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Errand Run Up Town

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:48 pm
by Old Grinner
The migrating birds have pretty much returned to town and continue to compete with the squirrels for their share of seed. Today it was the "mixed bag". :lol:

I've got enough thistle seed for a while but the Goldfinches do a proper job of eating me out of house and home as that is their favorite. . .. o_O

Oink Oink as they say . . .. :D
A pic up town by the Fire Department and Memorial for the Veterans. The POW MIA flag is kind of hidden on the picture behind "Old Glory". It was windy.
Off in the distance to the right is "The Kate". A popular theater refurbished a few years ago in memory of the famous Kate Hepburn who once resided in town. For many years the building was the "Town Hall" but now that is located in the former Main Street School.
A southerly look down Main Street . . ..
Looking across the sea of flags towards the old "Main Street School" . . . now the "Town Hall" . . . on the 10th anniversary of 9/11/2001. To see it in person was an unforgettable experience.

Re: Errand Run Up Town

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:44 am
by Mel46
Very nice pictures.

As for the birds, we feed ours as well, mostly sunflower seeds. I think they have become our dependents now.

If the feeders are empty the big woodpecker comes knocking. He will start at our bedroom window. Then he will move to our bathroom window. Finally he will move to our kitchen window. We call him Woodie, the mob boss. As soon as we finish filling the feeders he flies to one of them and starts "distributing" the food. The squirrels wait under it, as well as the littlest of the birds, chipmunks and other little creatures. It is kind of cute.

Re: Errand Run Up Town

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:57 pm
by JohnL
We have two feeding stations for green lorikeets (native parrots) and usually get about 30 to 40 twice a day. We hand feed mincemeat to magpies, butcher birds, kurrawongs, native mynahs, and pigeons (flying rats). They all line up on our verandah and mostly wait their turn, based mainly on size. The magpies, kurrawongs and butcher birds all bring their young chicks along to introduce them to the free food once they can fly. We get taps on the window if we are too slow for their liking, and occasionally a magpie will come in the house and that really upsets our 15 year old house cat. We are told by some people not to feed them as it's not the right diet for them, but we have been doing it for 25 years and helped rear many generations of healthy birds.

Re: Errand Run Up Town

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:24 pm
by fish
JohnL wrote:We have two feeding stations for green lorikeets (native parrots) and usually get about 30 to 40 twice a day. We hand feed mincemeat to magpies, butcher birds, kurrawongs, native mynahs, and pigeons (flying rats). They all line up on our verandah and mostly wait their turn, based mainly on size. The magpies, kurrawongs and butcher birds all bring their young chicks along to introduce them to the free food once they can fly. We get taps on the window if we are too slow for their liking, and occasionally a magpie will come in the house and that really upsets our 15 year old house cat. We are told by some people not to feed them as it's not the right diet for them, but we have been doing it for 25 years and helped rear many generations of healthy birds.
That's pretty cool!
My daughter loves to feed the lorikeets at the Columbus zoo. They have a large enclosure and the workers give the kids a little cup of something to feed them. Birds sit on the kid's hands (and shoulders and heads!) and drink from the cups. (hand cleaner stations at the entrance)
She still talks about the time one took a piece of her finger and gave it a little chew - so proud of herself (7 yrs old) for not throwing the bird across the room!
These birds are near the 'Roo enclosure....where several kinds are kept in an large walk-thru open space.

My wife stocks her back yard feeders so much I have to buy 50lb bags of bird seed at a time. So many birds back there - a large hawk comes by every so often to 'feed' as well.


Re: Errand Run Up Town

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:55 am
by Old Grinner

Oh no!
Another squirrel is coming to raid the feeder . . .. :o
Well . . . I guess when you gotta eat you gotta eat. Or, it's a squirrel with bad eye sight. :lol:
And the beat goes on . . . all together now! :D
And now for the next act . . . a couple of tall pines discussing "politics". :roll:

Re: Errand Run Up Town

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:14 pm
by WhiteNoise
Love them photos!! It's more than fun taking pictures. It's a challenge capturing the moment, the expression, etc. A great hobby!

Nature! I've been noticing some peculiar behavior going on with creatures of all species within my community and outside of it. They're having a free for all whilst the bigger creatures "US" stay indoors. Not what you would call "Animal Farm" status but but....could it happen?? Stop the nonsense WN!

Alright But I got something for ya. Wait till I come back with a pic or two taken the past few days. You'll SEE what I mean. We're losing control humans!! Haha, never had it to begin with. So get over that! :D

Re: Errand Run Up Town

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:15 pm
by WhiteNoise
Pics taken Friday. In all my years I've never seen this:

Re: Errand Run Up Town

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:52 pm
by WhiteNoise
It took 3-4 days for a pair of Morning Doves to build a nest on that sun heated Subaru roof. The owner of the vehicle hadn't moved his car in days. So the Dove sat till she gave birth to one egg.
The next day (Sat) the owner finally came out, walked to his car, got in, backed out of space when I finally caught up with him. I laughed and said, "there's a nest on yer roof with a dove sitting atop it!" He pulled over put it in park, got out and then stood there with his mouth open. Said he didn't even notice the nest or Her in it! He got back in, backed up
and then parked in his driveway (the Dove didn't budge)....until he got his step ladder. Off she flew right into his tree. She Watched, then flew overhead, landed, repeat. As he brought the nest to a nearby bush the egg dropped out and broke. It was a sad sight. My neighbor (still feeling bad) got back in his car to run his errand. The Dove? Well....She proceeded to rebuild on the car that was parked right next to his in the parking lot.
Today it rained all day. No sign of the Doves. Perhaps they drove off

Re: Errand Run Up Town

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:02 am
by Old Grinner
WN - One of the best posts I've ever seen here . . .. :D

Mourning Doves have always been a scarce but welcome member of the community where I live as well.

You can clearly identify them by their Ooooooo OOoooooo sounds . . . especially in the mornings.

Sadly a noble effort to relocate the nest and egg did not come to fruition. But clearly only the best intentions were there.

Re: Errand Run Up Town

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:47 am
by easyrider
My feeder , my buddy everyday.
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