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Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:24 pm
by Steph
Hope to see more of Rand Paul. Seems like a good guy.

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:17 am
by Valiant
I hesitate to categorize this as good news given that our king has decreed that he will be using the executive pen to act on immigration before the end of this year. That, and the fact that this president is more or less unimpeachable makes him no less a threat.

Some insist he'll be a lame duck, but I suspect "cornered rat" is a better analogy.

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:12 am
by homie
Valiant wrote:I hesitate to categorize this as good news given that our king has decreed that he will be using the executive pen to act on immigration before the end of this year. That, and the fact that this president is more or less unimpeachable makes him no less a threat.

Some insist he'll be a lame duck, but I suspect "cornered rat" is a better analogy.
It pleases me Val that you commented here. I like to see that Hawaiians do there part for the union. I agree he's still very dangerous for the country, when have you ever seen a more disgruntle president with years to fester and seek repercussions. His pride is HUGE unlike Clinton who figured it out when the people spoke. This one worries me as he worries his own party which might be why they stayed home this midterm.

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:36 pm
by Mel46
I was told long ago to never get in an argument about politics or religion. However, even though the supreme court is very clear that these two should never meet, take a look at the dollar bill. This nation was built by people who came here for religious freedom. From a political standpoint, i think we can't completely keep religion out unless we want leaders who do not believe in basic human rights. Now if only we could get political leaders who thought about the rest of us, and not just their interests or a special interest group. There are a lot of problems that have to be solved. It is unfortunate that politicians and used car salesmen are now put in the same crooked category. Those who are not crooked have to compete against crooked money and special interests. What chance does the honest politican have against them?

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:50 pm
by homie
Good for you Mel, I have no problem stating the obvious, God blessed America through our founding fathers who were strong believers. Since then America has grown into a Christian nation the likes of which has never been seen before. A nation of all race, creed and color, a free people that effect the entire world in nearly every action taken good, bad or ugly. As we systematically remove Him from our lives, schools, documents and eventually currency we will see the inevitable downfall and destruction of the greatest social experiment since the Roman empire. It will be over as prophesied in time and this would without the patients and generosity of a Christian America will simply fall to the prince of darkness. But not today brother... not today!

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:06 pm
by you you
homie wrote:Good for you Mel, I have no problem stating the obvious, God blessed America through our founding fathers who were strong believers. Since then America has grown into a Christian nation the likes of which has never been seen before. A nation of all race, creed and color, a free people that effect the entire world in nearly every action taken good, bad or ugly. As we systematically remove Him from our lives, schools, documents and eventually currency we will see the inevitable downfall and destruction of the greatest social experiment since the Roman empire. It will be over as prophesied in time and this would without the patients and generosity of a Christian America will simply fall to the prince of darkness. But not today brother... not today!

Do you have any medication you should be taking?

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:45 pm
by Valiant
homie wrote:
Valiant wrote:I hesitate to categorize this as good news given that our king has decreed that he will be using the executive pen to act on immigration before the end of this year. That, and the fact that this president is more or less unimpeachable makes him no less a threat.

Some insist he'll be a lame duck, but I suspect "cornered rat" is a better analogy.
It pleases me Val that you commented here. I like to see that Hawaiians do there part for the union. I agree he's still very dangerous for the country, when have you ever seen a more disgruntle president with years to fester and seek repercussions. His pride is HUGE unlike Clinton who figured it out when the people spoke. This one worries me as he worries his own party which might be why they stayed home this midterm.
Hate to burst your bubble, but I didn't vote in this election. I don't see the point of a Republican in a deep blue state, given that all the Democrats(in every possible position) were elected with a 65% or higher margin.

My mother also expressed her surprise and disgust at the Republican Senate, asking me twice what the US Senate was, and stating that she voted because she didn't want them in control, obviously oblivious(say that 3 times fast :D ) to the fact that the other 49 states were also voting in this election and that checking every box with a (D) before the name does nothing but elect your two senators.

The dumbing down of the nation has finally borne its fruit, and I'm content to watch this country burn to the ground while I try to make the most of what is left of it. I was thinking a nice circuit around the entire island would be a great place to start.

I'm actually Chinese btw, and my mother is a first generation immigrant, so you can probably get the idea of what effective amnesty will do to the electorate.

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:47 pm
by homie
Valiant wrote: The dumbing down of the nation has finally borne its fruit, and I'm content to watch this country burn to the ground while I try to make the most of what is left of it. I was thinking a nice circuit around the entire island would be a great place to start.
We're not so different... you and I
some men do just want to watch the world burn

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:24 pm
by you you
homie wrote:
Valiant wrote: The dumbing down of the nation has finally borne its fruit, and I'm content to watch this country burn to the ground while I try to make the most of what is left of it. I was thinking a nice circuit around the entire island would be a great place to start.
We're not so different... you and I
some men do just want to watch the world burn

Monkeys left tit

You're not the be all or end all

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:57 pm
by AustinPCX
No just the only thing standing in the way of some third world power taking over Great Britian and the other liberal countries enjoying the benefits of socialism due to the protection of the U.S. Military.

