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Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:25 pm
by ScooterKim
Well. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I ran over Mr Groundhog today. For all I know it might have been Mrs Groundhog hurrying to the grocery store or to the beauty parlor to get her nails done. I was looking up and out and all of a sudden, I see a dark moving object close to my right and "bump-bump" I ran over him with my front tire. the funny thing is, I did not go off balance and just continued on the straight and narrow. was more surprised than anything. hope I just stunned him. there was no splatter or mess when I was able to check. I KNOW there are more stories out there like mine... care to share?! ScooterKim

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:44 pm
by Taz
Running over small critters is OK, I've run over several rabbits. But avoid the big ones like deer, cattle and in our case kangaroos, as they will cause you damage! Was it at night? Its worth slowing down nighttime if you want to lessen the critter damage!

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:55 pm
by maddiedog
I've killed two cats, dozens of squirrels, and likely a possum. A few rabbits too. I think my tires have targets on them. :( All the animals I've hit were at night, other than the squirrels, they're all daytime.

The first time it was a shock. I had hit roadkill before, but it's always sad killing something (especially the cats -- they might have been pets). I never bothered to stop, you can FEEL it if the creature's body gives way to your tire.

The only time I've had a close call recently was when there was a dead deer on the road. That's a lot of mass to hit, and it was smashed across my lane through a turn. I managed to reduce speed enough to not get killed, and rode through a blood puddle between some larger gore. I had a close call in Florida with a turtle too. I stopped and carried the little guy across the road after I dodged him. :lol:

Most hits didn't leave gore, one of the cats did, and that was really sad. If you ever hit something and get your bike covered in gore, clean it off as soon as possible, dried blood is really hard to get off.

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:50 am
by gn2
I hit a cat with a VFR750 which I was piloting round a corner circa 85mph.
Bike hardly deviated from my chosen line.
The cat smashed both fairing lowers :(
It earned me a rather crude nickname for a while.

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:31 am
by maddiedog
I'm going to throw out a guess -- Pussy smasher?

Or worse?

That's a pretty hilarious that it got you a nickname though.

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:40 am
by cessna151
My tally so far is a raccoon and believe it or not, a bird, lol.

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:20 pm
by gn2
maddiedog wrote:I'm going to throw out a guess -- Pussy smasher?

Or worse?

That's a pretty hilarious that it got you a nickname though.
You're on the right track, it was "The Pussy F____r"

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:35 pm
by you you
gn2 wrote:
maddiedog wrote:I'm going to throw out a guess -- Pussy smasher?

Or worse?

That's a pretty hilarious that it got you a nickname though.
You're on the right track, it was "The Pussy F____r"

I sometimes get called a pianist. Ridiculous, I don't even play the piano

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:50 pm
by ben
Hit a fox when i was going about 40mph at 4am, woke me up!

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:37 pm
by CaptnJim
Nice thing about the bigger wheels on the PCX, compared to the smaller tire scooters: the gyro effect tends to keep rolling when something small and furry makes contact. I am convinced that some animals (and birds) are simply suicidal. Perhaps it is "thinning the herd"? If it were a domestic animal, and likely a family pet, I would stop... woodland creatures? Not so much.

The PCX is quiet; that could be a contributing factor. Glad to hear there was no harm to you or damage to the scoot.

In several hundred thousand two wheel miles, I have only taken out one squirrel and a bird... the bird hurt!

From the family of Mr. Groundhog: services are being held until Feb. 2nd. Donations can be made to the Bill Murray Foundation.


Captain Jim

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:08 pm
by Jhois1
In Bill Murray's case, Phil would get ran over day after day. :D

Re: Me & Mr Groundhog

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:38 am
by gn2
CaptnJim wrote:If it were a domestic animal, and likely a family pet, I would stop... woodland creatures? Not so much.
Depends on the creature really.
Stop for a big one, flatten a small one.
Pheasants are the worst, they have absolutely no road sense (or brains) whatsoever.