2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

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2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by maddiedog »

Despite all logic given the weather last weekend in Georgia, me and one of my best friends (awesome dude named Freeman) went down to Cocoa Beach, FL for the Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally.
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As usual with my trips, Maddie, my dog, came with me. We took the Silverwing this trip, which was vital given most of the ~1100 mile round-trip was highway miles. The plan was to camp out, so I gathered all my gear and packed up the bike:
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I packed my usual gear for a motorcycle camping, but with extra gear due to it being cold and the anticipation of rain (more on both camping and rain in a bit). With what I packed, I could almost have lived perpetually off of the motorcycle. Anyways, that includes:
- Hennesey Hammock
- Sleeping Bag
- Mess kit (stove, fuel, dry food, utensils, dish kit)
- First aid kit
- Tool kit (too much to list, all fits in the tiny container next to the dog's paw in the pic)
- Sunblock
- 5 days of clothes in a waterproof roll-top bag, extra shoes, summer gloves for FL
- two towels
- dog
- dog stuff (ball, poop bags, harness, leash, doggie jacket)
- Rain suit
- Armored jacket, winter gloves, winter jacket to keep the cold out
- Spare backpack to pack winter gear in when we hit sane riding weather
- Helmet
- Phone / charger
- Laptop (Dell XPS14), mouse, charger
- Walther PPS
- Water bottle

Almost all that went under the seat. The tool kit, mess kit, and first aid kit went in the tunnel bag, and the roll-top bag was strapped to the passenger seat.

My buddy Freeman met me at work Friday afternoon, here's my Silverwing next to his Bandit:
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And so the 3 of us left, heading southbound down Interstate 75 towards Florida. Sadly, the Cocoa Beach Tiki gods did NOT smile upon us. Just South of Macon, GA we hit MASSIVE amounts of rain. We had anticipated rain (the forecast was 100% chance of rain, with a chance of "wintery mix." I interpreted this as "bring your raingear and your testicles, you'll need them."

We stopped at McNasty (McDonalds for those of you who actually enjoy that shit) for a brief reprieve, and were told how awesome it is that our dog rides with us. I also learned that it's REALLY hard to take a piss when you have a dog in the front of your jacket.

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We had to carry on, so we powered on through the muck. I didn't want the dog to get even more wet as the storm intensified, so I zipped her into my jacket. She didn't like that much, she prefers to ride shotgun on the tunnel bag... Regardless, she soon fell asleep, and things were wet, cold, and miserable for the next 6 hours. At least I had 15lbs of terrier keeping my front warm, I'm not sure how Freeman was able to stay warm. The massive 1250cc engine between his legs probably helped.

Temperatures slowly rose from 42 degrees F to around 70F as we rode Southbound. The rain was relentless, pounding us constantly. Freeman's leathers failed spectacularly, and he was soaked to the bone. I was fortunate enough to only have leaky gloves, and stayed almost entirely dry. It helped that I had a massive wall of plastic in front of me, fairings are wonderful! :D

After two more stops for gas, we finally were in Lake City, FL. We had ridden out of the storm, and stopped for gas and to have Subway for dinner. Freeman's leathers weighed at least 50lbs from all the water they soaked up, and the dog smelled like wet dog. Luckily, I brought towels. We dried off, had food, and the dog took a massive dook behind the dumpsters. Seriously, it was epic, she must have been holding it in for days.

Getting dry:
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I left the pup out of the jacket and she rode shotgun on the tunnel bag again, she was quite excited about that. We blasted on Southbound, eager to let the engines rev up now that we were warm and (mostly) dry. The miles flew by, and we finally threw in the towel just before midnight in Orlando, FL. The rain had delayed us over 3 hours, and we were too tired to make it to the campsite. Freeman whipped out his phone and started looking for a hotel:
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We stayed at some shitty hotel, if I remembered what it was called, I'd warn you about it. It was bullshit -- we looked up the fuckers on hotels.com, called the hotel and said hotels.com said their rooms were $xx.xx per night, they said oh yeah, we'll do lower than that, so we went to the hotel, arriving at 12:30pm. The fuckwads at the front desk said since it was after midnight, they knew we couldn't book on hotels.com, and since everywhere was sold out from the Daytona500 (GOD DAMN YOU NASCAR), we would have to pay their FULL, holiday rate. So, we paid about twice what we would have had to at hotels.com, and slept. Fuckwads.

