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What Button/Switch Arrangement Works Best for You.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 11:44 am
by Old Grinner
As we all know there are several arrangements of the Hi/Lo Beam, Turn Signal, and Horn buttons/switches on various brands of motorcycles and scooters. I consider choice #1 the traditional set up and IMHO what works best for me. But some manufacturers offer other configurations for various reasons and opinions about which one is best could differ.

Please make 1 choice from the 3 options listed as to what arrangement you think works best for you . . . or what you are used to and feel most comfortable with.

Re: What Button/Switch Arrangement Works Best for You.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:11 pm
by Old Grinner
This is an example of what I consider the traditional arrangement . . ..
The PCX for example has the Horn Button in the middle and the Turn Signal Switch down below.
I've also seen the Turn Signal Switch and Horn Button located side by side on some other new bikes.

Re: What Button/Switch Arrangement Works Best for You.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:14 pm
by gn2
In preference order I would be 2, 1, 3, but position not so important to me so long as the individual switches are big and easy to use.
So if available I would probably be option 4, don't care
My ideal positioning would be hi/lo repeat push to toggle on/off in front where the flash to pass trigger usually sits, turn signal low down and horn above turn signal.

Re: What Button/Switch Arrangement Works Best for You.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:21 pm
by Old Grinner
So if available I would probably be option 4, don't care
Valid point . . ..

I didn't think of that.

Edit time ran out but duly noted. :geek:

Re: What Button/Switch Arrangement Works Best for You.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:49 pm
by Jge64
i know this is your white whale......Put me in the column of not caring, I can get used to a new switch position easily...

Re: What Button/Switch Arrangement Works Best for You.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 1:26 pm
by Old Grinner
i know this is your white whale......Put me in the column of not caring, I can get used to a new switch position easily...
Aye . . . and so it be. Watch for the birds!!! :roll: :roll: :lol:

Duly noted again.

So far the "No Preference" votes are up to 2 and currently in the lead. :geek:

Updates will follow as needed.

Re: What Button/Switch Arrangement Works Best for You.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:52 pm
by WhiteNoise
I'm good with the arrangement on the PCX. I adjusted to it pretty quickly. Muscle memory thingy.

Hi/lo's set on High and forget (basically)...and I don't ride much at night anymore, esp Late at night - Not around these parts. I have flashed them a few times and that was useless to the oncomer. Numb folk out there. Wake up!!

I've surprised myself, I thought I'd use the horn: cute meep meep :D Nope. When the need arises, my head gets wrapped around avoiding the situation rather than playing the button. I often wonder, would they hear it? A pedestrian might (w/headphones? no) A driver? I highly doubt it. Too much going on inside their cab. Don't ask. We've covered that before :lol:
But, I have meeped at flocks of geese in my path. They're everywhere. Now a plague! They glance my way 'n giggle. point? Not even geese respond.
When I bought my scoot I heard about and bought a louder horn (it's still boxed) never installed. Because I don't meep. I will probably sell it.

My turn signals are used A Lot! I'm glad they're mounted where they are, on the ready and easy to apply. Okay, maybe the button could be a :roll: snitch bigger and maybe disengage itself after turning?
Sweet. Can't hurt to ask :oops:
Dear Honda Santa....

Re: What Button/Switch Arrangement Works Best for You.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:11 am
by Old Grinner
When the need arises, my head gets wrapped around avoiding the situation rather than playing the button. I often wonder, would they hear it? A pedestrian might (w/headphones? no) A driver? I highly doubt it. Too much going on inside their cab. Don't ask. We've covered that before :lol:
Most excellent point!

I've given it consideration . . .. And in a way it almost seems a sign of the times.

Note that "tinted windows" just add to the confusion. :?

Willingness to adjust and adapt to change is important for survival.

That said muscle memory and the fact that people do get used to doing things a certain way can present as behavior either resistant to change or play into a conditioned response. Perhaps relying on a horn to wake someone up when a traffic light has been green for some time (due to them texting or pure oblivion) or to acknowledge someone you know as you ride by would be a better use.

A focus on avoiding contact by whatever means is, indeed, the priority and in contrast to the urge to control the situation by pushing a button becomes secondary when you think about it. Can they hear the horn beep? Is their music cranked loud thus blocking out others input? Are they involved in a verbal exchange on a device or with passengers in the vehicle? and the list goes on. Just getting on with getting around the problem is always the best choice and just as importantly with no gestures of discontent.

But yet . . . sometimes it's tough to break old habits. And yet again . . . for the sake of the "old dog" . . . we must learn new tricks.

Wait . . . there's more . . . the more things change the more they stay the same. :lol: :lol: :lol: