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Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:18 pm
by katschamne
After almost 2 months I finally got to ride my PCX other than the one time in the parking lot. Last week I went to the DMV and got my permit. It's been 4 weeks since I broke my foot and it seems to be healing well. My husband was putting forward controls on his bike and I was looking at the PCX and decided to go for it. I did get on the scooter with the ortho boot, but then decided against it. Since I haven't had a shoe/boot on since the accident I tried it on. Just like Cinderella it fit and with no pain whats so ever.

So at first I went down the alley and then I got to the end of the street and thought what the heck and decided to take it for a spin around the neighborhood. No pain in my foot so when the hubby had to test out his bike and get gas I tagged along. We ended up driving about 10 miles and getting dessert. Yesterday after I got off work we took a ride and ended up putting another 60 miles on it. Today I had to get gas. It's awesome to only have to spend $4.09 to fill up. I'm going to download an app to keep track of my mileage but since I didn't put all the miles on the scooter and I ran it for period of time without riding it I thought I would wait.

I'm still wearing the ortho boot any other time but it felt good to get it off and wear shoes the same heights. I have another 1 1/2 weeks to wear the ortho boot so I have to behave, because I don't want to re-injure my foot.

Although I don't know how anyone can ride without a helmet. I have a 3/4 with a face shield and I'm thinking about get a full face helmet. Not only windy but the bugs are gross.

Re: Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:27 pm
by ~Cheap_Ride~
Congrats ! I know you have been waiting for a long time. Im glad you finally got a chance to take it for a spin. :D

Re: Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:38 pm
by skuuter
CONGRATS on finally getting to ride...I hope the healing process goes well and quickly....!!!!!..... 8)

Re: Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:39 pm
by katschamne
Shhh, we just won't tell my doctor. I'm sure she would not approve o_O. Surprising I've been testing the foot out with little or no pain. I still limp with regular boots on but I'm sure once I get more flexibility back that will go away.

I have been chomping at the bit to ride it. My husband said he would have ridden it even with the boot on.

Re: Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:51 pm
by ~Cheap_Ride~
katschamne wrote:Shhh, we just won't tell my doctor. I'm sure she would not approve o_O. Surprising I've been testing the foot out with little or no pain. I still limp with regular boots on but I'm sure once I get more flexibility back that will go away.

I have been chomping at the bit to ride it. My husband said he would have ridden it even with the boot on.
I would have taken it to dr appts. :lol:

Re: Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:53 pm
by ScooterKim
Yay !!!!! was wondering when we would hear back from you, katschamne, saying you took your scoot for a spin. It's not any stress on your ankle just having it up on the scooter. Just wear those boots.

Re: Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:32 pm
by GeorgeSK
Excellent News. You have been a very good (and unbelievably patient) girl to sit out the past month, but there will hopefully still be some awesome scooting weather coming up.

Re: Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:09 pm
by kramnala58
Glad to hear that you are back in the saddle and that your foot seems to be healing nicely. Happy riding!

Re: Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:21 pm
by katschamne
Thanks everyone. It really has been though. Yesterday we saw three scooters but countless motorcycles. My husband asked why I didn't wave at any of the motorcyclist and I told him since it was only my second day out on the scooter that I needed to concentrate on what I was doing since some of the speeds where upwards of 50-55 miles per hour at times. Plus I think they were giving the "wave" to the hubby not the wife on the scooter.

So the question is do you receive waves from bikers and do you wave?

Re: Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:36 pm
by dustin91
katschamne wrote:So the question is do you receive waves from bikers and do you wave?
I love getting the wave from motorcyclists. I took my MSF course and conceivably could have gotten a motorcycle, but I knew I wanted a scooter to not have to worry about clutches and gears (and a smaller bike for my garage). I thought maybe scooter riders would be seen as second class citizens, but most groups or single riders I pass will wave or wave back if I initiate.

Glad to hear you're back in the saddle!

Re: Finally got to ride.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:46 pm
by CaptnJim
Good for you that you are back on the scoot! Best wishes for full and fast healing and LOTS of scooter riding! I'm a big believer that good mental attitude promotes faster healing... and I think you've found the right "prescription". 8) (Take two rides and post about it in the morning.)

Captain Jim