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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:47 am
by relic
these gals sang about the dilemma many years ago

Re: covid

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 6:43 am
by Old Grinner
Now that you mention it the song does fit! o_O

What we need is some kind of "Round Up" for COVID-19 . . . vaccine that is. The virus does spread like weeds. :roll:

Re: covid

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:41 am
by Mel46
Speaking of weeds, I went over to an elderly neighbor's house yesterday and sprayed the yard for fleas, but I had to do this while gloved, masked, hat, face shield, and whatever else I could put on. I looked like someone who handles germ warfare items...or just a dork.

I read the list of "creatures" the spray would eliminate and it was extensive. I think it probably kills weeds too. The question is whether this stuff still works after all these years. We had bought this spray 10 years ago, never opened it, and had forgotten that we even had it! We were cleaning out our storage shed for our coming move when we discovered it in a corner.

Well, she will either have a great lawn or a dead one. :roll: :?

Re: covid

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:38 pm
by NADman
"Well, she will either have a great lawn or a dead one."

Great. Ten year old, unknown chemicals, dead 'creatures'?
"Stay home" rule definitely applies in this case.

Re: covid

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 6:30 pm
by Mel46
Well, she asked if we had anything to kill the fleas on her lawn. Hopefully it worked. The elderly need help too. Hmmm... well I hope it did its job and no more. I don't like spraying chemicals on lawns, but I know of no other way to get rid of a yard full of those pests.

Re: covid

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:21 pm
by gn2
Mel46 wrote:Well, she asked if we had anything to kill the fleas on her lawn. Hopefully it worked. The elderly need help too. Hmmm... well I hope it did its job and no more. I don't like spraying chemicals on lawns, but I know of no other way to get rid of a yard full of those pests.

Re: covid

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:50 am
by Old Grinner
It's not over yet . . ..

Impatience is building momentum in some circles.

Nobody was expecting anything like this. Nobody was expecting so many people to be infected in so short a period of time. It's like a curse . . ..

Moving forward it seems that there is a wide range of opinion about "Wet Markets" that sell wild animals and domesticated animals for food or other uses thus promoting the exposure of viruses between species that otherwise would have never interfaced. When a new form of virus jumps from, lets say, a "bat" to humans and it's contagious it just takes off like a wildfire.

Godspeed as they say . . . best of health to all. :)

Re: covid

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:49 am
by springer1
I donno, I have mixed feelings. Here's what I understand to be factual ..... I may be amiss, please let me know if so.

1. The data shows it's very contagious and dangerous for those either over 60 or with other illnesses. What we've done so far was prudent.

2. That same data shows it no more dangerous for those under 50 than a typical flu.

3. The media is making a mint from increased ads and ad prices due to increased viewers and listeners. They show lots of compassion and coverage but don't show a lot of actual data. When they do show information, it's usually their opinion of it, not the actual data.

4. It's socially incorrect and risky to speak of longterm financial or other impacts of continued shutdown, or how to start up again with prudent measures; it's only correct to focus on potential dangers. (Some of you might be getting p*ssed at me by now)

5. Again, the data shows it's very contagious and dangerous for those either over 60 and with other illnesses. And what we've done so far was prudent.

6. Young families and young people with low risk will soon start defaulting on their mortgages and loans because they are out of work.

7. Somewhere in early May, all the revenue and anticipated revenue from Corporate and Individual taxes will no longer pay for 2020 Govt expenses, and new bonds will need to by bought by someone / some country to serve as income by our govt. This is the same as previous years. The US govt is heading to a financial crisis, as all these current and additional debts and the interest on these debts need to be repaid. A out of control govt & personal debt crisis is a national situation much worse than what we're dealing with now. Think of the USSR, Greece & others.

8. We can't stay shut down forever, and at some point need to start taking measured risks and prudent measures to apply the "under 50 , over 60, and etc" types of data and take steps to restart, and recover the economy and people's employment.

So, I donno, I have mixed feelings. But I don't trust all the news media (who are most benefiting from this) or those (not all) politicians who are life-long hacks, are adverse to accountability, who politicize it, and in many cases are celebrities who have never actually made responsible decisions without first getting the media & press behind them and being told what to do.

That doesn't mean we begin irresponsible steps to recover ..... simply that we start somehow, somewhere prudently and then take it from there as more data is available. Look at the data we have now rather than just the press hype.

