My Videos on YouTube

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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by jojo87 »

Roads here are a nightmare, there are potholes galour, concrete coming up, most roads I go on (as I usually go on the same ones on my ride) I have to dodge a lot of things, regarding speed, I do think the fisheye to the videos make things look a bit faster as limits are 30-40 which I usually stick to unless the roads completely open and I can see on both sides etc but even then its only just over 40 like all Cars do (on those certain roads), others we have are 50mph limit....but yeah that road I was on is a little annoying, and its a School right by there and always Cars on both sides and people etc, and i've always been told when doing CBTs and so on that its safer to cross behind eachother and to be extra careful when crossing infront of eachother, ah well, whats done is done :-) gives me time to stay home and get cracking on some work anyway as I work from home so cant say to myself 'I wanna go out for a ride' nd miss doing work, so hopefully... no bike = more work = more money ;-)
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by jojo87 »

Oh and people saying about crossing infront etc, these 2 roads werent opposite eachother, mine was a bit more further up than his, just crappy timing on when we 'met', I always go behind so thats where I was heading, hense going passed him, but still, either way, I could of been going straight up and not indicating and he still would of hit me as admitted it was his fault and 'didnt see me' and shouldnt of come into my lane until he seen me stop to either let him go.... or pass him.... not go into the side of me.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by iceman »

On my CBT (and two others who did their CBT with other trainers) - we were taught position 2 (middle) most of the time and only move to pos 1 or 3 (left/right) when approaching turnings or junctions (will the usual life saver/indicator). General advice does seem to suggest pos 3 in the main (UK left hand side riding, rhs of lane).
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by gn2 »

homie wrote:I don't see any of that GN.
Because you can't see it doesn't mean its not there.
I've been doing this stuff for decades, probably longer than you've been alive.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by Steph »

Pot smokers are usually better drivers then drunk people, If I had a choice whom to inter-react with on the roads. Passing the fatty may have been the distraction.
Clearly the car is at fault as he enters into the path of the scooter. I had a guy almost enter into my path. But, He saw me just in time stopped half way in my lane and I was able to divert around him. My Hi-Viz riding gear save me is my guess. I would have been a hood ornament. There are motorcycle/scooter and car collision videos available on YouTube. The major theme is no Hi-Viz riding gear. I highly recommend it.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by you you »

gn2 wrote:
Alibally wrote:Deffo his fault.
That would be one way of looking at it but not mine.
Road positioning of the scooter was far from optimal.
Too far over to the left, and following the car too closely for the prevailing conditions.
Two second gap is a bare minimum, more gap is better.
If the scooter had been closer to the centre line the oncoming car would have seen the scooter for longer and the scooter would have seen the car's indicator for long enough to trigger a warning that it may be a hazard and able to react accordingly.

So in my opinion the scooter could easily have prevented the collision.

Are you on pot?
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by Steph »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by jojo87 »

gn2 wrote:Road positioning of the scooter was far from optimal.
Too far over to the left, and following the car too closely for the prevailing conditions.
Two second gap is a bare minimum, more gap is better.
If the scooter had been closer to the centre line the oncoming car would have seen the scooter for longer and the scooter would have seen the car's indicator for long enough to trigger a warning that it may be a hazard and able to react accordingly.

I ride in the middle of the road, on that specific road Cars/Bikes dodge and weave due to the small square speed bumps, once I got to the main Lollipop Lady speed bump I could see the oncoming Car with his indicator on signalling right.. through the Car Window in front of me, so I knew he was coming, hence going over to the left a tiny bit as I knew i'd have to go past him and then get around the back of him to get into the side street which was further up than the one he was going in to... I was 2 seconds behind the Car in front of me and slowing down, the other driver and passenger had 3 seconds to see me and brake, the fact I had my lights on, plus the bright indicator.... like I said before, it could of been someone crossing the road, there was a School right opposite with children still coming out etc, there could of been a Bicycle rider riding up and they stick to the Curbs... I could of been riding straight up but moved over slightly to dodge a dead animal or something on the road... at the end of the day he wasn't paying attention which he admitted, he should of slowed straight down until he was 100% sure there was nothing coming up the road or in front where he was heading, but he didn't, he passed the car and then turned into me, a second more and I could of passed him so i'm not sure how he didn't see me, but then again the whole 'weed' issue is strange, for a Paramedic to say he smelt weed and to say the passenger went off then came back and was spraying the car with air freshener :-/ we both did a breathalyser, but for all I knew he could of been under the influence of drugs (anything), or not paying attention and going to grab the spliff from his friend, who from the video looked like he had something up by his mouth, who knows.... and for the driver to get out and continuously say it was his fault, he knew he f*cked up at the end of the day, he shouldn't of came into my lane like he did without checking the lane first, could of been a person, a bike, anything, but he decided to turn as soon as he could, but yeah, ah well, everyone has different opinions, if I was more in the middle or more to him then I wouldn't of been able to get into my street, so I had to go left a little tiny bit to have the room to turn behind him, but again, he shouldn't of turned like he did, simples.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by sendler2112 »

He obviously never saw you. Motorcycles are invisible to brain dead cage drivers. He started his turn in a rush just as soon as he passed the car in front of you. In fact he was leaning across that direction before the car even got passed. A neon or white helmet may have helped. I can see a new product coming to popularity. Rechargeable battery powered ultra white running lights for your helmet.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by jojo87 »

