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what has happened to this site?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:41 am
by flyingzonker
This poor site has gone pretty dead, seems to me. It used to get a lot of traffic. When I joined some years back there was a crowd every day. Now...almost no flow at all.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:19 am
by Jge64
I’ve been here about eight years, it seems about the same to me.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:53 am
by Ganglylamb
It all started to go down in my opinion when covid started. Which somehow makes sense, lockdowns, people go out less hence less troubleshooting needed less stories to share....

On the other hand some old timers and people who contributed alot have left for various reasons in the past 1.5 year. For example: where are homie´'s youtube video's gone to ?

I hope it just picks up again soon!

Edit: i also see many questions specific to 21 version, and those who have been around for some time dont have that version, experience with it or even the service manual.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:23 pm
by flyingzonker
Could be. Or maybe they just moved on to something else other than the PCX. But, how could anybody, once having had a PCX, want to move on to anything else? The mere idea boggles my mind.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:59 pm
by Limey
Well I. for one, read the new posts every day.
Don't post much unless I can answer a question, but am always checking! :)

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 5:28 am
by iceman
Most people seem to stick with the bikes they have as they are usually very reliable, so nothing to add to queries for 21' versions and almost anything that you would want to know and can help with has already been discussed.

If I had to buy a new bike, and stuck with the PCX, I am not keen on keyless nor the added traction nor perhaps the CBS replacement as not needed them and all the more to go wrong and get expensive to fix. <(lots of Forza 125 owners on FB do not like the new versions of the bike - build quality issues, lots of problems (dealers and Honda not keen on helping) and many hate the keyless too). Many post they regret trading up and wish they had stuck with the older models.

If I bought a new bike, non PCX, I would still browse this site out of interest.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:32 am
by flyingzonker
I will one of these days have to get another bike and when I do I won't get the 2021 version of the PCX but I will look for a 2020 or 2019> I live in the Chicago area so there is bound to be a market of available PCX's.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:20 am
by Mel46
My 2013 model is great and dependable, though I am about to stop riding all together due to age. Still, it has been dependable and is esay to work on. This "throw away" generation thinks that they need the newest model of something in order to get dependability, so what I am seeing on this site is more and more new riders who want the lastest model, even though they are new at riding and know very little about the PCX. At least with the older ones we weren't afraid to take them apart, fix and modify them.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:29 pm
by Conelite
I think, just like the Ruckus forums, everyone goes to Facebook pages and ask questions there. This forum seems to be able the same since I joined. lol

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 6:15 pm
by flyingzonker
Mel46 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:20 am My 2013 model is great and dependable, though I am about to stop riding all together due to age. Still, it has been dependable and is esay to work on. This "throw away" generation thinks that they need the newest model of something in order to get dependability, so what I am seeing on this site is more and more new riders who want the lastest model, even though they are new at riding and know very little about the PCX. At least with the older ones we weren't afraid to take them apart, fix and modify them.
How old are you? I am 74 and don't see myself stopping any time soon.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 9:46 am
by Mel46
I just turned 75 and I didn't think I would stop until recently. Then,this year my joints started hurting enough to stop me from riding on certain days, and my back (after 13 back surgeries) now yells at me in the mornings when I get up. It is as though I reached a point in life when all of the extended warranties on my body have expired at the same time. It kind of suchs to get old when all of this happens at the same time. :cry: Now, everytime I pass my bike in the garage, I want to just climb on it and ride, but I know better. I can only ride when my body says unfair! Fall is here! Great riding weather!

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 8:29 pm
by flyingzonker
Mel46 wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 9:46 am I just turned 75 and I didn't think I would stop until recently. Then,this year my joints started hurting enough to stop me from riding on certain days, and my back (after 13 back surgeries) now yells at me in the mornings when I get up. It is as though I reached a point in life when all of the extended warranties on my body have expired at the same time. It kind of suchs to get old when all of this happens at the same time. :cry: Now, everytime I pass my bike in the garage, I want to just climb on it and ride, but I know better. I can only ride when my body says unfair! Fall is here! Great riding weather!
I hear you. Motorscootering, like mortorcycling, is an athletic endeavor. I don't ride more than a half hour in any one day. More than that and I start feeling it in the back. Some days I don't have time to do even that much so I will strap on my helmet and take a long circuit of my neighborhood--about a ten min ride. It is enough to cheer me up.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:32 pm
by big bear
im 67 and have arthritis some days i have to cover my hands in aspercream but it comes and goes not bothering me at all right now took the pcx out for a 15 miler this afternoon

