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Re Winterize PCX 150 ...

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:42 am
by bountybuddy
My wife and I leave the Philippines for 2 to 4 months a year and go back to America. In your opinion should I winterize a PCX 150 before we leave for America?

I fill up the gas tank on my two cars and pull the batteries out and take them inside. It might be a good idea if I plug the exhaust to avoid problems. I learned this on the PCX 150 forum. I change oil as soon as we get back. The one thing I worry about with the cars is mice damaging wires under the hood. So far this has not happened.

Thanks much for your help. Ride safe.

Re: Re Winterize PCX 150 ...

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:36 am
by illegal
I recommend you to empty the gas tank and then fill it with fresh fuel. Fuel will degrade over time and many guys have problems with starting after a long time (2+ months) and they are able to start after they change the fuel.
Pulling battery out is the right idea and mice...I don't have experience with them eating wires so I don't know ho to protect against them :)

Re: Re Winterize PCX 150 ...

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:10 am
by maddiedog
Winterization guide:

I'd definitely winterize it! The PCX is reliable, but no engine does well with sitting for a long time.