I was thinking bright Christmas lights all over it, maybe a glowing Star on my Helmet lol but yeah, he lived around the corner and should know to look out for Bikes as that road is known for Motorbikes, im just unlucky I suppose, never mind though :-)
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by Steph »

No need for the Christmas lights on your helmet :D This photo was taken when I was getting ready to take my motorcycle test. Just stopped raining.
10360413_891191857562568_5179378620256204295_n.jpg (106.54 KiB) Viewed 1175 times
The Lady standing in the photo said She was going to get a Harley. :o
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by jojo87 »

Just remembered what the guy said lol
for some reason my Seat snapped right off...
so I said to myself 'how the hell did that come off'
and he came over and said 'its probably a safety mechanism for accidents'
as in.. a sort of ejector seat lol
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by kramnala58 »

jojo87 wrote:... and he came over and said 'its probably a safety mechanism for accidents' as in.. a sort of ejector seat lol
Ummm, I don't think there is any doubt he was smoking a bit of whacky tabacky. o_O o_O :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll:
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by gn2 »

jojo87 wrote:the other driver and passenger had 3 seconds to see me and brake
If you were further over to the right he would have had more time to see you.
If you were following at four seconds instead of two you would probably have had enough time to stop.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by jojo87 »

But still, not my fault, I rode where I did to avoid the white paint in the wet condition as well as from experience it can be slippery, I rode where I did to be able to get around him, at the end of the day he shouldn't of turned like he did and when he did, could of been a child or anything crossing the road or just standing by there, fair enough I could of been 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 seconds behind the car in front of me, at the time I was at a happy space, nothing behind me, and Car at a decent space in front of me, I knew what was coming down the road and knew there was nothing in the street I was going to turn in to, he should of been more aware and shouldn't of turned at all like he did, like he was in a rush to turn and not taking any notice of what was in the lane, for me to have my lights on and indicator and him having a few seconds to see me and brake, again, stating the fact that he shouldn't of turned into my lane at all until he was 100% nothing was coming or already there, like I said before, could of been someone on a Bicycle with no lights etc and they basically ride near the curbs... what would you say to them? its your fault you got hit as you should of been riding nearer to him for him to see you? even the Police Officer just left and as soon as he seen the footage he was laughing and shaking his head saying the driver had enough time to see me and wasn't sure on why he turned like he did, the driver even admitted fault numerous times, I wasn't going to ride on white paint in the wet and ride further into him as he's coming down to then try and get around him to get into the small side road, so either way I had to be where I was on the left a little to have the turn to get into the street and not drive into the pavement instead, but yeah, SORTED :-) just rang Insurance, they'll be ringing me back tomorrow, Police are happy with it all, driver was charged and will probably have to go on a 2 day driving course which he'll have to pay for, if he now claims that it wasn't his fault, even though admitting it several times and with eye witnesses and footage... then it will obviously go to Court, but like the Police Officer said, the driver knows I had a Camera and will be told it's all been gone through etc and he was clearly at fault.... so yeah, just wait back from the Insurance company and get the ball rolling on getting my PCX fixed and back on the road.... all that matters now.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by gn2 »

jojo87 wrote:But still, not my fault
Makes no odds who is at fault, its you on the deck with a mangled scooter.
After any collision/incident always ask yourself what you could have done differently to prevent it from happening.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by jojo87 »

Well doesn't matter now, over and done with, his insurance is paying to get my Bike sorted so yeah, over and done with, moving on :-) thanks for the comments and messages people, appreciate it :-)

Anyone else on here got any Video Footage of your rides? im subscribed to a lot on YouTube, only 1 PCX user though from London I think, dont think there are many others on PCX's.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by DAB »

jojo87 wrote:Well doesn't matter now, over and done with, his insurance is paying to get my Bike sorted so yeah, over and done with, moving on :-) thanks for the comments and messages people, appreciate it :-)

Anyone else on here got any Video Footage of your rides? im subscribed to a lot on YouTube, only 1 PCX user though from London I think, dont think there are many others on PCX's.
Good result Jojo, just take it easy when your scoot is repaired and learn from the experience. I have a number of large capacity motorcycles but do enjoy coming onto this forum as there is an enthusiasm that I had 40 years ago. But from when I was 19 to 25 years old I had 6 friend killed riding motorcycles. from 25 to 59 years old 0 killed. Take it easy.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by Mel46 »

If you think about this accident with a different perspective you could change some of the variables to see how much difference it would have been if you had not been on a scooter. First, what if you were in a black Smartcar. Do you think he would have seen you in time? What if you were in a standard size car, black, but were on the outside of the lane instead of where you were. Would he have seen you then? The point is that if you can honestly say that the chance of you being hit did not change with you changing vehicles...if you were not directly in the oncoming driver's vision even in a bigger vehicle, then he is clearly at fault for not being prepared for whatever might be following that vehicle that was in front of you.
it seems easy to play the What If game, but the fact is that the other guy was not paying attention, and he probably would have hit you if you were in a small car as well, especially if you were not within his line of sight. He did not take into account that the space behind that car might be occupied, and he assumed that because he couldn't see anything at the moment then it must be empty. Assumptions can kill.
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Re: My Videos on YouTube

Post by sendler2112 »

jojo87 wrote:Anyone else on here got any Video Footage of your rides?
I shoot stills from my helmet cam.
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