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How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:16 am
by HawaiiJ
I have been wanting to know how far I could really go on a tank of gas. To pull this off, I started carrying 2L of gas once I hit 200km on the odometer and thought I would make it to about 250K before I ran the tank dry. To my surprise I made it a bit further before the engine began to sputter and miss.

306.1 km reading on the odometer
2.0 L fuel added
4.17 L additional fuel required to finish fill-up
6.17 L total fill-up
312.6 km odometer at fill-up

190.2 miles traveled on the tank

My driving style is not WOT, on main roads I cruise at 80-90kph. This tank run had a little bit of everything; city driving, road cruising and a trip up a mountain road with 900m elevation.

Anyone else tried this?

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:06 am
by you you
I've always intended to do it as a mini experiment

That's further than I'd expect, do you think the gauge is over cautious?

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:09 am
by Slickvic
HawaiiJ wrote:I have been wanting to know how far I could really go on a tank of gas.

Anyone else tried this?

Sendler made it ~150 Miles: ... s&start=10

and 157 Miles: ... s&start=20

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:16 am
by khaosaming
I made an experiment how far the PCX 150 would go on 20 Baht. 20 Baht could buy 0.4 litre of gasoline (price per litre was 49.90). The engine stalled at 15.8 km. So I figure with my style of driving I can only reach 247 km on a tank. It gives around 40 km / litre. This way is a little inaccurate, because who knows if there was still some gas left in the tank, say a total of 0.5 litre after fill-up. That would give only 197 km and around 32 km / litre.

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:54 am
by HawaiiJ
I plan on doing this a few more times to get some sort of average. While I went 306 km on this tank, this does not factor in the discrepancies in the odometer accuracy. I need to do a calibration with the odometer and GPS to get an accurate miles covered. But for the purpose intended the 306 (or the average) is good to know when I'm on the verge of running out of fuel and having to push the PCX to the next station.

Here is a snapshot from fuelly on all the fill-ups I have had traveling over 225km.


Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:39 pm
by ben
Mine flashes at 130 miles and runs out at just over 150 i found out the hard way!

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:42 am
by TasmanianDevil
Mine runs out over 100/110 miles.

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:17 am
by HawaiiJ
TasmanianDevil wrote:Mine runs out over 100/110 miles.
Runs out as in you are stranded on the side of a road or the light starts to blink and you fill up? How many liters are you getting on your fill-ups?

What kind of driving style is normal for you? Assuming you run the max speed possible most of the time getting that kind of mileage?

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:29 am
by khaosaming
Fuel consumption (PCX 125), according to (130 counts):
min 1,95; Ø 2,53; max 3,22
Under 2 litres / 100 km seems achievable if one's hand is light on the throttle. I'm getting an average of just under 3 litres / 100 km, but my hand is heavy.

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:05 pm
by HawaiiJ
Here's a graph for the past year. Over time it has moved closer to 2.0l/100km. There are a couple of spikes where I went on extended trips including mountain rides and rode at higher speeds than I normally drive. My day-to-day driving style is dictated by the road environment in Chaing Mai, the roads are busy and it can get crazy so I take it easy.


Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:31 pm
by tenpastnine
Well.. i don't run out of gas, i have only filled up twice since i got it 100miles and 110miles, but i haven't even got it low enough for the light to come on!

Its the only scooter i have owned with a working fuel gauge!
But i can see 150miles but 190miles seems a lot! Maybe because i only drive in town. steady 40-50mph might be better then stop,start.

How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:52 am
by SmellyTofu
I average 2.2L/100km on 98RON fuel

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:52 am
by Urbanian
All depends on how you ride... I've recorded anywhere from 78 to 118 MPG (US). Multiply that times the number of gallons in your tank, and you'll know how far you can go.

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:25 am
by HawaiiJ
Not sure how this bit of info factors into the equation if at all. I did a simple test with the GPS vs odometer.

On the GPS I got 80 km, on the 82.5 km.

Re: How far can a PCX go on a tank?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:48 pm
by CaptnJim
My flashing fuel light comes on around 120 miles... and I wind up putting 1.2 (+/-) gallons in the tank. From the specs, the tank holds 1.6 gallons; no idea how much of that is unusable.

I have noticed that the last two bars on the fuel gauge disappear much faster than the first two.

Captain Jim