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Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:44 pm
by EddieC
Got my Termoscud in a couple weeks ago. Works GREAT!! Cuts the wind off my legs and keeps the "boys" nice and warm. Also rode it in HEAVY rain for 15 miles, and it kept my legs completely dry.

Pics of Termoscud deployed with seat cover:




Pics of termoscud rolled up for warmer weather.




Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:12 pm
by maddiedog
EddieC wrote:Cuts the wind off my legs and keeps the "boys" nice and warm.
:lol: Nice priorities.

Where'd you get it from?

Does it mount using just straps, or straps and adhesive?

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:04 pm
by EddieC
I got it from, and it came to $170 after international shipping. Thats a LOT cheaper than they were about 3 months ago. Nice.

It all mounts with straps... a little confusing at first, but the finished product is a very, very good design. The only thing is the US spec turn signals get a little in the way of the straps that wrap around the front. I'll try to take some pics of how it mounts. No adhesives, but it does use the existing screw (exposed when you open your glove box) to hold a strap. To steal this without damaging it and not locked, would take about 5 min and a screwdriver. I take the neck strap and hook it under the seat to prevent theft a little more, and I'm trying to source a small cable lock to lock it between the handlebar mounts. I want it to be small so I can leave it locked at all times. It'll probably stay on the scooter until March or so.

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:28 am
by Theboybilly
My commute will be (I pick my new PCX up on Friday) 30 miles along quiet country lanes. I will be fitting one of these (with bar muffs) in time for winter. Can you tell me what the situatuation is once seated on the PCX please? How do you secure the cover while in the riding position, and have you had any issues with getting your feet in a tangle with the material when coming to a stop at lights etc.?

many thanks,


Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:46 am
by JGC
Theboybilly wrote:My commute will be (I pick my new PCX up on Friday) 30 miles along quiet country lanes. I will be fitting one of these (with bar muffs) in time for winter. Can you tell me what the situatuation is once seated on the PCX please? How do you secure the cover while in the riding position, and have you had any issues with getting your feet in a tangle with the material when coming to a stop at lights etc.?

many thanks,


Bought mine from here

Very competitive price even with shipping cost. Not ridden mine yet with it on as I just had a weeks holiday off work, and next day or two going to use my Deauville to ride to work

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:11 pm
by Nobody
Theboybilly wrote:...Can you tell me what the situatuation is once seated on the PCX please? How do you secure the cover while in the riding position, and have you had any issues with getting your feet in a tangle with the material when coming to a stop at lights etc.?
They are a top piece of kit. After a ride or 2 you just adjust to it. No problem at the lights. Has inflatable inserts on the bottom edges that stops it flapping in the wind and keeps it more rigid. The material is also fairly heavy & formed so keeps it shape.

There is the lower chest cover that I usually just fold under the cover unless it is bloody cold or pouring down. That thing has a strap that goes over your head (with a safety Velcro release) if feel the need to use it. Sometimes do.


Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:36 pm
by Theboybilly
Thank you, that's just what I needed to know. All in all, a quality piece of kit it would seem.


Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:06 pm
by EddieC
sorry, been away for a few days. I usually always take the chest cover and zip my jacket over it. Holds it in place fairly well. Only thing is, that it WILL mar your paint. After about 6000 miles of riding with mine on, there is definitely damage to the paint in multiple places. I will take pictures if you would like. The termoscud also comes with clear stickers to put on the bike to prevent paint damage, but I didnt use them as they seemed tacky, and I could care less about the paint job. Just shows I use it.

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:49 pm
by Allobar
I'm having trouble getting the right side at the top where it goes over the ignition to mount.
It's not clear what to hook the strap around at all.
Did you just put it around the bottom of the key fob housing?
IF you could show the sections that it's damaging the paint would be appreciated.
I got the stickers as well but have no idea where i'd put them.

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:03 pm
by Mel46
That is just what we need for Fall and Winter riding. I couldn't get to come up. Only a sign that says it is under construction. However, I did find it a Guess we will be saving up for it.

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:58 am
by BarryPCX
Mel46 wrote:.... I couldn't get to come up. Only a sign that says it is under construction. However, I did find it a Guess we will be saving up for it.

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:43 am
by potnoodle
I bought one of these for when it gets cold in the UK winter time. Tried it out for a few days to see if i liked it before i removed it for the summer months. Will fit it again with the bar muffs i got to when it starts to get a bit chilly.

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:05 am
by Alibally
I bought a decent pair of textile trousers. I'm not sure if I like the thermoscud idea.

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:21 am
by BarryPCX
I guess it depends on the type of journeys you do.

With an end to end commute, proper warm/waterproof trousers are probably best.

If, like me, you use the bike to go only as far as the local railway station, the leg cover is ideal. No need to struggle putting on/removing waterproofs in an open-air cramped bike park. Bike gear is too hot and bulky for me to wear on the train.


Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:07 am
by DAB
I have one and used it throughout the winter, very good. I am quite large and I found that the fitting around the legs was a little tight, I will experiment with the fitting this winter.

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:17 am
by Alibally
BarryPCX wrote:I guess it depends on the type of journeys you do.

With an end to end commute, proper warm/waterproof trousers are probably best.

If, like me, you use the bike to go only as far as the local railway station, the leg cover is ideal. No need to struggle putting on/removing waterproofs in an open-air cramped bike park. Bike gear is too hot and bulky for me to wear on the train.

Your right. Never thought about that.

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:36 am
by pcxpower
Thank you for the pics and information! I have never used a "themoscud" in my other scooters, but the idea has always passed through my mind... having a look at your pics, it would be a good idea to purchase and install one in the PCX! ;)
EddieC wrote: Only thing is, that it WILL mar your paint. After about 6000 miles of riding with mine on, there is definitely damage to the paint in multiple places. I will take pictures if you would like. The termoscud also comes with clear stickers to put on the bike to prevent paint damage, but I didnt use them as they seemed tacky, and I could care less about the paint job. Just shows I use it.
Yes, we all would really appreciate if you could take some pics of the places where the paint would be damaged if we do not use the provided stickers. Thank you very much in advance! :D

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:14 am
by QDizzle
I've had one of these and used it for the past 4 fours. It's really effective at keeping the rain and cold off my legs. I like the extra bit of material you get on the bit that covers my stomach so when parked up you can cover the whole seat with it pulled over, keeps it dry so no wet bum - however it is a bit of a stretch and could do with being a longer.

Couple of things I would mention though, after 4 years the bit of black plastic that touches the handlebars in the middle has cracked in a few places, guess it's due to temperature changes and the turning the handles bars puts stress on it. Secondly, the strap that goes over your neck is pretty strong, perhaps too strong. It's designed to detach in the event you come off so you're not still hooked up, I had the misfortune to come off my pcx one frosty morning and the strap didn't detached so was pulled along the ground by my neck as the bike slid along! I was only doing about 8mph so maybe at greater speed it would have broken off? On the plus side the covers protected most of the pcx from nasty scratches :)

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:27 am
by pcxpower
Thank you very much for the very useful information about this cover, as is really interesting to read a full report about this Tucano product from an owner ;)

It is a pity that you came off from the PCX (we are glad that you were ok), and is good to know that the cover protected the scooter! ;)

By the way: Did you notice about the cover damaging the paint, or perhaps you did install the protective stickers?

Re: Tucano Urbano Termoscud

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:12 pm
by QDizzle
Thanks pcxpower, tbh I've not noticed any paintwork damage. I gave the scoot a wash a few weeks ago and didn't see anything. I have the grey one if it makes any difference, perhaps certain colours show it up clearer?