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the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:13 pm
by socoguy78
I've started breaking in my engine on my pcx150 I got last month. I used to only ride around residential streets around my house and college campus. Rarely see any motorcycles, but always see 50cc scooters. btw, I'm in Springfield, MO, about 150k people and mainly a college town.

Last weekend I started riding for longer durations and on faster roads up to 45mph.

At first I had no clue what was going on... I kept seeing all these "arm waves" in different positions from other riders. Are these secret messages I was wondering?

ha! It's a Wave! I figured it out and felt like I belonged to a group of like minded people, while I never ride in a "pack" having no one to go on riding trips with. It was a huge lift in self esteem on my side to be acknowledged by other motorcycles.

I've gotten 2 fingers sticking up from the left handle bar, peace signs shown at the side, and open palms as if they are trying to shake my hand or tilting their head down and up while making eye contact.

Always get waved at by sport bikers, young Harley riders maybe in their 20s, people in their 60s plus. I never get waved at by those who look like they should be on the Sons of Anarchy TV show; those Harley Riders just ignore me.

I've started doing the wave and will never get waved back by 50cc scooters... They look at me as if I'm crazy.

Anyone have stories of their waves?

I had one guy on a Harley and I pulled up fast on his side and he acknowledged I was there, then looked at my PCX and looked surprised. He stood up on his seat and rode his Harley as if he was surfing while trying to get me to follow. haha, well... that was my first time riding my pcx on a long 45mph road. If one thing with age has taught me... don't get involved with shenanigans until I'm ready to be a safe shenanigan.

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:28 pm
by dustin91
Yes! I love giving and getting the wave. Only been riding for a year (I'm 45), but it immediately made me feel welcome in a group that I'd probably never have contact with otherwise were it not for the scooter. Most other riders will reciprocate the wave, but those who don't do seem to be a bit more hardcore riders, I guess more on HD's than not, but I can't say for sure. Nothing better than the Sunday ride where my left hand spends half the time off the brake!

I can also add this – I joined a motorcycle riders group on, and they've been great even though I'm not on an actual motorcycle. They rib me about it to no end, but the truth is they're amazed that little scoot can keep up with them (I mainly stay away from highway rides though) and they're more than happy to have one other person on a ride.

I guess as long as you're on two wheels, you're in the club!

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:44 pm
by socoguy78
dustin91 wrote:I can also add this – I joined a motorcycle riders group on, and they've been great even though I'm not on an actual motorcycle. They rib me about it to no end, but the truth is they're amazed that little scoot can keep up with them (I mainly stay away from highway rides though) and they're more than happy to have one other person on a ride.

I guess as long as you're on two wheels, you're in the club!
My University has a motorcycle club and will contact the guy who does it. It's suppose to be about the bikes, safety, socializing, and group riding.

Hope there are a few people in this club; it would be fun to ride in a group!

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:31 pm
by katschamne
At first I didn't wave because I wasn't comfortable on the scooter now I give and get wave backs. To be honest it's the other scooter riders that I consistently don't get a wave back from. There are some HD riders that obviously don't wave back but I think to myself "Oh well".

My husband joined a motorcycle club this year and they go on rides every Sunday. The never go to bars but places to eat and they said that no ride is complete without stopping for ice cream. Last month they asked me if I wanted to come because their normal ride was canceled. I had nothing to do so I joined. It had to look funny to have about 15 motorcycles (all big cruisers) and my little PCX in the middle of the bunch. I did great keeping up, we did 55-60 mph. Once when we got separated because of a slow moving van and then a red light they actually had to pull over for a couple mins. I could keep up but not catch up with them. They are times when I couldn't go with them on rides, it all depends on the route they are going to take for that ride and who's leading it. One guy rides a sport bike so he likes to take it a little faster then I can go. I think once I get my larger scooter then I might go on more rides with them. They have no problem that I ride a scooter.

