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No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:18 am
by katschamne
About 3 weeks ago I bought my brand new red PCX150. Yay! My husband did drive it over to a parking lot so that I could ride it once. I wanted to be legal and get my license first so I decided to take the MSF course to help me get my "M" class license. I took the course this past weekend. Everyone said to me "Oh once you learn to drive a motorcycle you'll want to ditch the scooter and get a motorcycle." I can honestly say that I felt more comfortable and confident in 20 mins on the scooter then I did 10 hours on a motorcycle.

Anyways yesterday I was halfway through the second day of driving when I went to dismount the motorcycle. I went to get off and remembered that I didn't put the kickstand down. At the last minute I went to put it down but it was already too late and my foot became trapped under the motorcycle. One of the guys picked up the bike for me. I knew my foot was hurt but I just figured it was sprained and I would just walk it off. I iced my foot during the first break but the second break I didn't dare to take off my boot because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to put the boot back on. I was able to get back on the bike and ride but I was having a real hard time walking. I did complete the course although I just miss passing the driving part. The instructor looked at it and said that I should see a doctor even if I think it might be just a sprain. Well during the hour drive home it became apparent that I did indeed have to see a doctor. By the time I got home the only place open was the ER. The x-rays confirmed that I fractured the 5th metatarsal in two spots. So right now I have a temporary cast until I see an orthopedic doctor. Today would have been my first day back to work from my vacation as well. Right now I have a very pissed boss because I don't know when I can go back to work. I am unable to drive, I have to keep it up and use crutches because I can't put weight on my foot.

It looks like the chance of riding my scooter this year is going to be slim to none.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:31 am
by ~Cheap_Ride~
Im sorry to hear about your accident. Hopefully you can heal quickly and get to riding again soon.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:39 am
by kramnala58
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will heal fast. Would have been a great story if you had been able to pass the driving portion of the test, broken foot and all.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:17 pm
by CaptnJim
Sorry to hear about the accident. I did a research paper back in college (early 70s) that showed more than 75% of motorcycle accidents happen to those who have been riding less than 6 months or were on a borrowed bike. Yeah, check off both of those.

Hope you heal fast and are able to get out on that scoot! Once you are able to put weight on the foot, a scooter will be much more functional for you than a motorcycle (no shifting or foot braking).

Take care,

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:57 pm
by snake
If it's any consolation, it's a very fashionable injury with footballers. Wayne Rooney, Michael Owen, Ashley Cole and Steven Gerrard have all broken their fifth metatarsals. For the Americans here, perhaps the one you'll know is David Beckham, but I am sorry - he broke his second metatarsal, not fifth.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:31 pm
by strkngfang
Hope you heal fast and know it always could have been worse. You'll be back at it in no time.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:26 pm
by Mel46
Well, my wife has dropped her scooter multiple times, sometimes on her foot. Once she put her foot down at a stop sign and was too close to the gutter where sand and gravel had accumulated from all the rain we had been having. Her foot went one way and the bike the other, and I had to jump off of my bike quickly and pick up the of her. She was black and blue and her ankle hurt, but luckily she did not break anything. It hurt her confidence more than anything. Well, to say that she has recovered is an understatement. Today we went on a 137 mile ride with her in the lead. She was pushing that little scooter to its limits and loving it! So, get well but don't be disheartened. Once you heal and get your license you will find the little PCX 150 to be more than adequate as apposed to motorcycles. She much prefers the scooter to any motorcycle she has ever ridden. I guess things are different in your state but here in Georgia you can take your motorcycle drivers test on a scooter, as long as it is larger than 49cc. She took her test on her PCX 150.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:07 pm
by ScooterKim
Big Bummer! While things are not looking good right now, you may be up and around in a month or two, just in time to catch the end of the riding season. and, ride your scooter you should do. it's called getting back on the horse. actually, a motorcycle that you were not used to was the horse that threw you, not your scooter. your scooter will be easier to ride once you start again because there is no shifting. just wear boots that go over your ankles once you are out of your boot cast. You can do it! think positive and see yourself scootering down the road!