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:15 am
by Mel46
Some days are great for me. Some days are not. The questions that I have to ask myself involve not only how I feel, but also how attentive I can be once I get on the bike. If things go right, I will feel great and be quite attentive. However, on the days when my body aches and my mind isn't 100% on the task at hand, I know that something could happen and my mind wouldn't be there to react. As I get older I notice my mind wandering to what hurts the most at the moment. On a bike, that could be very dangerous, especially if someone pulls out in front of me, or runs a stop light. At what point do I decide that I am a danger to myself and others when I am out on my bike? Overconfidence kills. I see little old ladies driving the wrong way in a store parking lot, and pulling out in front of traffic without slowing down or stopping at the Stop sign, and I think about my riding. Will I be that way soon? Am I as dangerous as that person when I go out on my bike? Where is my attention?

That is what I have been thinking about lately.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:25 am
by Jge64
I’m in the exact same situation at age 72. I feel great, no real problems but I’ve limited my rides to be in around the neighborhood and down the street. Just last year I was still doing six 200 mile drives a year across the state to see a friend, and I’ve suddenly realized that my attention span, visual acuity, and reflex time is not what it used to be. And at this age there’s just no reason to push it, I’m better in a brand new car I bought listening to SiriusXM , drinking coffee for my long rides. I lost my hip to a rear end accident -not my fault -on a bike 20 years ago, I can’t imagine what my healing ability would be like now if it happened again. Not good.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:12 am
by mymitzi
Man! You guys are old! too : ) Hope you can hang in there Mel ......and everyone long as you have some good days.
Another month [just about here] and my odometer turns 75 [age]. Thankful to still get out......saves me a bundle on Therapist visits! : ) Really enjoy
it.......look forward to it. Switched to scooters to extend the riding... then discovered what I'd been missing all these years! This is a great time weather-wise......... Hope you all can make the most of it.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:45 am
by you you
flyingzonker wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 6:15 pm
Mel46 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:20 am My 2013 model is great and dependable, though I am about to stop riding all together due to age. Still, it has been dependable and is esay to work on. This "throw away" generation thinks that they need the newest model of something in order to get dependability, so what I am seeing on this site is more and more new riders who want the lastest model, even though they are new at riding and know very little about the PCX. At least with the older ones we weren't afraid to take them apart, fix and modify them.
How old are you? I am 74 and don't see myself stopping any time soon.
Yes Mel grow a pair :)

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 9:47 am
by Mel46
you you,
There are days, like today, when the nerves that run down my legs (both) will spike every time I take a step. Standing is difficult, but I do my best to"walk it off". Eventually, I can walk with fewer spikes. Riding is out of the question during that time. "Growing some" has very little to do with constant pain. When I was injured while in the military I was medevaced out. If I could have, I would have preferred to walk it off. NO one asks for 13 back surgeries.

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:36 pm
by you you
Mel46 wrote: Sat Oct 02, 2021 9:47 am you you,
There are days, like today, when the nerves that run down my legs (both) will spike every time I take a step. Standing is difficult, but I do my best to"walk it off". Eventually, I can walk with fewer spikes. Riding is out of the question during that time. "Growing some" has very little to do with constant pain. When I was injured while in the military I was medevaced out. If I could have, I would have preferred to walk it off. NO one asks for 13 back surgeries.

No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition. We are all getting older.

And you haven't posted any pictures of your new garage.

Did your wife's arm eventually heal?

Re: what has happened to this site?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:59 am
by Mel46
My wife's arm/shoulder has healed but gives her limited range since they had to reattach tendons, ligaments, etc. The left shoulder was really splintered, so now she has composite plates and screws in there. (She is really allergic to nickel, which most surgical metals have in them, so they had to send off for special parts for her shoulder.

As for my garage, well it seems small to me but since we only have one car it works out great for working on the bike. However, if we ever get a second car I have a shop on the other side of the door that is big enough for me to bring my bike in there to work on.
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I also have storage under my deck in the back, where I store my riding lawnmower, lawn furniture, and miscellaneous other items. I usually store the push mower under there as well but I had just changes the oil in it when I took the picture, so I had not moved it back out.