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Biker knocked down right in front of me by idiot car driver

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 3:26 pm
by iceman
On the way to work this even I witnessed a biker get knocked down yards in front of me - car driver drove off!

In Westminster, London, most bus lanes allow motorcycle use and this rider was in one and doing nothing wrong - and only going about 15 mph at the time. There was a car in the lhs normal lane alongside the biker who suddenly turned left to go down a side road - knocked the biker over and drove off!

I heard the crunch and the bike got some front end damage with bits of bike and stuff over the road but the biker got up and seemed alright. I was going to stop longer but car drivers behind pulled over to assist and I needed to get to work - wish I had some cam footage to send to the biker / police.

Only reason I have not had an accident in near 7 years riding in London is that I am always looking out for idiots and trying as much as possible to avoid such 'accidents'. Still so many a**holes who tail-gate, speed and swap lanes and go through red lights - pity nothing much is done to catch them on camer and prosecute.

Re: Biker knocked down right in front of me by idiot car driver

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 10:09 am
by Mel46
I have a dashcam on my bike. It has come in handy. Idiots like that driver don't think anyone caught his actions on film, especially if there are no other cars near by (only bikes). For some reason they don't believe a biker would use a dashcam.

Re: Biker knocked down right in front of me by idiot car driver

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 12:58 am
by you you
Mel46 wrote: Sun May 16, 2021 10:09 am I have a dashcam on my bike. It has come in handy. Idiots like that driver don't think anyone caught his actions on film, especially if there are no other cars near by (only bikes). For some reason they don't believe a biker would use a dashcam.
Pop some pictures up? Is it a car dashcam?

Re: Biker knocked down right in front of me by idiot car driver

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 8:36 am
by SantinoInc
With my short time on a scooter I've learned that you cannot take anything for granted on the road with this thing. You have to be twice as aware and vigilant as you would be in car. I'm constantly of the mindset of thinking whether motorists X, Y, Z can see me and if so are they giving me proper space or up my ass. Sometimes even being hyper aware bad things can happen though. My biggest fear is getting hit by some asshole and then getting run over by a car on the road. Stay safe out there fellas!

Re: Biker knocked down right in front of me by idiot car driver

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 7:15 pm
by Mel46
Yes, my dashcam is a car dashcam connected through a usb port I have attached directly to my battery. The USB port has an on/off button. The dashcam sticks to my tall windshield by suction cup. I had my Go-Pro hooked up first but found it to be a waste of resources, so I went back to a spare dashcam that I had taken from my SUV that had been killed by a young, stupid driver speeding in high conjestion traffic.

Speaking of traffic, this morning I was taking my wife to a doctor appointment, driving along at 50 mph in a 45 mph zone. The entire road has a double yellow line for 10 miles because it has blind curves, blind hills, and blind curves on blind hills. Darned if some jackass didn't fly past me doing 80 mph and missed an oncoming car by inches! You can bet that the oncoming traffic was standing on their brakes! If they hadn't, they would have been dead. Then that idiot ran right through a red light right down the road and went between cars as he crossed traffic!

I don't know what the guy was in a hurry about but, If you have a REAL emergency, drive with your hazard lights on, and your headlights. Do NOT pass traffic blindly, especially in areas where you can not see oncoming traffic... and at least beep your horn as you go through a busy intersection!

That driver did NONE of that, and there was no way for him to know if there was any oncoming traffic on that road, which is a high accident road, with plenty of police action due to drunk drivers.

By the way, all of that was caught on dashcam as well. All of my vehicles have them and I highly recommend that everyone get one.

Re: Biker knocked down right in front of me by idiot car driver

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 7:23 pm
by raito
Mel46 wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 7:15 pm Yes, my dashcam is a car dashcam connected through a usb port I have attached directly to my battery.
So what do you do when it rains. Rains are rare there? Here rains are frequent and more than often very heavy, so need a waterproof dashcam.

Re: Biker knocked down right in front of me by idiot car driver

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 9:15 am
by Mel46
That is why I initially had my Go-Pro connected. It came with a waterproof case. These days you can buy a knockoff Go-Pro for about what you would pay for a dashcam, and it will work fine. It also comes with a waterproof case. ... ics&sr=1-3

Re: Biker knocked down right in front of me by idiot car driver

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:20 am
by Mel46
So yesterday we were almost hit by a millennial texting while driving. We had a green light and were 3rd in line, yet the millennial didn't even slow down for the red light, went right through it with heavy traffic, and kept on driving and texting as though the rest of the traffic wasn't there! She went between two lanes of traffic and missed all of us by inches, with the two lanes of traffic doing the braking instead of her. I caught up with her car several lights later and noticed that her front end was already smashed in and held on by duct tape. I would say that she has done this before and wasn't so lucky then.

If you feel safe, Imagine being on a scooter with those types of driver's all around you! That should keep you alert!