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:29 am
by dergav
"AustinPCX...No just the only thing standing in the way of some third world power taking over Great Britian and the other liberal countries enjoying the benefits of socialism due to the protection of the U.S. Military".......

Pardon?..I normally don't comment on the politics of other Nations ( as we have enough of our own problems to concentrate upon) but you are not getting away with that comment....Some of us hold a slightly different view to yourself as to the effect of the actions taken by the USA ( and your Military) over recent years....and that in no way is questioning the bravery and courage of those young men and women. Perhaps there is a need for some quiet humility and honest contemplation to "really" try to understand how others view the USA and why they hold such views. I love the American people and have many American friends and relations ( even some having suffered tragic loses of sons in the recent conflicts) but that should never be confused with a concern as to the foreign policies and actions of the USA State and what may be driving those policies and actions.
I for one in the UK do not think I am "enjoying the benefits of Socialism due to the protection of the US Military" but rather that world freedom ( and as a result my freedom) is more threatened by those actions....
We of course all have the right to hold and express our differing views on matters but along with that right comes the responsibility on us individually to question our views and opinions just in case we are wrong.

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:30 am
by Valiant
homie wrote:
Valiant wrote: The dumbing down of the nation has finally borne its fruit, and I'm content to watch this country burn to the ground while I try to make the most of what is left of it. I was thinking a nice circuit around the entire island would be a great place to start.
We're not so different... you and I
some men do just want to watch the world burn

The joker is a bad comparison. I said I wanted to watch the country burn, not be the one pouring gasoline onto it.

The family doesn't know the way the government is structured, nor the roles of the different branches(might explain the legal status of my parents). They don't think leaving 4 of our men to die like dogs overseas when there is an option to get them out is reason to "vote for the other guy". They don't know what Obamacare is or what it does, nor why it's so controversial.

I can't fix ignorance when people don't want to listen.

If the world is on fire, I can't lift the oceans to put it out. I may as well make the best of it and make myself some s'mores on those burning rubber tires(probably my Michelin City Grips).

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:38 am
by Valiant
dergav wrote:"AustinPCX...No just the only thing standing in the way of some third world power taking over Great Britian and the other liberal countries enjoying the benefits of socialism due to the protection of the U.S. Military".......

Pardon?..I normally don't comment on the politics of other Nations ( as we have enough of our own problems to concentrate upon) but you are not getting away with that comment....Some of us hold a slightly different view to yourself as to the effect of the actions taken by the USA ( and your Military) over recent years....and that in no way is questioning the bravery and courage of those young men and women. Perhaps there is a need for some quiet humility and honest contemplation to "really" try to understand how others view the USA and why they hold such views. I love the American people and have many American friends and relations ( even some having suffered tragic loses of sons in the recent conflicts) but that should never be confused with a concern as to the foreign policies and actions of the USA State and what may be driving those policies and actions.
I for one in the UK do not think I am "enjoying the benefits of Socialism due to the protection of the US Military" but rather that world freedom ( and as a result my freedom) is more threatened by those actions....
We of course all have the right to hold and express our differing views on matters but along with that right comes the responsibility on us individually to question our views and opinions just in case we are wrong.
...Yeah, you really think your Middle Eastern and Russian neighbors wouldn't be eyeing your real estate if the US simply up and vanished from the face of the Earth?

Though perhaps you should clarify which actions you feel threatened by? Maybe the ones in the past 6 years where we're pretty much giving Iran the OK to go nuclear, the ones where we're giving Israel the finger, or perhaps where we drew a red line in Syria and did absolutely nothing when that was crossed? Please specify, it's hard to keep track.

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:49 am
by dergav
Valiant....Firstly I would never suggest that the USA "vanish from the face of the Earth" as you say..those are your words so you keep them and please do not attribute them to me. I have much too much respect for Americans as a Nation of people to ever even harbor such thoughts. Americans are great people.
Secondly..Which actions do I feel threatened by? ...that's an easy one to answer...Every time I hear that the elected leaders of The USA announce they are starting Military action against someone else without working out in advance what the outcome consequences might be ( eg Iraq) and also make up reasons for military intervention such as weapons of mass destruction which didnt exist...and the American people allow them...and we join in!!...thats when I feel threatened...The USA would not today be sending 1500 more troops to Iraq if you/we had not interfered in that Country in the first place. ...and please do not say that the action was justified due to the atrocities being carried out by Saddam on his people...cause if that were a valid reason for the Military action then where does that reasoning end up..Take your pick of Nations to invade....No the Iraq invasion was totally unnecessary and caused many USA and others lives to be lost and for what purpose/outcome?...Allowing the existing dangerous position to develop which Saddam had under control...Thats what I feel threatened by...

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:22 am
by homie
I need to hear more from the world, the love hate relationship with America... please give me more of this.

