Better! :D Cheers!

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:14 pm
by WhiteNoise
Looks like a video was removed up above. Sorry 'bout that Birthday peeps :( I would fixie that, But! I can't. Editing is Not available at this point, but our wishes still stand firm :P

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:32 pm
by WhiteNoise
Somebody!! Grab the Candles! How many? Don't Ask! Just Light 'em Up! No! Not the forever burning candles! The one's in the pantry! The blue ones.
:? WAIT!! Did someone make the cake? Where's the cake? OMGadosh, Head Chef Gilbert will be here any moment! Please, please....think people! What?? It's in the oven? It's burnt? We're screwed! How will we ever pass his class? Someone Run to the Bakery! Take my Scoot at full throttle! Go! Be gone...

Why Hello bertybrate :D How are you? Here...have a seat, relax...take your glasses off, kick yer feet up and pour some Merry. Why?
"IT'S YER BIRTHDAY," :P and We're all here to celebrate your big day! What did you say? Cake? Where? Hmm...Shortly. Oops, scoots not back o_O but We promise we'll do better next year. Fail? We failed? Oh no can't be :( How about a new windscreen instead? Helmet? Top case? Ah, a custom seat should do it! No you say? Okay.

Then this will have to do
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We will just start over again!

CHEERS and may all your meals taste better than our no-see-um-cake :D

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:16 am
by WhiteNoise
....we have another!

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY oldbiker!!"

I'm Not sure what a Railway Engineer does (sorry) but I can tell you sure sounds like hard work to me. Thanks for doing all that you can do to keep things moving. And your forum name, "oldbiker," tells me You got history on wheels. Stories to tell. Memories galore. Perhaps you will share a few with us one day. Yes, we can pretend there's a campfire, wolves howling and beer chasing. Imagination.

Today's your Day, another year has passed. Keep riding. We hope this year brings the best story yet!
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Just a wee bit of humor :P

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:54 pm
by WhiteNoise
Hey DAB!! It's Your Turn!!

Are you out celebrating.....(still?) :D Cool!
Hmm...then again there's that chance that you spent the day with All your bikes. That Rocks!

Speaking of Rocks, I have a video or two 4you :P that I think you will enjoy ;)

A little secret, I've been drawn to rocks ever since I could walk. I would fight to break them open to see what was inside. I find them fascinating to this day and I will pick one up should it catch my eye (be where I am). My collection is small, two handfuls at most...but I treasure. So, "I Dig It!" 8)

Enjoy Your Special day DAB :P Whatever you do, Wherever You Are, Keep on Keeping on!

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:18 am
by DAB
WhiteNoise wrote: A little secret, I've been drawn to rocks ever since I could walk.
Diamonds are a girls best friend eh. :D

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 12:04 pm
by WhiteNoise
Joemag22 it's Your Day....Where are ya mate? :roll:

Should we start the party without you? Suppose we'll have to, but feel free to join in at any time (the sooner the better :D )

Here We Go! From All of Us, to "You"....


Did your Dad ever ride? Could this have been you (yesterday's ago?)
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No resting today! Here's to Riding!! 8) (Beer Later)

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:30 pm
by WhiteNoise
Wake Up Peeps!
This is member HawaiiJ's :P Birthday.


Fellow peeps, do you remember his Beautiful Red and White Pcx? He sold it :( Sad. He had to.

HawaaiJ, did you ever leave Thailand to come back to the States?
Did you get another scoot? Hmm....Maybe get one for your Birthday? 8)

I miss you & your scoot here! It was always fun to see what you were up to. What additions you made.
Wait! We can take a look at it again! 8) right your thread:

Well, I'm glad We got the chance to wish you a Happy Day. Enjoy it! It's all yours!
Raise your glass. Toast: "Here's to Riding!" ;)

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:57 pm
by WhiteNoise
:P "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ericpcx1!!" :P

It's Friday! Weekend birthday's are still the best! That's "IF" you don't have to work the next 2 days :|
If ya don't, then you can party-hardy any which way you want :) Age does Not Matter!!

How would you eric, like to spend it rebel riding into and beyond the background of this?
Whilst singing "Born to be Wild"....Thinking "My Way," cause you know "Life is a Highway!!"

DO IT!! Tune yer vocals, Hop on yer Saddle and "Take a Slow Ride" (fast ok too 8) ENJOY!!

Re: "Happy Birthday PCX'er!"

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 5:40 pm
by you you
WhiteNoise wrote: :P "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ericpcx1!!" :P

It's Friday! Weekend birthday's are still the best! That's "IF" you don't have to work the next 2 days :|
If ya don't, then you can party-hardy any which way you want :) Age does Not Matter!!

How would you eric, like to spend it rebel riding into and beyond the background of this?
Whilst singing "Born to be Wild"....Thinking "My Way," cause you know "Life is a Highway!!"

DO IT!! Tune yer vocals, Hop on yer Saddle and "Take a Slow Ride" (fast ok too 8) ENJOY!!

You are a mad bugger. Did you paint those yellow lines?