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Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:08 am
by you you
Mel46 wrote:Well, I had a Harley once too. I have also had all sorts of other bikes, but if I don't feel confident about riding an unknown type, I will say so. I guess that some people feel that having a Harley is all they need in order to fit in the motorcycle world.

We have retired neighbors that also had a Harley once. Now they are 80 years old. I don't think that I would let them ride my scooter. Common sense goes with trust.

Yes. Bit of common sense before you lend something.

After that its "bend it and you buy it"

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:17 pm
by flyingzonker
I wouldn't lend a motorized vehicle....too easy to wreck, especially one with only two wheels. Even experienced riders can get into trouble on a machine that they are not familiar with.

That being said, I remember a friend, now deceased, who did not think twice about lending her car to almost anyone who asked. But she was like that with everything she owned. She was one of those great beings to whom nothing attaches. She was teflon, in a good way. I revere such persons greatly, but sadly, I am not one of them.

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 6:58 pm
by Mel46
I have tried not to be attached too much but I have found that there are too many people who take advantage of others and can not be trusted to take care of other people's stuff. I got tired of replacing my own stuff because of other people.

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:39 am
by kramnala58
I generally hold things with open hands, realizing that the "things" I have can easily be used to encourage, help and bless others. As such, I am usually pretty free with what I would lend, including my motorized "things". A person has to have done something to cause me to hesitate lending them something. This would include being careless with their own things. As the old saying goes, he who cannot be trusted with little, cannot be trusted with much.

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:34 am
by you you
kramnala58 wrote:I generally hold things with open hands, realizing that the "things" I have can easily be used to encourage, help and bless others. As such, I am usually pretty free with what I would lend, including my motorized "things". A person has to have done something to cause me to hesitate lending them something. This would include being careless with their own things. As the old saying goes, he who cannot be trusted with little, cannot be trusted with much.


Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:35 am
by Mel46
I try to follow a lot of both Christian and Buddhist ways, but I find it very difficult in a world where so many want to take, take, take but do not wish to give back anything. Many ask for help but can not be depended on to help others when they are asked to help. It has become such a material world now that such simple lessons as "Do to others as you would want them to do to you" falls of deaf ears.

When I was growing up our church was involved in our community, and summer was a great time for the poor in our area as we all pitched in to try to help the old and the poor. Today, we probably have more churches in the southeastern part of the United States than anywhere else, and they seem to be full on Sundays. Yet greed is the driving force here, not charity. Even the churches themselves try to become the biggest in the area and are constantly adding on. They are proud to display to the world that they are sending money and help to others in poor countries. Yet they have no services in place to help the local poor, and don't even want those "types" in their churches. (I am not speaking from experience on this last one. I just observe).

How are our children suppose to learn kindness if we do not demonstrate it ourselves, as a society?

We have 6 grown kids, and we tried to impress the golden rule on all of them. Four of them do practice it, but the most successful and the least successful of them do not.

The least successful believes that it is his right to be supported by everyone else because they "made it", so they should share it with him.
The most successful doesn't even think about others. They have wasted more money on their small kids than many people make in a week (10 times to Disneyworld since the beginning of this year?? Really?? Why? Plus Disney cruises for a 7 year old and a 4 year old.).

My wife and I did not teach either of them these attitudes. That is the society we live in now. Christ and Buddha would be sad.

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 4:13 pm
by you you
Mel46 wrote:I try to follow a lot of both Christian and Buddhist ways, but I find it very difficult in a world where so many want to take, take, take but do not wish to give back anything. Many ask for help but can not be depended on to help others when they are asked to help. It has become such a material world now that such simple lessons as "Do to others as you would want them to do to you" falls of deaf ears.

When I was growing up our church was involved in our community, and summer was a great time for the poor in our area as we all pitched in to try to help the old and the poor. Today, we probably have more churches in the southeastern part of the United States than anywhere else, and they seem to be full on Sundays. Yet greed is the driving force here, not charity. Even the churches themselves try to become the biggest in the area and are constantly adding on. They are proud to display to the world that they are sending money and help to others in poor countries. Yet they have no services in place to help the local poor, and don't even want those "types" in their churches. (I am not speaking from experience on this last one. I just observe).