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:45 pm
by Tribpreper
I always wave to every two wheeler. The highest rate of non-reciprocation is the HD crowd, but I still wave. It's my way of saying: "if you are down I will stop and help you up - physically or mentally. If I can help with a repair, or go to get a part, I will. If I can wave off traffic to keep you safe until LEO arrives, I will. If your phone got crushed and you need to use mine, it's yours. I always keep bandages and simple tools, they're yours. You need gas? We'll figure a way go get some from me to you. How can I be a blessing to you?"
We are our brother's, and sister's, keeper. We are exposed. We must help each other. Societal stereotypes of two wheels are real, and forgivable. We must prove ourselves to be honorable.

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:26 pm
by Steph
My husband and I went for a ride yesterday and got about 5 waves for a variety of riders. No other scoots on the road though. The wave is usually the left arm in a downward position extended out sometimes with a peace sign. And I'm quick to return the wave. I do wonder if they realize we're on scoots. I do enjoy the acknowledgment from the motorcyclists.

One time in a busy four lane road a saw a young dude on a more traditional scoot buried among the cars give the motorcycle wave. Thought that was cool too. Was happy to return the wave. And, it was a proper motorcycle wave. :D

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:46 am
by Urbanfreestyle
Here in devon (uk) we do a nod, but tilt the head about 45°

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:21 am
by dustin91
I get the nod at times too, sometimes from someone passing at a right angle as that's the most visible. My motorcycle group rides are much like Kat said, easy to keep up but a little tough to catch up at times. But once you're in the group, you're a rider, and they'll wait for you. And what Trib said is perfect!

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:27 am
by socoguy78
Tribpreper wrote:I always wave to every two wheeler. The highest rate of non-reciprocation is the HD crowd, but I still wave. It's my way of saying: "if you are down I will stop and help you up - physically or mentally. If I can help with a repair, or go to get a part, I will. If I can wave off traffic to keep you safe until LEO arrives, I will. If your phone got crushed and you need to use mine, it's yours. I always keep bandages and simple tools, they're yours. You need gas? We'll figure a way go get some from me to you. How can I be a blessing to you?"
We are our brother's, and sister's, keeper. We are exposed. We must help each other. Societal stereotypes of two wheels are real, and forgivable. We must prove ourselves to be honorable.
I liked what you wrote and agree especially being exposed and helping each other... Shows compassion for the other riders... one day that might be ourselves dropping our ride, having a break down, getting hit bad by a rock kicked up and hitting our skin, or having a bad day and needing to stop on the side of the road while a different riders approaches and stops to make sure everything is alright. That can make all the difference, especially when coming from a stranger knowing they're there for you even if you need to shed a tear.

Only other times I've ever been acknowledged was walking or driving in St. Louis, MO, but I'll leave that at that if you know how St Louis has been virtually #1 in all forms of crime for about 30 years with the worst being unsolved homicides. There I would not acknowledge back, and the times I did acknowledge I was robed or followed.

I think the stereo types at my school... I never seen women ride except 50cc scoots, but the others who ride motorcycles are in their late teens and appear to have their heads up in the sky a little to high if riding a sports bike. The older riders seem more down to earth, more forgiving, and more sociable.

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:30 am
by socoguy78
Urbanfreestyle wrote:Here in devon (uk) we do a nod, but tilt the head about 45°
I like the nod when I get it. Feels better than waving my arm out but I don't know if the other rider saw my 1 second nod so I just do a wave now...

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:37 am
by JoshM
Everyone here waves at everyone. Crotch rocket, Harley, 50cc scooter, moped, whatever. We all wave.

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:40 am
by socoguy78
katschamne wrote:At first I didn't wave because I wasn't comfortable on the scooter now I give and get wave backs. To be honest it's the other scooter riders that I consistently don't get a wave back from. There are some HD riders that obviously don't wave back but I think to myself "Oh well".

My husband joined a motorcycle club this year and they go on rides every Sunday. The never go to bars but places to eat and they said that no ride is complete without stopping for ice cream. Last month they asked me if I wanted to come because their normal ride was canceled. I had nothing to do so I joined. It had to look funny to have about 15 motorcycles (all big cruisers) and my little PCX in the middle of the bunch. I did great keeping up, we did 55-60 mph. Once when we got separated because of a slow moving van and then a red light they actually had to pull over for a couple mins. I could keep up but not catch up with them. They are times when I couldn't go with them on rides, it all depends on the route they are going to take for that ride and who's leading it. One guy rides a sport bike so he likes to take it a little faster then I can go. I think once I get my larger scooter then I might go on more rides with them. They have no problem that I ride a scooter.
I agree 100% about other scooter riders not giving waves... Maybe it's the new generations not wanting to conform to any group, or be assimilated into any "culture" like that of motorcycles because of the different stereotypes of 2/3 wheeled riders. Who knows...

That is awesome your husband joined a motorcycle club. I found one in my town... but going to wait and check out the club at my school. Hoping there are a couple of people in it.

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:08 am
by Mel46
Everytime we ride we get and give the wave. Our scooters have the tall windscields so they look larger than they are, and since we ride as a couple our imprint is larger. People are really surprised when we tell them these are scooters. As with most of you, our returned waves are either from older riders or young people on scooters or smaller bikes. Many Harley riders ignore us unless they are older. Rice rocket riders seem too involved with themselves to bother.

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:02 pm
by socoguy78
I rode for a bit today, saw 3 scooters... 1 waved. 5 Harley looking bikes with riders and their half helmets and only 2 waved with the 3rd looking straight ahead with a big smile like he was laughing at me. haha Thought that rider and his smile was hilarious when I saw tried to get a wave back.

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:08 pm
by you you
socoguy78 wrote:I rode for a bit today, saw 3 scooters... 1 waved. 5 Harley looking bikes with riders and their half helmets and only 2 waved with the 3rd looking straight ahead with a big smile like he was laughing at me. haha Thought that rider and his smile was hilarious when I saw tried to get a wave back.

Don't get this, just ride your bike and let them ride theirs

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:21 pm
by socoguy78
you you wrote:
socoguy78 wrote:I rode for a bit today, saw 3 scooters... 1 waved. 5 Harley looking bikes with riders and their half helmets and only 2 waved with the 3rd looking straight ahead with a big smile like he was laughing at me. haha Thought that rider and his smile was hilarious when I saw tried to get a wave back.

Don't get this, just ride your bike and let them ride theirs
I don't want to insult or bewilder any of them when they wave at me first...

Don't you ever get waived at? I guess I'm a more sociable person, not saying you are not, just saying I guess it's more in my nature... especially considering my almost completed psychology degree... Got to know how to communicate with people and the wave in a way is a simple form of communication like one sign in sign language. Could make all the difference to a rider who's having a bad day, and could've made all the difference to the Harley rider who kept looking on today but made a big smile. Maybe he had a bad day for what ever reason, or depressed, or lonely and my wave got his mind's attention off of any unwholesome thoughts/feelings/memories. Who really knows... but it's the one person I don't wave at who is having a some kind of bad day and my wave could change all of the riders' day into a much better day. :D

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:56 pm
by katschamne
I agree I like the wave or head nod. A couple months ago we were driving home late at night in the car and we saw a couple pushing their bike. We stopped and found out they had ran out of gas. I drove home and got our gas can filled it up and brought it up to them. We all have to stick together one day that might be us out there pushing our scooter.

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:14 pm
by Tribpreper
socoguy78 wrote:I rode for a bit today, saw 3 scooters... 1 waved. 5 Harley looking bikes with riders and their half helmets and only 2 waved with the 3rd looking straight ahead with a big smile like he was laughing at me. haha Thought that rider and his smile was hilarious when I saw tried to get a wave back.
We riders come in all kinds. One thing I have learned about people; they are usually better than we expect them to be.
Ah, but then there is that small percentage of Harley riders - with attitudes.