We woke up at 8am the next day, barely avoided getting yelled at about having a dog in the room (we may or may not have omitted that detail at the counter), packed the bikes, and got ready to hit the road. I packed all my winter gear into the camo backpack on the top of my luggage, because it was a balmy 72, and we were on the road before 9am.
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The roads in Florida were nice, wide, and smooth. The dog was having a blast riding tunnel bag, SO MANY NEW SMELLS! I don't think her nose ever stopped moving.

I should note here that it's REALLY hard to get a good picture of the dog riding while I'm riding. Anyways, I attempted to get one:
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On we rode, rolling into the rally just in time for the noon ride. We knew it would be a good time when we saw this sign (not my picture, got it from the facebook page):
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Alex (Itsahonda) had ridden his Burgman 650 over, and we met up with him briefly, registered, then went riding with the group.

Here's the route:
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There were a few Burgmans, a bunch of Buddys, 4 PCX's (YAY!), a Ruckus and a Big Ruckus, a few Chinese scooters, a couple of Cushmans, and a whole bunch of Vespas and Lambrettas (the norm for a scooter rally). There were some WICKED looking vintage scooters, I wish I would have gotten a better pic of this guy:
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Lotsa scooters:
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We were going to stop at the beach for a moment, but it was so crowded and such a clusterfuck that most of the ride kept going.
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We took a turn-off onto a beautiful road, nice palm trees, and an excellent view:
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The ride stopped for a moment, and a bunch of folks went to get dinner. Freeman needed a new tire, so he split off to find one, and so I went to go set up camp.

We had planned on staying at Jetty Park, so we called ahead and asked for a reservation way back in November. Since our original intention was to stay Friday and Saturday, we wanted to make sure everything was legit, so we told them we'd have two tents, two guys, two bikes, and one dog. They said all was kosher, that'll be ~$25 now, ~$25 on check-in. We arrived and the gentleman at the front gate wouldn't even let me in with a dog. "The only way you can bring a dog in here is in an RV." What the actual fuck? No refund, no nothing. At least the guy at the gate was nice -- he said it was something to do with City of Cape Canaveral requirements. There were kids around, and I wasn't about to let a setback ruin my trip, so I bailed. I would have taken a pic of me flicking off the Jetty Park sign, but like I said, kids were around, so the city sign will have to do. F IT!
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I rode back to the rally, frustrated as hell. After calling a few hotels with no luck, I was wondering if I was going to have to sleep on the ground behind somewhere (which isn't that big a deal for me, but it is illegal, so I'd rather not).

Luckily, one of the Terminals (particularly, Holly (I apologize again for forgetting your name if you're reading this, I didn't recognize you with the sunglasses)) recommended we stay at Motel 6. It was cheaper than the dumpster/hotel than we stayed in at Orlando and way nicer, so we ended up staying there. The front desk attendants were awesome, the rate was cheap, and the room had beds, but no cockroaches. I highly recommend them if you're looking for a cheap motel, and have standards that consist of "better than sleeping on a park bench."

With my accomodations sorted, I was finally free to relax and enjoy the rally. Here's the scooter lineup Saturday afternoon:
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And I took LOTS of pictures of scooters:
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Yes! PCXes! I forget y'all's names (I am horrendous with names), but it was nice talking to you! If you ever get bored, feel free to join the forum! :D
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Oh man, I think this Lambretta was my favorite. Beautiful bike:
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There were lots more bikes that cycled in and out as people were going riding. I wish I had been there Friday as well so I could have gotten more pictures. Oh well, I had work. Bleh.