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:33 am
by gn2
Don't she that a broken toe should stop you riding a PCX, bike racers can manage fine on 250 horsepower beasts with broken limbs.
Jorge Lorenzo once finished on the podium with two broken ankles.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:44 am
by skuuter
SORRY to hear about Your Accident and Injury. Things like that happen occasionally. "Eventually", You'll be enjoying Your Scooter much more than a Motorcycle with less likelihood of this happening again. Hope You heal 100% and soon..... 8)

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:21 am
by katschamne
Thank you guys for all the encouragement. I really needed it today. Last night I went to the orthopedic doctor and I'm now sporting the boot. Although I think it is hurting more today then it did yesterday. It would've been awesome if I had passed the course. I missed it by 4 points. I was disappointed that I didn't pass because I felt I had done much better then when we were practicing. But if I take the course again I will know what I'm supposed to do and what I did wrong. After class I showed the instructor a picture of the PCX 150 and he said if I go down to the DMV that I would have no problem passing the state test on it.

To be honest this could have happened on the scooter as well, but at least it was on one of their bikes.

I can't wait to ride my scooter, in my opinion the scooter is much more fun then a motorcycle. More maneuverable and less work, but my hubby would disagree.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:23 am
by maddiedog
Scooters are definitely easier than motorcycles. To me, that's a lot of why they're fun. The PCX is like a big bicycle, you just twist, steer, and go. No shifting, no countersteering, etc. :)

I like your attitude through this situation. It's easy to get discouraged and give up, but it takes a lot of strength to treat something like this as a learning experience. Best of luck to you, and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:35 pm
by you you
gn2 wrote:Don't she that a broken toe should stop you riding a PCX, bike racers can manage fine on 250 horsepower beasts with broken limbs.
Jorge Lorenzo once finished on the podium with two broken ankles.
Broken collarbone recently. Flown home to Barcelona to have it pinned and then raced on Sunday. Then broke it again. Then Pedrosa broke his.

My wife broke a finger along with other damage after 70mph off. She was riding two weeks later

Just a whole lot more carefully :D

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:57 pm
by C-Note
Hey welcome to the forum, sorry about the little mishap. Give it a few weeks, 6-8 likely, you'll be back.
Btw, we are close to each other if you are in Geneva, IL. I am in Yorkville.
We should organize a local group to ride together from this area. I know there are several in the area.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:20 am
by katschamne
It's funny a couple of weeks ago I asked my husband to drive the scooter to work since I didn't have my license yet. Normally he drives his Honda Shadow. He humored me and drove it. While at work he dropped a large bearing on his left big toe and broke it. He was happy that he had the scooter that night. Two days later he was on his motorcycle shifting with his broken big toe. Right now I have a hard enough time walking in this "robo" boot and I don't want to try riding the scooter. I don't know if I could put all my weight on my broken foot to swing the other one over the scooter. I think that I will wait the 6-8 weeks before trying.

Thanks C-Note that sounds great. I had a friend that lived in Yorkville so I know where it is. I've been seeing more and more scooters on a daily basis around here. Although I haven't seen anyone yet on the the PCX.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:36 pm
by C-Note
Katschamne, I have seen a few PCX's around here and there. I know there is a people in Sugar Grove and Morris that I've seen on here. I have also seen a few riding together over in Oswego, so I know they are around. There's also a BIG club up in Lake Geneva, WI. Apparently that area has more scoots per capita than anywhere else in the U.S. They do huge runs up there (several thousand) several times a year and smaller group rides weekly.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:30 pm
by gn2
katschamne wrote: I don't know if I could put all my weight on my broken foot to swing the other one over the scooter.
Just ride side saddle.
Skip to 1.45...

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:22 pm
by kramnala58
gn2 wrote:
katschamne wrote: I don't know if I could put all my weight on my broken foot to swing the other one over the scooter.
Just ride side saddle.
Skip to 1.45...
That is crazy ... wonder if it will catch on.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:56 pm
by katschamne
LOL. It's funny my husband joked about that the other day. I thinking that I'll skip riding side saddle.

C-Note I can't even imagine a huge group of scooters riding around the streets, but it would be fun. We should so look into getting people together in our area. The only PCX I've seen was on the back of a SUV as we were going to look at one at the dealer. I had to wait a week for a red one. Today I hobbled into the dealer to pick up my plates. I so can't wait to ride it.

Re: No scooter riding for me for awhile.

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:26 am
by Pedro-agogo
Best wishes to katschamne.
flowers.png (20.81 KiB) Viewed 4247 times
Speedy recovery.[/b][/color] :) :) :)