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Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:37 pm
by C-Note
Wow, I was out for a ride Saturday afternoon out in the countryside for about 4 hrs. I almost had to change my shorts as a deer came flying out of the brush toward the road. Then he saw me, turned on a dime, and hi-tailed it back into the field. Fortunately I saw him coming and would have been able to stop no problem had he decided to run across the road, Whew!!!

Just a reminder to BE CAREFUL out there, where your helmet. Things come out of nowhere.

Anyone else have any similar close calls or stories?

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:56 pm
by Taz
Yeh we get kangaroos and wallabies jump out in front of you, especially night time. Then they act like big rabbits and become frozen in your headlight. In a car you can turn off the headlight for a second or so, so they can jump clear, but you cant do that on the PCX! Where I live, the roos are only 4 to 5 feet tall but in the outback the red kangaroos can be 8 or 9 feet and can do some damage.

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:07 pm
by JoshuaJohnson111089
Australia is so scary :/

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:26 am
by maddiedog
I've hit a couple of rabbits, a few squirrels, a bird, but never had a close call with a deer (luckily). I saw a groundhog when I was riding this weekend, that was cool. :)

The scariest close call I've had was when a toddler stumbled into the road in front of me. I didn't have time to stop, just barely dodged the little kid. The parents were mad at ME too -- not my fault your damn kid was in the road, keep it on a leash or something. :lol:

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:29 am
by gn2
Yep I had a deer jump over a fence and come to a dead stop in the road in front of me, I braked sharply then it decided to run to the other side of the road then jump the other fence.
I was on my way to a petrol station at the time and after I had filled up on the way back I stopped where the incident had happened and the deer was still standing in the woods and turned to look at me.
It's not unusual for me to see deer in the road, happens at least four times a year, maybe more.
Previously I have hit and killed many rabbits, many pheasants, a sheep, an owl and two cats.

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:18 am
by daugava
Looks like you are more lucky than this guy (warning - disturbing video)

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:55 pm
by duive01
I killed a duck once on a motorcycle (me on the motorcycle, not the duck!), it was crossing the street so I thought I could pass it at the duck's backside. It heard me and then turned around. Too bad, I was sorry for the duck. What surprised me was that I hardly felt anything running over it, I used to think you would fell down when hitting an animal, even a small one. So it was reassuring that hitting a small animal isn't that bad (except for the animal!).
And on a Honda Foresight 250 scooter I hit a cat but it ran away so I think (hope) it wasn't hurt too bad. Also then I hardly felt anything.
With these kind of animals (bigger) it is a different story of course. I think about it sometimes she I drive on the roads through the woods, luckily it never happened yet. I also think the chance of this happening is very slim. I wonder if there are figures known about this: how many two wheelers have hit bigger animals? It's probably a regional question too.

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:04 pm
by Scottish
I've not had any encounters yet with any wildlife however here in the Gorbals you have to keep an eye out for idiotic junkie types who step off the pavement with no warning and dont bother to look to see whats coming...honestly they think they have the right of way the stupid assholes!

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:24 pm
by daugava
duive01 wrote:And on a Honda Foresight 250 scooter I hit a cat but it ran away so I think (hope) it wasn't hurt too bad.
LOL, I was reading it quickly and thought you said "I hit a *car* but it ran away" :)

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:30 pm
by TC3
Not on a bike but 2 hours after buying a car it was an insurance write off after a deer ran into my path on a motorway.....

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:07 pm
by gn2
Scottish wrote: idiotic junkie types who step off the pavement with no warning and dont bother to look to see whats coming
Same problem exists with "smart" phone junkies engrossed in their little personal bubble of mobile interweb.
"Smart" phones make people dumb. <<Fact.

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:50 am
by duive01
daugava wrote:
duive01 wrote:And on a Honda Foresight 250 scooter I hit a cat but it ran away so I think (hope) it wasn't hurt too bad.
LOL, I was reading it quickly and thought you said "I hit a *car* but it ran away" :)

I did that once too but it didn't run away. ... 7&start=20

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:30 pm
by edscoot
A couple of weeks ago a bike went through my village at a disgusting speed, the guy didn't give a fuck about anybody or anything. He had to change down to (I'm guessing) 2nd to get round a corner near my house and then I heard him going up through the box at full throttle. About 10-15mins later a Police car came screaming past, followed soon after by another. Turns out the idiot biker had ridden straight into a cow that was crossing an unfenced road with clear visibility and good weather, (the biker knew the road well it turned out), result: Death of biker and cow. Reason for riding like a dick? Gossip in the pub says he had just had a row with his wife! Other result: Widow and two fatherless children. :x

Re: Had a deer run out in front of me!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:01 pm
by Cascanciu
The scariest animal they have in Oz is some sort of bear that lives in trees, jumps on people and is venomous. Bad news is that there's no antivenom. And he's particularly prone to jump on tourist's backs. Can't remember the name, though.

This said, we have no deer here, but we have the smaller roe deer, and we have boar. Boars will excavate tunnels underneath the fences that protect highways from wildlife (and wildlife from highways) and get across. The mess they create if you hit them is something you have to see, to believe it. Those suckers are armoured beasts.. I've seen lorries with their front (that includes radiator, headlights, etc) completely smashed after hitting one of those. However, you don't need any of them to ruin your day. Just a cat will do. I hit once one, at night, at roughly 100 kph, and the outcome was the front fender broken, and a power steering hose cut in two, which left me without power steering. Parking was an interesting experience, when I had to move those wheels under the 2.0 litre turbo-diesel, with no assistance.

Ah, for those who live close to the shore. Today, a BIG seagull decided to make a low-pass like a meter or so above my helmet. Bastard. Scared the shit out of me. I wished I had a shotgun handy, but I didn't.