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Re: Great experiences yesterday!

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 11:49 am
by Ishkabibble
Mel46 wrote:A couple of days ago we were passed by a sport bike rider with his girlfriend on the back. She was wearing shorts, a tank top, and sandals...and the required helmet. There isn't a lot of room to balance on the back of those sport bikes, so I expected her to fall off of the back at any moment, though she was holding on to him. As far as what he was wearing, I would say not much more than she was. They were weaving in and out of traffic until he would get an open area. Then he would crank it up until he reached the next crowded area, where he would filter through traffic at around 40 mph. (Filtering is illegal here.) All-in-all, he was not being a safe rider. I wonder how her parents would have felt if they had seen him. I'm not even sure they would care, because they would have had to have seen them at some point in time. So, if they had wrecked, and she would have left her skin on the pavement for 40 yards, do you suppose they would have cared then? Scooter riding is dangerous enough, but young people on sport bikes scare the heck out of me, especially those not wearing much in the way of protective gear. If you are going to ride, ride safe.
What he said.
