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Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:54 am
by you you
big bear wrote:electric service out all night a tree fell across the road right below my house its back now 25 degrees and windy its kinda hard to believe in global warming when your freezing


Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:15 am
by GeorgeSK
Puts a new spin on the term "compact car".

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:38 am
by Limey
Picture that x many thousands and that is here in the panhandle after Hurricane Michael. 5 months later we are still under a state of emergency here in Bay County, but it seems like the rest of the world moved on.......

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:04 pm
by Old Grinner
It's Still Windy this Monday evening at 11:58pm and it will continue overnight into Tues. with gusts up to 45 mph.

I'm Back tracking now...I was awake most of Sun night into Mon morning due to the wind. The house was snap crackle and popping everywhere. I imagined roof joists were breaking and shingles were flying. Then at some point within the mix of noise I heard a thud. A very deep sounding thud. I got out of bed looked out the window and saw nothing but garbage cans blown over and crap from them blowing everywhere. Don't cha just love that? :x Back in bed I went to rock 'n roll. Very little sleep was had. So beit.
Skipping you past the morning and now onto this afternoon. Our landscapers showed up. They were cleaning, blowing, collecting debri and even mowing w/bagger. The winds blowing, their blowing - kinda dumb I thought. What a mess!
So I got in my truck and took a spin around the community. Everything okay I wondered? No, it was not! Down the road around the block and to my left I see a parked car squashed by a fallen pine tree. I park. I get out, camera in hand and walk towards it. Talk about wind? This is the block behind my townhome. I bet this was that "thud!"
Snap, crackle, pop house noises from heavy wind. . .pretty much describes it.

It's the sudden rip, clash, thud, or sound of flying glass we fear as the clock ticks ever so slowly and the storm just has it's way with us.

I told my relatives in Florida if they ever needed shelter and lost their home in a bad hurricane my door was always open. But I'm sure their kids would step up to the plate and be there for them with a place to stay and reorganize their lives.

We live a fragile existence and sometimes forget that until Mother Nature steps in with a casual reminder every now and then.

I'll be out collecting twigs and branches this afternoon. A small price to pay . . .. :roll:

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:02 pm
by Oldie
February has been warm and dry in the UK this year. An unusually good start to the biking season. We had a nice 6 mile riverside walk today (first day I've not been out on the bike) but I expect that it will all change soon. This time last year we had almost 2 feet of snow.

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:17 pm
by WhiteNoise
Stunning Photo! Beautiful Landscaping! Blue Skies Up Above! Let's dive in, and ride :P

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:50 pm
by Old Grinner
February has been warm and dry in the UK this year. An unusually good start to the biking season. We had a nice 6 mile riverside walk today (first day I've not been out on the bike) but I expect that it will all change soon. This time last year we had almost 2 feet of snow.
Really nice looking area.

Reminds me of the set for the "Prisoner" TV series with Patrick McGoohan. . .. 8)

Yes, t'was long ago. :lol:

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 4:51 pm
by big bear
nice at least someone is having rideable weather

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 6:56 pm
by Old Grinner
Did about 3 miles on the Zuma today. Only 24 degrees out at the time. Needed to run an errand.

Snow coming in later tonight. Nothing heavy along the coast here. . .mostly a dusting to an inch.

March is knocking at the door and we are still looking at lousy weather. :roll:

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 8:30 am
by big bear
it seems like we only have 2 seasons anymore summer and winter not much in between weather

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:25 am
by WhiteNoise
Totally agree. Been saying that for a few years now. We've inched our way here. Hot or Cold, like a faucet. Spring and Fall all year round for me! Where's it at?

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:41 pm
by Old Grinner
More snow coming tonight and tomorrow night. . ..

Maybe it's getting time to show the weather who's boss! :lol:

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:46 am
by WhiteNoise
Got it! OldGrinner, but not as much as they originally predicted. Maybe 4-5" of Heavy slushy p.i.t.a. Snow. Shovel time again. Cleaning the truck off is my boog-a-boo! Aw well, the suns shining :P

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 12:57 pm
by Mel46
Gee, snow looks pretty, at least for a little while. We seldom get snow here. What we DO get here is wind and rain...and tornadoes. I am not sure, but I don't think that is a fair trade.

We have great weather sometimes, and then... ... -forecasts

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:07 pm
by big bear
snowed 4 inches last night i couldent ride the bikes yesterday but i was able to rise the ATV about 12 miles in the woods alot of trees down from all the wind last sunday Long range forcast is for 50 degrees next sunday i might be able to take the zuma out theres so much small gravel on the roads here it could be april before i can go anywhere on the pcx or the x max

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:16 pm
by Old Grinner
We have great weather sometimes, and then...
I saw that in the news. Sad again. Another one of those "It looks like a war zone deals". If it isn't one thing it's another lately. We get tornadoes occasionally now also and years ago they were almost non-existent in New England. Just one or two major ones and then none for years. . ..
Got it! OldGrinner, but not as much as they originally predicted. Maybe 4-5" of Heavy slushy p.i.t.a. Snow. Shovel time again. Cleaning the truck off is my boog-a-boo! Aw well, the suns shining :P
Just got all my shoveling done also. Same situation. Wet heavy snow. . .. A few tree limbs busted in my yard also. One of them fell near a fire hydrant and sidewalk. I tried to move it out of the way myself but it was too heavy and stuck too high up in the branches. Traffic was wizzing by pretty close. I was concerned if I screwed up it may fall on me, a pedestrian, or in the road. So after I called it in the local gendarmes came by right away and moved it out of the way so the fire department could respond without impediment if need be. Great bunch of folks. They never get enough credit. :D

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:49 am
by Old Grinner
Only 24 degrees F. again but this time there's a lot of leftover snow around. No riding today. . .again. :cry:
But I'll take it knowing it's only a temporary inconvenience.

It sure beats what March of 2010 brought to the area. . ..

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:18 pm
by you you
Old Grinner wrote:More snow coming tonight and tomorrow night. . ..

Maybe it's getting time to show the weather who's boss! :lol:

Two sleeps until MotoGP starts.

Just saying...

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:31 pm
by maddiedog
WhiteNoise wrote:And with the sun setting, here's the scene later in the day. Scary site heh?
I guess someone's getting a new car
Yikes! That Taurus looks like the one my mom had when I was a kid. She'd drive me and my brother everywhere in it. One day we were on the interstate and we just heard a clank-thud-GRINDDDDDDDDDD. The engine had literally rusted off the mounts, and the engine and transmission were dragging on the ground. Needless to say, we had to get a tow and mom got a new car. :lol:

Back to weather, no rain here, but it's COLD at night. It was 50 this afternoon though. I'm looking forward to it warming up, summer can't come soon enough.

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 11:52 am
by big bear
its supposed to be 53 on sunday i think the bikes might be coming out i hope so anyway