I had to do homework (more bleh), so I went back to the hotel. Maddie was pooped, she was getting lots of attention from lots of folks. She took a nap while I battled the online homework system for my Accounting II class.
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After homework was over, it was back to the rally. I talked to more people, and got asked more about the dog. A woman offered to take a pic of me with the pup on our Silverwing, so I figured why not. Here's me and Maddie. She's sitting where she usually rides, on the tunnel bag:
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Night fell quickly, and it was soon time for the raffle. We sat across from the pool, while everyone hoped for good luck. You can just see the raffle bike directly across the pool:
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Post-raffle, there was drinking and relaxing. I still have no idea where all the local folks were, I hadn't seen hardly anyone I recognized. I'm sure there were lots of Terminals there, and I'm fairly sure I saw a guy with a Monkey Knife Fight shirt too (dudes are crazy, but awesome). I usually roll with the folks from GASS since I don't have a Vespa, and the only dude I saw from GASS was Floyd, but even then I was on the phone and hardly had time to say hi. :(

Anyways, me and Freeman got wasted in the Jacuzzi and tried to explain the concept of a scooter rally to a couple and their 9-year old daughter who were on vacation from Michigan. They thought scooter rally = dumb and dumber:

Really, they're not far off. I wouldn't have it any other way though. :lol: :lol: We rode for fun, not for recognition, or to be badass. It's all about the good time. :D

Once the family went to bed (the wife had WAY too much to drink, it was hilarious), we walked out to the parking lot and started chatting with folks out there. We stayed up late as hell talking to the guy that owned the Big Ruckus that I took the picture of up top, he was a Vietnam Vet and has ridden in FOUR Scooter Cannonball runs on that Ruck. Best of luck to you in 2014! We also talked to a nice lady who rode in on a Yamaha Morpheus, she was an avid NRA member and hilarious to talk to.

Well after midnight, we finally went back to the hotel and passed out. We woke up at 8am again the next morning, packed, and were ready to hit the road:
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On the way out, I got a pic of roneyeam's PCX, which I didn't get a chance to earlier.
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We stopped at Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast, and had a bunch of people talk to me about the dog riding again, one of which (an older couple from Quebec) we kept passing or being passed all the way up through Georgia.
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One thing about driving around Orlando that pissed me off was all the FUCKING TOLLS. I swear, I probably spent more on damned tolls than on gas. Actually, that's not a probably -- I definitely spent more on tolls than gas. Here's Freeman giving our opinion on the matter:
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And then we hit rain again. DAMN IT!
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But we powered through it, and were clear of the rain and dry again shortly after. We stopped at Cici's for lunch:
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Rode out, and gassed up a few more times:
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And had our last fill-up just in time to ride off into the sunset:
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I rolled home at about 9pm, just in time to shower, snuggle with my wife ;) , and get some sleep before work early Monday morning. :D
Currently ride: 2011 Honda PCX 125 - Upgraded windshield and seat, keeping this one mostly stock
Previously rides: 2005 V-Strom DL650, 1974 Vespa Ciao, 2011 Honda PCX 170 (tons of mods - takegawa 170cc big bore kit, gears, etc), 1996 Honda Nighthawk 250, 1987 Honda Spree, 2000 KTM 125SX, 2003 Honda Silverwing, 2007 Genuine Buddy 125, 1998 Honda PC800, 2008 Buddy 125 (white), 2008 Buddy 125 (red), 2001 Honda Reflex, 1987 Honda Elite, 1988 Honda Spree, 2007 Yamaha Vino, 2007 Honda Metro, 2x 125cc pure-chinesium dirt bikes
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by dasshreddar »

Epic journey maddiedog 8) damn, you cuss alot when you get wet :lol:
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by Shoe »

cool pics!

Yeah, those tolls suck

Took my boat from Lady Lake to the Keys a few years back. 48 some bucks by the time I got to Miami. 3 axles, my ass

Ended up with a sunpass just so I won't see it until a month later....lol

Still looked like a fun trip. Better than that freezing BS we have up here. I think I did 12 miles since December
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by Mel46 »

You are lucky to be young. I used to do things like that when I was younger and lived in West Texas. Way back then I had the only Harley XL in west Texas and even flat track raced it. Back then I was wild and thought nothing of driving around New Mexico and all the way to Dallas on a weekend. Then I settled down and sold the bike and got a much tamer one....and so it went for many years, trading one bike for another and one fast car for another....mostly Mustangs. Then it was back to the military again and another motorcycle. So, enjoy those rallies for me. :-)
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by CrashBanditMan »

This was such a great Journey for me, I had the best time with my Best friend on this trip down, aside from me not actually riding a scoot. I love the looks and the crazy modifications that some do to them, and here is MaddieDog with the dog in her what i would like to call the "Cold weather bag". And also the tire issue that i went to deal with, unfortunately one cannot see the cupping from heat that occured making scooter rally speeds (35-45) quite interesting or tank slapping.
Tire Split left to right and Cupped
Tire Split left to right and Cupped
Tirebusted.jpg (238.9 KiB) Viewed 11059 times
MaddieDog in Cold weather bag
MaddieDog in Cold weather bag
Maddiedog.jpg (285.83 KiB) Viewed 11059 times
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by happyscooter »

omg do i love these highly detailed journeys with pics and all the fine details! what a wonderful post maddiedog and the best pic is you and your dog with him in the pack hahaha. Thank you thank you for this post, as i sit here in 37 degree rainy cold nashville weather sighing with sadness cuz i cant enjoy my pcx right now this thread here brightens my day :) Man spring time cant come soon enough! my ultimate goal is get me a silverwing so i can do the highway cruising and take a trip to jamestown virginia, the birthplace of america...cant really do it on a pcx. I encourage all members here to do detailed threads like this of your journeys they are better than a hollywood movie. Hey maddiedog i would titel your movie "the wet knight" lol do a part two sometime and we can call it "wet knight rises"

epic thread 10/10
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by calinaz »

Yes, great post, thanks for sharing all the pictures! Never been to Florida, but it looks like a pretty cool scooter scene.
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by Taz »

Best thing I did at Cocoa Beach (apart from checking out the bars and other establishments) was watching the space shuttle blast off. Shame you cant see that any more. But sounds like a great rally.
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by Pcxdemon »

Reading it i almost felt like i was there in person..awesome :D
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by you you »

Excellent report and pictures

You want to be an accountant? You sad b@stard :)
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by maddiedog »

CrashBanditMan wrote:This was such a great Journey for me, I had the best time with my Best friend on this trip down, aside from me not actually riding a scoot. I love the looks and the crazy modifications that some do to them, and here is MaddieDog with the dog in her what i would like to call the "Cold weather bag". And also the tire issue that i went to deal with, unfortunately one cannot see the cupping from heat that occured making scooter rally speeds (35-45) quite interesting or tank slapping.
Hi Freeman! :D

That tire was awful. Your front end was shaky as hell before you got it replaced, I can't believe it didn't fail on you sooner.

you you wrote:You want to be an accountant? You sad b@stard :)
Oh god, no. I'm getting an undergrad in IT management, then going back for an MBA. Unfortunately, Accounting is part of the curriculum. :(
Currently ride: 2011 Honda PCX 125 - Upgraded windshield and seat, keeping this one mostly stock
Previously rides: 2005 V-Strom DL650, 1974 Vespa Ciao, 2011 Honda PCX 170 (tons of mods - takegawa 170cc big bore kit, gears, etc), 1996 Honda Nighthawk 250, 1987 Honda Spree, 2000 KTM 125SX, 2003 Honda Silverwing, 2007 Genuine Buddy 125, 1998 Honda PC800, 2008 Buddy 125 (white), 2008 Buddy 125 (red), 2001 Honda Reflex, 1987 Honda Elite, 1988 Honda Spree, 2007 Yamaha Vino, 2007 Honda Metro, 2x 125cc pure-chinesium dirt bikes
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by WhiteNoise »

Dave....Ra, Ra, Rally!! Quite the Challenge you guys, Cheers!
Great read and the pictures, Awesome! Must have taken quite a bit of time to orgainize all this. You Really brought "home" back to me, seeing those "palm treed & smooth" roads with y'all just cruisin' sucking up the weather and warmer temps....Gosh, I'm missing it.
The Rain...wow Made for an Awful start. Shame. Reading about maddie cold, wet & then,
wait for it, wait for it...... the for-ever poop :lol:
....your pal Freeman, who got so soaked (no windscreen? A Really bad tire o_O ) and You...carrying maddie "in the bag" ....that's love.
Scoots: In one of the ride photo's....I saw a tow pac (that's a trike kit for those reading), I was wondering if that was an MP3? I never saw one in person, but I know of a few riders that have the kit. The artwork on some of the Vespa's just beautiful. And PCX'ers! WaHoo...let them be known!
I could write on and on (yeah, you knows I can :oops:) I'm happy. Wonderful you shared. I Dig this Forum!! Thank you Dave :P
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by WhiteNoise »

the Lambretta Is a real beauty....smooth classy. But.... I always had a fascination for the Big Ruc! I walked away from buying one years back, I still regret it. I'll be happy to take the one pictured above :D
Then, Surprise, surprise....I'm out on eastern L.I. at Honda and in the lot there's BigR! It had a plate/tag on it so, Not for sale.. :( Went inside & Big whoop, I bought a quart of awl
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by maddiedog »

WN - I think the trike kit was on a Burgman 400. The gentleman who rode it had MS, and could hardly walk. Didn't stop him from having a great time though! :D

There was a Piaggio MP3 there too, but I didn't get a picture of it.
Currently ride: 2011 Honda PCX 125 - Upgraded windshield and seat, keeping this one mostly stock
Previously rides: 2005 V-Strom DL650, 1974 Vespa Ciao, 2011 Honda PCX 170 (tons of mods - takegawa 170cc big bore kit, gears, etc), 1996 Honda Nighthawk 250, 1987 Honda Spree, 2000 KTM 125SX, 2003 Honda Silverwing, 2007 Genuine Buddy 125, 1998 Honda PC800, 2008 Buddy 125 (white), 2008 Buddy 125 (red), 2001 Honda Reflex, 1987 Honda Elite, 1988 Honda Spree, 2007 Yamaha Vino, 2007 Honda Metro, 2x 125cc pure-chinesium dirt bikes
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by WhiteNoise »

Cheers to the gent with MS! Amazing
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by Mel46 »

Maddiedog, I am really impressed with your Silverwing. It looks nice. I just heard that Canada got the new Honda Forza 300. I'd love to see that one too!
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by WhiteNoise »

HA!! Imposter... a wanna-B!
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by ScooterKim »

whoever said this was better than a Hollywood movie is RIGHT ! you did a good job with the narration and another set of EXCELLENT pics, MaddieDog. and, speaking of, our Boo Girl has movie star competition in Maddie. Isn't if amazing how many people stop you to talk when you have your dog with you. Now, if you dog is riding shotgun on your scooter / motorcycle, EVERYONE stops to talk to you. that's not something you see everyday. the funny thing is, Herb (the hubby) and I were down in Fla Feb 14th -- March 30th last year. And, we trailer-ed the Buddy down too! we may have to slide the rally into our plans next year. sounds like a blast. speaking of rally's, cars, and bike shows, anyone going to be at the Bike show in Carlisle, Pa. July 19th and 20th? probably not but just thought I would ask.
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Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by maddiedog »

Hah, I could see how Maddie could compete, your Boo is really adorable though, so it'd be close! :)

The rally was lots of fun! If you've never been to a scooter rally before, you should definitely go sometime, they're a very unique experience.

You could post the bike show in the Events section to see if it gets any attention. I'm not sure how many members we have in PA though. ;)
Currently ride: 2011 Honda PCX 125 - Upgraded windshield and seat, keeping this one mostly stock
Previously rides: 2005 V-Strom DL650, 1974 Vespa Ciao, 2011 Honda PCX 170 (tons of mods - takegawa 170cc big bore kit, gears, etc), 1996 Honda Nighthawk 250, 1987 Honda Spree, 2000 KTM 125SX, 2003 Honda Silverwing, 2007 Genuine Buddy 125, 1998 Honda PC800, 2008 Buddy 125 (white), 2008 Buddy 125 (red), 2001 Honda Reflex, 1987 Honda Elite, 1988 Honda Spree, 2007 Yamaha Vino, 2007 Honda Metro, 2x 125cc pure-chinesium dirt bikes
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Joined: Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:44 am
Location: Hamilton, Ohio USA

Re: 2-23-2012 Cocoa Beach Scooter Rally

Post by strkngfang »

Probably one of the best ride reports I've ever seen, kudos Maddiedog. All of the pictures and play by play, felt like we were right there with you, except we kept dry. Getting soaked brings out my expletives as well.
2015 Honda Forza- red
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