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Lesson Learned on 8,000km (5,000m) Service

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:07 pm
by JohnL
I booked my PCX in for its 8,000km service about 3 weeks ago, as it's about to come out of warranty (only 12 months in Oz).

As we were going away for a short break I only put the bike in on last Monday. There were absolutely no problems worth mentioning, so as far as I was concerned it was a simple service. My mistake, when I picked it up there was a bill of $380.00 waiting for me.

I queried the amount and the service manager informed me they had done a valve check and that was the reason for the high amount. I had forgotten to specify no valve check when it was booked in, so paid the price.

The kind of good news, when I asked the mechanic if they needed adjustment he said they were completely in spec and needed no adjustment.

As it's probably the last time it goes in for a service it won't be a drama in the future, but just to make sure I asked them to mark my file "no valve checks" in future.

The only laugh I got out of this was the report suggested the right brake lever needs replacing, because when I had my off, the end of the black lever has a paint chip about 3mm square. :D :D

Re: Lesson Learned on 8,000km (5,000m) Service

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:33 pm
by dkazzed
Wow. A lot of Honda mechanics around here think Honda's valve check interval is absurd and won't touch them until at least 12,000km unless the customers absolutely insist.

Re: Lesson Learned on 8,000km (5,000m) Service

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:28 am
by iceman
Maybe most are in spec or just out, and it does not seem to causes any problems. If the bike is reliable, starts 1st time and gives good performance and economy then things cannot be that far out - can they?

Re: Lesson Learned on 8,000km (5,000m) Service

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:53 pm
by you you
What can I say :D :D

It won't be fool and money but that does cross my mind and I guess yours

And you won't be the last

It's a twicklywickly two valve scooter engine that no amount of angst polishing will change its simple engineering

It's not it's problem

Re: Lesson Learned on 8,000km (5,000m) Service

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:57 pm
by JohnL
you you wrote:What can I say :D :D

It won't be fool and money but that does cross my mind and I guess yours
:) :) Yes :D :D

Worst part was I got a quote from them about a month ago, it was $220.00, with no mention of a valve check.

I assumed that was it, but we all know what happens when we assume!

Heehaw heehaw.

We move on, it's just another shitty day in paradise :lol: :lol:

Re: Lesson Learned on 8,000km (5,000m) Service

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:48 pm
by honkerman
dkazzed wrote:Wow. A lot of Honda mechanics around here think Honda's valve check interval is absurd and won't touch them until at least 12,000km unless the customers absolutely insist.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I was told at my Honda dealer, though in miles (7500).

Re: Lesson Learned on 8,000km (5,000m) Service

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:21 pm
by iceman
I wonder how many have paid for the so called valve check but the dealer has not looked at them - quite a few I would imagine. Not saying that's the case here, but if they are actually checked down the line and found to be out, well, the dealer can always say they drifted out since they checked :)

Re: Lesson Learned on 8,000km (5,000m) Service

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:00 pm
by WhiteNoise
Oh boy,...Ah well
So you bought yourself some peace of mind John :) Just another day in the life. Ride safe, have Fun!!!

Re: Lesson Learned on 8,000km (5,000m) Service

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:36 pm
by haildamage
i've been telling people here for years that there is no valve check specified in the japanese service manuals and the chief mechanic at my local honda dream shop (flagship official honda motorcycle shops in japan) says that we will check the valves when and if they seem to need to be checked. the PCX is ubiquitous here in japan and he deals with a gazzillion of these in his shop.

if you like to tinker with your bike, go ahead and check them. if you need to pay to get it done, you'd probably save enough to buy a new bike over paying to have them checked every 2500 miles!