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Screw the virus..Put on some tunes and ride (video)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:37 am
by easyrider

Re: Screw the virus..Put on some tunes and ride (video)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:09 am
by Old Grinner
Cool vid and best idea yet!

I only got to watch half of it for now . . . but will watch the whole thing again later.

Nice area.

Mellow tunes. :D

Re: Screw the virus..Put on some tunes and ride (video)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 9:57 am
by Mel46
If only it stayed sunny here. I rode two days, and now the weather is getting back at me. Thunder, lightning, heavy rains, some flooding, and still there is pollen! Well, when these storms leave the area we might be lucky enough be see sunshine again. Here is hoping. Riding and music are the answer to being stuck at home. The roads are essentially empty.

Re: Screw the virus..Put on some tunes and ride (video)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:59 am
by Limey
How about putting on this great tune, but with a few new words thrown in - by a great singer in his own home!

Way to go Neil!

Re: Screw the virus..Put on some tunes and ride (video)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:46 pm
by Old Grinner
Screw the virus..Put on some tunes and ride
So I took your advice and rode this afternoon. A variety of bands played in my mind . . .. LOL!!! :lol:

It was still a bit cool but the sun was out and it was good to be alive. :D

Hope you don't mind if I post the ride photos on your thread.

Enjoy the pics. ;)

Re: Screw the virus..Put on some tunes and ride (video)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:51 pm
by springer1
Mel46 wrote:If only it stayed sunny here. I rode two days, and now the weather is getting back at me. Thunder, lightning, heavy rains, some flooding, and still there is pollen! Well, when these storms leave the area we might be lucky enough be see sunshine again. Here is hoping. Riding and music are the answer to being stuck at home. The roads are essentially empty.
LoL Mel .... "The roads are essentially empty" .... can't get more inviting than that bud .... I hope your back allows some riding this year.

Re: Screw the virus..Put on some tunes and ride (video)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:29 pm
by Old Grinner
How about putting on this great tune, but with a few new words thrown in - by a great singer in his own home!

Way to go Neil!
Thanks for posting that!

It took me all the way back to High School.

I never in a thousand years would have ever thought I'd see Neil Diamond strumming on a guitar by the fireplace with his faithful dog beside him.

Time passes much too quickly . . ..

Re: Screw the virus..Put on some tunes and ride (video)

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:17 pm
Old Grinner,
I'm going to have to keep an out out for your XMax when I'm on my PCX. You're photos are just a couple of miles from my house.
One of the best things about riding is that it is easier than in a car to pull over and take in a sight or even a picture.
Spotted this sunset at the pond you were at while riding to a friends house last fall. This is from the Dam side.

Re: Screw the virus..Put on some tunes and ride (video)

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:47 pm
by Old Grinner
Old Grinner,
I'm going to have to keep an out out for your XMax when I'm on my PCX. You're photos are just a couple of miles from my house.
One of the best things about riding is that it is easier than in a car to pull over and take in a sight or even a picture.
Spotted this sunset at the pond you were at while riding to a friends house last fall. This is from the Dam side.
Nice sunset picture! :D

It really is a great area to ride . . ..

Your PCX is a fine scooter for those back roads. Light and agile and will handle 50 MPH on Rt. 154 if needed too.

If I see you I'll wave. LOL!!! :lol: