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riding without colliding

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:01 pm
by flyingzonker
For those who have ears to hear: This guy's Youtube channel is the best of its type that I have run across.

Re: riding without colliding

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:16 am
by flyingzonker
It boggles my mind that no one picks up on this topic. Is it that scooter riders are immune to crashing? Not this scooter rider. I have fallen off my PCX and other bikes and it something devoutly to be avoided.
Of course, there may be another factor contributing to this lack of interest in these safety videos: Avoidance. People don't want to know what can happen. It unnerves one. Understandable, but not wise. Better to watch and learn from the mistakes of others.

Re: riding without colliding

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:21 am
by Mel46
First of all, a scooter is really a motorcycle with an automatic transmission. You can be hurt just as easily as on a motorcycle.
I really enjoy my PCX, though my riding time is coming to a close. I learned a lot about safety as I moved from bike to bike. I was in the military much of the time, and safety was drilled into me. In fact, motorcycle riders were required to take a safety course in order to ride on the base. That didn't mean that it stuck for every rider, but I paid attention...especially when they told us that we were government property, so if we crashed and it was our fault we could be court martialed for destruction of government property.
in any case, I have noticed a lot of riders who seem to believe that nothing will happen to them if they ride without a helmet, or they ride too close to the back of cars, or they speed through an intersection just as the light is changing. Learning things the hard way hurts, and could even kill you! Still, that seems to be the ONLY way some riders learn any lessons.

There were many times when I wanted to advise and admonish bad riders, but I have learned through the years that some people have to learn things on their own if they don`t want to listen to advice from others who have been around longer and know what it feels like to crash. It is heartbreaking sometimes, but we can not MAKE others listen if they do not want to.

Ask yourself how many times you have seen riders doing foolish things. Do you think that they would have listened to you if you told them how foolish they were being? Doubtful.

Riding without colliding should be everyone's goal, but that requires commitment to safety and alertness.

Re: riding without colliding

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 7:11 am
by you you
Mel46 wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:21 am .especially when they told us that we were government property, so if we crashed and it was our fault we could be court martialed for destruction of government property.
:lol: Maybe damaged not destroyed? ;)