Kill you? I don't want to kill you... no you, you complete... me

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:43 am
by Mel46
Now they we have all had our say it is time for us to step back and recognize that each one of us has voiced a valid concern, but now what? Rather than get angry or defensive, we should all agree to disagree on some points and try to determine what we can do to help make things better. We elect new leaders because we do not think they are going in the right direction. Unfortunately, and realisticaly , we have to choose the new leaders from among a field that has already been chosen for us. The most we can do is elect the one we HOPE did not lie to us. No politician could possibly fulfill all of his campaign promises, at least not without help from Congress. Yet, Congress has a bad reputation for not getting things done. Still, imagine you were in a large classroom, and your job was to come up with a plan to fix a certain problem. Now imagine 20 or more individuals or groups of people who had lots of money . Now allow them to step in and influence your vote. How hard would it be for your group to come to a common opinion? As long as these lobby groups are involved, nothing will get done but many of you in that class would get rich. Welcome to politics in the United States of America.

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:07 pm
by homie
Mel46 wrote: We elect new leaders because we do not think they are going in the right direction. As long as these lobby groups are involved, nothing will get done but many of you in that class would get rich. Welcome to politics in the United States of America.
It really was a bad direction and the whole world took notice. Why Capitalism will always work, there are those that would try to take from certain men to give to others without permission and it fails because wealth can be horded, their treasures moved around and you can't stop them because these men are a breed that no matter how you shuffle the deck will always float to the top. Those who seek to take from those that are sustained by this breed may have realized thanks to an American hater as president that they were killing themselves in the attempt. The two need each other and the world needs America a sometimes sick and twisted relationship but absolutely necessary. Some nations will consume others and some like China will wait for chaos to consume them all but America does not want your money or your country, we just want the naturally generated wealth of a free market and the freedom for every man to find out what's inside himself.

This president was critical "there is no going back... he changed things... forever"

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:27 pm
by homie
homie wrote:
Mel46 wrote: We elect new leaders because we do not think they are going in the right direction. As long as these lobby groups are involved, nothing will get done but many of you in that class would get rich. Welcome to politics in the United States of America.
It really was a bad direction and the whole world took notice. Why Capitalism will always work, there are those that would try to take from certain men to give to others without permission and it fails because wealth can be horded, their treasures moved around and you can't stop them because these men are a breed that no matter how you shuffle the deck will always float to the top. Those who seek to take from those that are sustained by this breed may have realized thanks to an American hater as president that they were killing themselves in the attempt. The two need each other and the world needs America a sometimes sick and twisted relationship but absolutely necessary. Some nations will consume others and some like China will wait for chaos to consume them all but America does not want your money or your country, we just want the naturally generated wealth of a free market and the freedom for every man to find out what's inside himself.

This president was critical "there is no going back... he changed things... forever" You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the vilian

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:20 am
by Valiant
dergav wrote:Valiant....Firstly I would never suggest that the USA "vanish from the face of the Earth" as you say..those are your words so you keep them and please do not attribute them to me. I have much too much respect for Americans as a Nation of people to ever even harbor such thoughts. Americans are great people.
Bad choice of words perhaps. How about if American influence disappears, either because our economy collapses in a way it never has before, or because our next president takes an isolation stance?

Better for world peace? Worse for world peace?

Secondly..Which actions do I feel threatened by? ...that's an easy one to answer...Every time I hear that the elected leaders of The USA announce they are starting Military action against someone else without working out in advance what the outcome consequences might be ( eg Iraq) and also make up reasons for military intervention such as weapons of mass destruction which didnt exist...and the American people allow them...and we join in!!...thats when I feel threatened...The USA would not today be sending 1500 more troops to Iraq if you/we had not interfered in that Country in the first place. ...and please do not say that the action was justified due to the atrocities being carried out by Saddam on his people...cause if that were a valid reason for the Military action then where does that reasoning end up..Take your pick of Nations to invade....No the Iraq invasion was totally unnecessary and caused many USA and others lives to be lost and for what purpose/outcome?...Allowing the existing dangerous position to develop which Saddam had under control...Thats what I feel threatened by...
I frankly couldn't give two sh*ts if a dictator wants to massacre his own people, because I feel humanity is in a ripe enough state that we can safely declare that those people had a hand in their own miserable fate, either by allowing the dictator to amass power or by sitting on their asses for decades while they are being slaughtered.

On the other hand, it's a bit much to ask of America to sit idly on their asses after a group or terrorists slaughter 3000 of our own, on our own soil. It's a bit much to ask us to ignore people like Saddam who fund and sponsor these terrorists.

I would also argue that a bigger reason that Iraq fell to hell wasn't the invasion in and of itself, but rather the assbackward bungling of it in the aftermath where we never left a residual force there. We left plenty of tanks, equipment, and weapons for ISIS to just come in and take though.

Seriously, what you're saying is something akin to saying that arresting a murderer is wrong in the first place, because he just broke out and killed lots more people! Had nothing to do with the fact that some idiot declared that he be locked in a wooden cage with a morbidly obese lone guard watching his cell! :roll:

Oh teh noez! Let's not arrest anyone for murder! Let's get rid of the police force! That'll learn em!

Re: US News... VOTE

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:58 am
by Steph
homie wrote:we just want the naturally generated wealth of a free market and the freedom for every man to find out what's inside himself.
Thanks Homie! Well said. I would not trade my lot in life! Thank God for where I was born! Let us hope that we the voters will choose wisely this time around.