Sorry if this is offensive to some people.

Re: covid

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:33 pm
by Inoplanetyanin
I'll go with my knowledge and thinking point by point.

1. The data shows it's very contagious and dangerous for those either over 60 or with other illnesses. What we've done so far was prudent.

It is equally dangerous for people of all ages.
Immunity here may not be related to health or age but something more unique, like blood type or just how the virus is accpted or rejected by the body's immune system.
Look at death statistic, 29-40 are dying in huge proportions.

2. That same data shows it no more dangerous for those under 50 than a typical flu.

By far more dangerous. Covid 19 can have as high as 9% case mortality rate. The world doesn't go on lock down due to flu, think about it.

3. The media is making a mint from increased ads and ad prices due to increased viewers and listeners. They show lots of compassion and coverage but don't show a lot of actual data. When they do show information, it's usually their opinion of it, not the actual data.

Media? We are talking about the global pandemic. Russia, Indonesia, all kind of countries are suffering with citizens dying. Naive to include media into some conspiracy theory. Media does what it does by its nature.

4. It's socially incorrect and risky to speak of longterm financial or other impacts of continued shutdown, or how to start up again with prudent measures; it's only correct to focus on potential dangers. (Some of you might be getting p*ssed at me by now)

The world is not so simple as "only correct" or incorrect. Millions of people, millions of problems and opinions.
Your point here really lacks the depth of social, economic, health, political, military, strategic.... dimensions. And I am not even scratching the surface.

5. Again, the data shows it's very contagious and dangerous for those either over 60 and with other illnesses. And what we've done so far was prudent.

Again, no, not only for those over 60, new born infants are dying from Covid 19.

6. Young families and young people with low risk will soon start defaulting on their mortgages and loans because they are out of work.

Noone has "low risk", even those who have overcame symptoms are getting re-infected.
A lot of young nurses have died treating infected patients.

Economic impact is real and difficult for many.

7. Somewhere in early May, all the revenue and anticipated revenue from Corporate and Individual taxes will no longer pay for 2020 Govt expenses, and new bonds will need to by bought by someone / some country to serve as income by our govt. This is the same as previous years. The US govt is heading to a financial crisis, as all these current and additional debts and the interest on these debts need to be repaid. A out of control govt & personal debt crisis is a national situation much worse than what we're dealing with now. Think of the USSR, Greece & others.

Are you an economist? I am not. I think the economic impact the pandemic has on the world economies is extremely complex, unpredictable and very debatable. Some will loose, some will gain, most will not understand how complex the economic situation in the world is. If you feel you have the qualifications to speak on this, please tell me how the gold prices relative to OPEN oil production and middle eastern crisis will affect the debt and investments made by top 25 economies. Please speak of the effects of Brexit, North Korea, Afghanistan and Iranian military incidents that happened in January are impacting the GDP for Americans. Please expand on what data you use to make your conclusions.

Anyway, I hope you get my point...

8. We can't stay shut down forever, and at some point need to start taking measured risks and prudent measures to apply the "under 50 , over 60, and etc" types of data and take steps to restart, and recover the economy and people's employment.

It is understandable that you liked the old world better and have urges to return to "normal".
Have you thought about going to NYC to volunteer? Homeless shelters? Making masks?

Are you consuming news from primarily US sources or other international sources? If so, in what languages other than English are you getting the information about the global pandemic? I feel the US news media is worthless these days.

Re: covid

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:09 pm
by springer1
It is equally dangerous for people of all ages.
Immunity here may not be related to health or age but something more unique, like blood type or just how the virus is accpted or rejected by the body's immune system.
Look at death statistic, 29-40 are dying in huge proportions.
Interesting. Like I said, sorry if this is offensive to some people.

Anyways, see this age graph from the BBC a few weeks ago which is similar to other published data & charts. Read the text & other info as well - which also tracks with other data I've seen.

When you say .... "Look at death statistic, 29-40 are dying in huge proportions" - exactly what is the "huge proportion" & what source / site is that "death statistic" from ?

Thanks - & FWIW I'm not going to respond to this thread any further. Peace.

Re: covid

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:05 pm
by gn2
springer1 wrote:I donno, I have mixed feelings. Here's what I understand to be factual ..... I may be amiss, please let me know if so.

1. The data shows it's very contagious and dangerous for those either over 60 or with other illnesses. What we've done so far was prudent.

