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Seat Comfort

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:04 am
by Calculon
I finally got my Forza back from the dealer. It was there for three weeks while it had the entire dash replaced because the backlit circle, which shows the mileage, odometer and time, was not backlit, so now my odometer is off 650 miles. Of course most the time it was in the shop, it was gorgeous weather wise, but rained five straight days when I got it back. On Monday I finished a two and a half hour ride. Towards the end I noticed the seat was becoming a bit more firm as time wore on. I was wondering what everyone was using, if anything, to make the seat more comfortable? Thanks for any help.

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:03 am
by davenowherejones
I rotated the ends of my bars downward which gave me a more sport bike posture.

The seat is comfortable, you need to re-shape your ass, exercise is the answer, walk more! Said the fat man sitting at his keyboard.

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:52 am
by Calculon
I usually walk 15,000+ steps a day(or at least five days a week) due to my job. :D

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 11:34 am
by davenowherejones
How tall are you? I am short 5'6" so rotating the grips down improved things for me.

How heavy are you? I am almost 200 pounds in full gear (helmet, boots, etc). Too much!!!!

The seat is slightly softer after a long ride but your body may be hurting. Ride a bit, walk a bit, take more breaks. Change where you put your feet during the ride. Wear good clothing to stay warm.

In general, it is not the motorcycle but YOU.

How old are you? My 60 year old body does not last all day on the motorcycle any more. It is not the destination but the journey that is important.

The other day my seat was hurting me but then I realized I had too much stuff under it. The seat was bulging up a little. I put some of the stuff in my top box and it was fine.

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 12:06 pm
by Jge64

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 4:36 pm
by fish
I rotated my bars up as soon as I got the Forza home.
Very comfortable at 6'3"+


Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 4:41 pm
by gn2
I found the problem with seat comfort on the Forza was the height of the seat being too low relative to the floorboards.
Raising the seat would have improved it, but I managed thirty-odd thousand miles without.

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 6:11 pm
by Prouja1969
I have been riding the Forza 300 since late July and I found that the ride can be harsh on poor pavement compared to my Burgman 200. I added an Airhawk and it made a huge difference.

If you are curious, the Burgman succumbed to an improper left turn by a driver one morning in early July. I was unhurt (full gear despite the heat). I was able to get a used Forza and I am really happy with it.

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 7:33 pm
by springer1
I was unhurt (full gear despite the heat)
Smart. Nice thinking.

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:56 am
by salsa
You are not alone Calculon! I've heard the complaint about the "ride" of the Forza and wanting to make the seat as comfy as possible. My hubs has some lower back issues and was having some pain after a 150 mile ride. I made sheepskin seat covers with 1" memory foam under mine, 2" under his. The next longer trek we took was 180 miles and he was actually feeling like going another 100 that day. They really made a difference!

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:05 am
by salsa
Ok. Figured out how to post the pic, so here we go.

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:53 am
by Mel46
Very nice looking bike...nice scenery too.

Would you mind going into your profile and adding your location, please. We just need your general location so that we can better relate to you and help when needed. This is an international forum, so members are from all over the world.

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:51 am
by Calculon
How did you attach that to the seat?

Re: Seat Comfort

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 10:20 am
by salsa
After trying various spots, by pinning elastic on, I attached 4 hooks to 1" elastic pieces, sewed the elastic to heavier leather patches and then glued (Barge glue) the patches to the underside of the sheepskin. Sheepskin is pretty thin and can tear through if it's just sewed directly. So, the heavier leather patches being sewed onto first, then glued on is more secure. I also have a longer elastic strap that goes across under the backrest and a longer one on front that goes under the seat hinge area and connects with Velcro on one of the leather patches. One photo shows the front elastic and one side hook. The hooks are 1" and are the kind that are often found on tie-down straps, but I coated them with Plasti-Dip to cushion the sharp edges. The other photo shows how they hook on the side of the seat.