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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:16 pm
by homie
OK you have to tell me how to snap a screenshot from a youtube video... that's just cool!

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:01 pm
by jojo87
I use a Mac, so I just pause my Video and then press command/shift/4

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:58 pm
by jojo87
First crash, skip to about 40 seconds.........
trip to the Hospital, only my leg that was hurt, had an X-Ray but no breaks, just bruised and swollen.... lucky I had the Camera on my Helmet, hopefully the Insurance will sort it, i've never had to go through this before so not sure what the Insurance Companies will do and so on, obviously I ring mine and tell them I was in an accident, i'm paying for Third Party Only, but I got proof and witness that it wasn't my fault, and even the guy said he was in the wrong and apparently didn't see me :-/ i'll say I got the footage anyway, the Police will be looking at the footage as well, hopefully tomorrow.... I give the Insurance Company the Incident number from the Police etc etc and the other guys details... then what? regarding the Bike, as I basically want to get that fixed and back on the road, side panels have been cracked, there was leaking from somewhere but might of just been as it was on it's side for a bit, and a bit of smoking, grip messed up but thats fine, obv need the panels replaced and the whole Bike looked over... do I tell them I have a Honda Dealer near me? will they suggest Honda come and collect the Bike and obv fix it at their Garages as obv the other guys Insurance should be paying it, and I cant actually get the Bike anywhere myself..... i'm in the UK as well, so if anyone on here is from the UK and have gone through this, let me know the steps, thanks :-)

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 pm
by Alibally
Deffo his fault. It could have been a lot worse though. Looks like a careless driving charge for him.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:02 pm
by homie
Oh JoJo... I always thought it would be a cat that put you off. Glad you survived and you know what that means :o

You will need some armor and guts to get back out there, but you are a tough girl and we know you will.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:21 pm
by homie
You know we just get lawyers over here and wait for the check to pay medical, pain and suffering. Sounds like less than a thousand medical but them legal eagles will swear its 30-40K pain and suffering at which time they pocket a third of that pain and suffering. Just look at the scooter if you need to justify the pain.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:55 pm
by Steph
Oh my goodness that is awful! Thank God that you're alright JoJo87. Glad you got that on video for you insurance Co. to see. So sorry for you bike too :(

That would be my worst nightmare. Driver says he didn't see you. Strange, your head light was on. What gives here?

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:11 pm
by SECoda
Glad your not hurt. o_O

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:24 pm
by gn2
Alibally wrote:Deffo his fault.
That would be one way of looking at it but not mine.
Road positioning of the scooter was far from optimal.
Too far over to the left, and following the car too closely for the prevailing conditions.
Two second gap is a bare minimum, more gap is better.
If the scooter had been closer to the centre line the oncoming car would have seen the scooter for longer and the scooter would have seen the car's indicator for long enough to trigger a warning that it may be a hazard and able to react accordingly.

So in my opinion the scooter could easily have prevented the collision.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:38 pm
by Steph
I think the driver was on the phone. JoJo's distance ain't that bad. Hi-Viz riding gear may have helped.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:28 pm
by homie
gn2 wrote:
Alibally wrote:Deffo his fault.
That would be one way of looking at it but not mine.
Road positioning of the scooter was far from optimal.
Too far over to the left, and following the car too closely for the prevailing conditions.
Two second gap is a bare minimum, more gap is better.
If the scooter had been closer to the centre line the oncoming car would have seen the scooter for longer and the scooter would have seen the car's indicator for long enough to trigger a warning that it may be a hazard and able to react accordingly.

So in my opinion the scooter could easily have prevented the collision.
I don't see any of that GN. This weird offset intersection with out traffic guidance would seem to contribute to the confusion. Both drivers signaling to turn right and instead of them slowing to turn in front of each as in a normal 90 degree intersection JoJo seems content to turn behind the other driver whereas the car expected her to turn in front if him but this is not a normal cross road. Its the skewed angle of this intersection that confused the car driver... do you turn in front or behind was his boggle.

Each driver should see this unique intersection as a problem and travel pass each other before turning if both enter at the same time. Thus JoJo was proceeding properly and the car should have let her pass and then turned behind her. It's a rookie driver mistake, JoJo make sure your counsel sees the video and notes the skewed cross street and the longer travel time it takes to meet the turn if two are turning at the same time.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:39 pm
by jojo87
You're right, if I can turn behind the driver then I will, that way I can see for any Bicycles coming down that road which there always is, didnt want to go infront of him and have a Bicycle go into the left side of me (idiots around here on Bikes), and I seen him through the Car window infront coming down and didnt want to be too far near him as I new it would be harder for me to get around him and get into the small sideroad, it could of been a child or anything crossing the road he wanted to get into, as he didnt seem to be looking at all, plus I was about 2-3 seconds behind the Car infront, so yeah, not sure how he didnt see me, also drivers are on the right here, looked like the passenger was smoking or something, plus there was the fact that the paramedic told me he could smell weed and that the passenger quickly left the scene and then came back spraying the car with air freshener, yet afterwards the Police Officer said he couldnt smell anything in the Car :-/ all a little weird really.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:47 pm
by homie
That intersection requires you turn behind any other vehicle in it.. you have no worries for fault, you were clearly struck in your own lane going much slower than some other video's ( I assume because it was poor weather and no cats were about LOL) Perfect driving and if anyone jetted in front of me like that I would have not been able to evade either. Make all your other vids private.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:03 pm
by homie
btw if that were me there would have been a few choice words to edit... or did you already? If not then you are a most tempered woman, cool and calm under pressure... make a good soldier :)

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:12 pm
by jojo87
haha I didnt kick off at all, couldnt be bothered really, just wanted it all done and dusted, wasnt expecting to go into Hospital either...... annoying though as its now 4:09am and I went to bed at 12am and tossing and turning, how can you fall asleep while having a constant pain in your leg! sucks :-( im just hoping my Bike gets sorted and everything runs smoothly regarding the Insurance and getting the Bike fixed, rather get a new one (2015 model) but aint got the money yet, plus I love the Wheel Stickers I got and cant bare to part with them lol unless I pay for another set from Italy... will see anyway, after the Officers been tomorrow at 5pm (long to wait) then I can ring the Insurance Company and go from there.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:25 pm
by homie
Wow you really do have great health care over there... no codeine, tylenol, aspercream, nothing? Beware of too fast to be good settlement offers from insurance, that video is golden. It would still settle without court over here but for many times what any insurance would offer freely with even the lamest legal attorney speaking for you. And its only business, don't be too proud too let the system work for you. I had my leg between a couple bumpers before and broke nothing too but to this day that leg does not let me forget the accident. btw never get out to look at a fender bender in a traffic lane, chances are people aren't done crashing LOL.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:40 pm
by Steph
That's the problem, they were smoking a fatty and got confused! And damned near killed poor JoJo.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:49 pm
by homie
Steph wrote: smoking a fatty and got confused!
:lol: :lol: :lol: I never could get with marijuana, now that its becoming legal to get high in public in my lifetime I have no idea what I'm dealing with in society on road or off. Please tell me stoners drive better than drunks o_O Haven't we been driving with pot forever already with little or no problem? Maybe I just need to "smoke a fatty" with Steph and see whats up :lol:

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:00 am
by iceman
Turning behind vehicles is often a bad thing, esp at junctions and those cars that do this which then causes all kinds of problems (most people expect the opposite). If vehicles turn in front of each other, both lines can wait and move when clear - if both sides cross behind, then the junction gets jammed up. There are exceptions, and in this case the offset was an issue, however in no way should the car driver have started to turn until the other lane was clear and no on-coming traffic - they crossed in front of you and into you when not safe to do so - you were indicating long before so no excuse as thinking you may turn in front should not cause them to turn without waiting to see. I hope I would have slowed and waited to see what they would do - as do not expect others to drive/ride safely.
With TPFT, without added legal cover I'm not sure if your insurance company will do anything - they only pursue on the others behalf if your to blame. You may need to claim off their insurance or go to small claims court.

Re: My Videos on YouTube

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:04 am
by WhiteNoise
Whoa! Not a good thing! I'm amazed that you're in as good shape as you are. Very good news indeed. The video took me by surprise when the two of you "met!" I heard that Crack and I actually let out a Yikes! o_O I did. I watched it several times stopping it at that critical moment and just prior to it. Yes, you both had your right turn signals flashing. Good doobies ;) but the other guy was driving as if you weren't there and just made his turn.
I have watched several of your vids Jojo and you appear to be a bit aloof more of a risk taker than for instance, myself. You might have too must faith in drivers. I have very little. You also tend to ride in the middle of your lane. I wonder why. The surface is usually crappy in the middle, did you ever notice that? Oils and more? I like to ride as visible as possible. Not only via my clothing, but where I ride in my lane. I tend to stay to the outside to be better seen and to take control of my lane from other vehicles parading in. I also stay a bit more behind vehicles. Drivers change their minds in split seconds, we need time and distance between us when they "make their move." I often wonder how many folks take a motorcycle course. I wondered if you did.
The road configuration at the scene did look unusual to me. A danger area for sure. A traffic light might do nicely there.
Sigh, it's sad that this happened to you. But they say there's always a first. If that's true, Yours is now out of the way :P I hope you allow yourself the time to heal accordingly. More pain might surface tomorrow. Ibuprofen will help. Listen to your Doc. Your scoot comes second after you. I like your youthful attitude "Alls Good, Let's get on with it!" In time dear, in time. ;)