2. That same data shows it no more dangerous for those under 50 than a typical flu. Absolutely wrong

3. The media is making a mint from increased ads and ad prices due to increased viewers and listeners. They show lots of compassion and coverage but don't show a lot of actual data. When they do show information, it's usually their opinion of it, not the actual data. The facts are easily obtained, just don't go looking in the MSM

4. It's socially incorrect and risky to speak of longterm financial or other impacts of continued shutdown, or how to start up again with prudent measures; it's only correct to focus on potential dangers. (Some of you might be getting p*ssed at me by now) Billionaires pushing for people going back to work shows but one thing, they don't earn their money, you do.

5. Again, the data shows it's very contagious and dangerous for those either over 60 and with other illnesses. And what we've done so far was prudent.

6. Young families and young people with low risk will soon start defaulting on their mortgages and loans because they are out of work.

7. Somewhere in early May, all the revenue and anticipated revenue from Corporate and Individual taxes will no longer pay for 2020 Govt expenses, and new bonds will need to by bought by someone / some country to serve as income by our govt. This is the same as previous years. The US govt is heading to a financial crisis, as all these current and additional debts and the interest on these debts need to be repaid. A out of control govt & personal debt crisis is a national situation much worse than what we're dealing with now. Think of the USSR, Greece & others. USA tax system is rigged to make the rich richer. The top 5% of the USA population have enough money between them to pay for everything. Make the parasitic cunts pay.

8. We can't stay shut down forever, and at some point need to start taking measured risks and prudent measures to apply the "under 50 , over 60, and etc" types of data and take steps to restart, and recover the economy and people's employment. Best to wait for a vaccine

So, I donno, I have mixed feelings. But I don't trust all the news media (who are most benefiting from this) or those (not all) politicians who are life-long hacks, are adverse to accountability, who politicize it, and in many cases are celebrities who have never actually made responsible decisions without first getting the media & press behind them and being told what to do.

That doesn't mean we begin irresponsible steps to recover ..... simply that we start somehow, somewhere prudently and then take it from there as more data is available. Look at the data we have now rather than just the press hype.

Sorry if this is offensive to some people. Fuck them. Eat the rich.
First thing you need to do is get rid of the orange baboon / man baby.

Re: covid

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:33 pm
by Inoplanetyanin
springer1 wrote:
It is equally dangerous for people of all ages.
Immunity here may not be related to health or age but something more unique, like blood type or just how the virus is accpted or rejected by the body's immune system.
Look at death statistic, 29-40 are dying in huge proportions.
When you say .... "Look at death statistic, 29-40 are dying in huge proportions" - exactly what is the "huge proportion" & what source / site is that "death statistic" from ?
Here, for example:

Among 508 (12%) patients known to have been hospitalized, 9% were aged ≥85 years, start highlight36%end highlight were aged 65–84 years, 17% were aged 55–64 years, 18% were 45–54 years, and 20% were aged 20–44 years.

20% is plenty risky.


Re: covid

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:41 pm
by Old Grinner
hanks - & FWIW I'm not going to respond to this thread any further. Peace.
Not to worry . . ..

Thanks for your opinion.

You brought up some good points.

Stuff can be replaced. Unfortunately lives cannot.

It gets complicated.

I see a lot of generous souls giving it their all "on the line" and it makes me feel good to see them get honored, or be provided with a hot meal during a short break from a generous restaurant owner. They run on 12 hour shifts and turn themselves inside out to help others. Some don't make it . . ..

We can all agree on one thing for sure . . . tough times have come before and tough times will come again. This clip sends a good message. :D

Re: covid

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:52 pm
by Inoplanetyanin
springer1 wrote:
2. That same data shows it no more dangerous for those under 50 than a typical flu.
Whoever compares Covid 19 with flu is doing a huge disservice by deceiving the people.

For fresh realization of how serious thing virus is, please scroll through all these people who lost their lives to this virus. ... -memories/

Re: covid

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:59 pm
by big bear
yes GN2 you are right the billionares want us back at work cause there losing money they dont care if you die

Re: covid

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:45 am
by Old Grinner
When we do "rebuild" let us hope the "all knowing" don't live in "fantasy land". :roll:

Life is very "real" right now for very many. :?

Re: covid

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:26 pm
by Old Grinner
The more things change the more they stay the same . . ..

As always . . . may the "Force" be with us all. Live long and prosper! :geek: