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Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:44 pm
by JohnL
I now have an empty space in my garage.

At age 78 (me, not the bike), I decided to part ways with my PCX.

I've had six years of glorious fun, a couple of minor spills, some hairy moments, and will always have the great memories. Unfortunately, my diabetes and arthritis have made it too difficult to move the bike around, and my confidence in riding is slipping. Not to mention the cost of Registration and Insurance hitting my bank balance.

I put the bike on Gumtree and Facebook Marketplace for a reasonable price and threw in my helmet and jacket. (Well one of my jackets and one of my helmets, I kept my best ones, in case I suddenly get young again). I had about 12 inquiries, including the usual tyre kickers and stupid offers. It finally went to a nice young guy looking for transport to his job, who couldn't believe it wasn't a new bike until I pointed out the scars from my two minor prangs.

Still finding it hard to walk in the garage and look at the empty space.

I won't be quitting the forum. it's still my first stop every day, boot up the computer and head for the PCX Forum. I regard all the members as my friends and will keep in touch. :cry: :| :cry: :|

Re: Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 6:53 pm
by Old Grinner
Still finding it hard to walk in the garage and look at the empty space.

I won't be quitting the forum. it's still my first stop every day, boot up the computer and head for the PCX Forum. I regard all the members as my friends and will keep in touch. :cry: :| :cry: :|
Hey John,

Doing what makes sense is the sensible thing to do.

It's good that you will continue to keep in touch with us and thanks for your compliments about the forum and to consider us as friends is truly an honor. :geek:

Have a good laugh now and then . . .. I think we all fear that fateful day of parting with our scooters or motorcycles.

The only time I ever went without a "machine" was after a divorce. I sold the 650 and about a year later got back into riding on a 250. I still wish I had that 650 but at the end of the day it was the sensible thing to do. I needed to keep things simple for a while.

This amusement ride is in Florida but maybe someone will get the motivation to build one in Australia and then you can still take a ride anytime you want and not worry about traffic! :lol:

One thing for sure is you've paid your dues as a "rider"! Nobody can ever take that away from you. 8)

Re: Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:46 pm
by JohnL
Thank you for your kind comments. At my age, you don't start dropping off friends and acquaintances. Someone has to turn up at your funeral just so your wife doesn't realise her mistake in making the journey with you. :D :D :D

As a matter of interest it's our 59th Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday, March 12th. [I was a child groom, and still don't regret it].

I'm not giving up on motorized transport entirely, I still have the Honda Jazz and am already looking at an electric XIAOMI push scooter for local errands and visits to the doctor.

That's the real reason I kept my jacket and helmet. The Xiaomi scooter is much lighter and closer to the ground than a PCX, which has its plusses and minuses. Our laws in Queensland allow you to ride on footpaths and unmarked roads as long as you don't exceed 25mph [40kph]. it should be interesting. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:40 pm
by fish
I, for one, always got a kick out of your avatar photo!
Peddle safe, friend.
Glad you're sticking around.
Congrats to you both!
(I was 19, she was 18, license from Los Angeles court house, Summer of Love. Anyone remember what yr that was?)

Re: Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 9:07 pm
by big bear
yes 1967 i was 12 that year

Re: Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:02 pm
by Limey
Yup and I was 18. :)

JohnL - sorry to see you are giving up the PCX, but sometimes it is the right thing to do. I think maybe I have 5 years left in me for riding mine. Glad you are staying on the forum.

Re: Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:45 am
by Gil
That's a bummer, but glad to see that you knew when to quit. Now do be careful with the XIAOMI push scooter. The small wheels can get jammed in the imperfections of the road/sidewalk. Try and get one with big wheels.

Keep the rubber side down.

Re: Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 5:34 am
by Docscooter2010
Happy retirement John , sad that you have to hang your helmet up . How are you gonna get to the Tavern in North Lakes now . Thought I might have bumped into you next time I visit my daughter. Have to jump on one of them Kangaroo buses eh . Take it easy mate , And keep the posts coming .

Re: Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:01 am
by mymitzi
Ditto on previous sentiments...........Glad you're hanging around.

Re: Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:13 am
by Mel46
In the summer of 1967 I was getting close to the end of my enlistment in the air force after 4 years. My enlistment ended on September 8th, one day before my 21st birthday. (Then I enlisted in the Coast Guard...aviation 1971 after being in the outside world for about 4 years, and I stayed in for another 8.5 years.) I went back to college after many fun years of flying and traveling in the military. Then I went to work for the company that built the planes I flew in, eventually retiring from there.

In any case, I am not too far behind you, John. I will be 74 this year and my neighbors tell me that they fear for my life everytime I go out on my PCX 150, but I must not have any fear because I am thrilled to be out on it. Unfortunately, I know it won't be long before I too will have to give up what I love.

Maybe you can get one of these?? ... T8EALw_wcB

Re: Finally Have to Admit to Getting Old.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:41 pm
by big bear
im the young guy here at 65