No one ever bought a new Harley because it was the most reliable - they aren't. Or because it was the easiest to repair - they aren't. Or was the best value - they don't. Or it had the latest technology - hardly! I am not saying a Harley is a poor bike - it isn't. But Harley-Davidson's marketing clearly is aimed at selling The Image. And the buyers who bought one for The Image....well....must be compensating for something.
Because, over the decades, I have witnessed Harley riders to issue more condescending remarks than every other riding group combined. I could buy a new set of tires if I had a dollar for every time one dismounted, walked over and huffed: "Why dinja buy a REAL bike!" To which my pat response was: "The Honda shop was closed that day."

But then, I have attended more HD charity fundraisers than all other makes combined too!
Maybe it's just me......

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:04 pm
by socoguy78
Tribpreper wrote:No one ever bought a new Harley because it was the most reliable - they aren't. Or because it was the easiest to repair - they aren't. Or was the best value - they don't. Or it had the latest technology - hardly! I am not saying a Harley is a poor bike - it isn't. But Harley-Davidson's marketing clearly is aimed at selling The Image. And the buyers who bought one for The Image....well....must be compensating for something.
Because, over the decades, I have witnessed Harley riders to issue more condescending remarks than every other riding group combined. I could buy a new set of tires if I had a dollar for every time one dismounted, walked over and huffed: "Why dinja buy a REAL bike!" To which my pat response was: "The Honda shop was closed that day."

But then, I have attended more HD charity fundraisers than all other makes combined too!
Maybe it's just me......
What you wrote about Harley is what I've read in many reviews for their motorcycles, and heard from other's who used to own Harleys. I've always been told to stay away and get something "better" and less expensive. I guess "better" is relative to who thinks a different brand is better from their likes, experience, and knowledge?

However... The Harley style is probably one of my favorites, being very minimal, very metal, looking very strong with the image of the "real American man rides this" kinda like with cigarettes back in the day and the Marlboro Man... I remember the stereo types of it growing up and it was about the same for Harley... If you smoked Marlboros Reds then you were tough, rough, masculine, a real American man... And I usually saw the same stereo types for Harley... Especially if you wanted to be in that group of "friends" you either had to start smoking "Marlboros" or riding a Harley and apparently it's both for the TV show Sons of Anarchy (Jax Teller smoked camel wides filters the first couple seasons then American Spirits [product placement? I thought it was illeagle for tobacco now]). Funny both can be used all your life and you can die from it or not... maybe be seriously injured by the motorcycle or the smokey treats. But what I'm trying to say I feel it's all about the advertising and marketing to sell a brand, especially if that brand may be lower quality than other brands in terms of technology, maintenance, value and so forth. So these "companies" really have to work hard with stereo types to convince American Men that they have to prove they are men buy buying and riding Harleys and when I was young... smoke Marlboros.

But still I do like the image of the Harley motorcycle... not so much the image some Harley riders show. If Harleys were built internally more like a Honda, or Suzuki then I might look into buying one, but there are other choices for that look like Honda has.

I went to a local Harley dealership today and the staff saw me pull in with my PCX. They asked a lot of questions about it and seemed impressed by the 153cc engine, but didn't like how light the scooter is.

I do see a lot of fundraising being done by Harley groups and donate if I'm around. I don't see fundraising from groups of Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki groups at my local Wal-Marts.

Re: the motorcyclist Wave

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:38 pm
by Bash On!
Don't let the image sway you to buy or not buy a Harley (or any bike). Buy it because you like the bike itself, or not buy it if you don't. Buying for image is why so many Harleys end up being garage queens and being sold after a few years with low mileage. Actually the Harley image is a turn-off for me: bunch of "individualists" that dress alike and pose alike (with many exceptions, of course). All faintly ridiculous in a Village People kind of way, frankly.

Ignoring the image (as mentioned above), I've had two new Harleys (one in '92 and the last in '08). Never had a bit of trouble with either. Darn reliable and loads of fun to ride. Almost didn't buy the second one, though, as Harleys are almost too common around here (almost to where a Honda is an exotic). I prefer something a little more rare, like the '71 Beemer I bought recently. On that, surprisingly, I don't get waves, I get honks and thumbs up from all sorts of riders.