How are our children suppose to learn kindness if we do not demonstrate it ourselves, as a society?

We have 6 grown kids, and we tried to impress the golden rule on all of them. Four of them do practice it, but the most successful and the least successful of them do not.

The least successful believes that it is his right to be supported by everyone else because they "made it", so they should share it with him.
The most successful doesn't even think about others. They have wasted more money on their small kids than many people make in a week (10 times to Disneyworld since the beginning of this year?? Really?? Why? Plus Disney cruises for a 7 year old and a 4 year old.).

My wife and I did not teach either of them these attitudes. That is the society we live in now. Christ and Buddha would be sad.

You are living the American Dream. Phone Homie. :lol:

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:47 pm
by Old Grinner
Christ and Buddha would be sad.
Yup. . .they sure would!

I deal direct with the manufacturer.

No middle men required from my point of view. When you get too many fingers in the pie it messes things up.

The universal law is "Do not bug thy neighbor". :D

All you need is Love. . .one of the greatest Beatles songs. . .listen to the words. There's nothin that can't be done. . .. ;)

This band does a pretty good rendition of it. . .they call themselves the "Analogues". 8)

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:59 am
by Spaguar
Another guy got killed yesterday in Split, Croatia, on a scooter that he's borrowed from his friend just 10 minutes earlier.
I firmly maintain my statement in this subject.

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:51 am
by you you
Spaguar wrote:Another guy got killed yesterday in Split, Croatia, on a scooter that he's borrowed from his friend just 10 minutes earlier.
I firmly maintain my statement in this subject.

Quite a few don’t die. Until it’s the norm when you lend a bike out I’ll probably continue to do it.

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:51 am
by Old Grinner
With more people roaming the planet one has to be on alert like a "cat" while moving through traffic. They have excellent situation awareness and don't trust too readily. It seems to be instinctive. . .they are born with the survival skills needed to keep on going. :geek:

May the person who was riding that borrowed scooter rest in peace and may his/her family find comfort in this difficult time. :(

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:05 am
by you you
Old Grinner wrote:With more people roaming the planet one has to be on alert like a "cat" while moving through traffic. They have excellent situation awareness and don't trust too readily. It seems to be instinctive. . .they are born with the survival skills needed to keep on going. :geek:

May the person who was riding that borrowed scooter rest in peace and may his/her family find comfort in this difficult time. :(

I'm not sure Id like to be alert like some of my cats in the past. Ended up flat

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:29 am
by GatorGreg
Can I please borrow your scooter?

j/k :D

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:47 am
by you you
GatorGreg wrote:Can I please borrow your scooter?

Sure. Bend it you buy it rules apply.

j/k :D

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:12 pm
by Old Grinner
I'm not sure Id like to be alert like some of my cats in the past. Ended up flat
Yeah. . .I know what you mean. . .I thought of that after I posted.

In the realm of Nature I meant. . .not the artificially created world that we know with industrialization, modes of transportation, and general stuff.

Anyhow I digress. . ..

Cheers to all the cats! :D

Re: I never lend my scooter to anyone

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:02 pm
by Blazinby
Borrow my bike?

sure, I'll hold onto your £3000 until you hand it back, simple.

I'd like to think I would help anyone with anything (legal), if they would do the same for me, that seems fair.

When I first got my PCX I let my brother in law have a shot, he told me "I've ridden bikes for years and my car insurance will cover me if anything happens"

no horror story but I later realised he had ridden bikes when he was a teenager (he was 50 at the time), he has never sat a bike test and if he trashed it there's no way his insurance would pay (plus he might have got hurt which would leave me feeling like s**t)

That was the last time I let anyone borrow my bike.

They just wouldn't care about it as much as I do.