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Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:36 am
by Scottish
I've never been asked to dismount while fuelling up until today at an ESSO garage, being a lazy git I've always just sat on the bike, I asked the guy if this was a new rule but no its always been the case he said, even though i've fuelled there before and not been asked.

Anyone else come across this nonsense before?

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:21 am
by Alibally
Yes. The woman in the kiosk shouted over the tannoy to take my helmet off.
I take it was a pay at the pump?

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:27 am
by Scottish
It was just a normal pump, no other vehicles around, wasnt asked to take my helmet off either just to dismount the bike!

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:30 am
by dustin91
I always dismount and put the bike up on the center stand so that the tank is even with the ground and I can maximize the fuelling. Also, in New Jersey, it's illegal to pump your own gas, but most attendants will let me because it's just easier for me to know when to stop before overflowing the tank.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:36 am
by Urbanfreestyle
So is it better to fill on center stand? i fill on side.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:50 am
by Mel46
It is definitely better to fill the tank when the bike is on the center stand, and the reason most gas stations want you to dismount is the possibility of fire is higher on a motorcycle than most cars. The PCX looks like a motorcycle.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:52 am
by OriginalRocket
You Europe guys have some issues.

I keep hearing about this "take helmet off" at fueling stations complaint. And now this "can not fuel while sitting on motorcycle"

I've been to New Jersey once. I was pissed off that I couldn't fuel my own damn car. I stepped out of the car and watched the attendant. Made sure he didn't F it up and spill fuel all over the car. What a dumb ass law. SAME WITH OREGON (State)!!!

While I always dismount, I never take my helmet off. (pay at the pump!) I always have gloves on, so I don't know how you can lift the fuel door without taking gloves off. All that work, may as well just get off the scooter. I fill on side stand now, as it allows air to escape when trying to fill the tank completely.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:02 am
by iceman
I use a pay-at-the pump self-service, usually at 3-4am on my way to work and even then, having already pre-paid using my credit-card before any fuel is dispensed, I was asked to remove my helmet by a voice over the tannoy! Why, no idea as I've paid for the amount of fuel I use, but it seems they want your face on the cctv footage.

I still find it difficult to fill up the PCX as it does not auto cut-off and trying to coax smaller amounts of fuel out the pump into the tank without it going all over the inside of the filler area. I would not want someone not used to the PCX fill arrangement doing it and getting fuel gushing everywhere when it does not cut-off.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:24 am
by Mel46
We have that problem when pumping gas too....the pump does not auto shut off so we have to look into the tank while filling. None of the pumps have easy to control handles, so pumping a little at a time just doesn't work very well. We have had to stuff paper towels around the filler cap area before starting to fuel up. That way I can keep the excess from going into areas where wires are, or over the bike panels.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:27 am
by you you
Scottish wrote:I've never been asked to dismount while fuelling up until today at an ESSO garage, being a lazy git I've always just sat on the bike, I asked the guy if this was a new rule but no its always been the case he said, even though i've fuelled there before and not been asked.

Anyone else come across this nonsense before?
Yes, I've come across a jobsworth before.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:29 pm
by homey
Alibally wrote:Yes. The woman in the kiosk shouted over the tannoy to take my helmet off.
I take it was a pay at the pump?
In the words of Jesse Pinkman "come take it off... BIOTCH"

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:08 am
by Urbanfreestyle
I'm surprised you have issues with auto-cut off. I seem to go fine. it cuts off and then i give a few more squeezes to top up the tank. It may be force of habit but i always take my helmet / gloves off to fill. I'm tempted to try leaving them on and see what happens! :)

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:25 am
by gn2
Helmet off is so your face gets picked up on the CCTV, fairly standard if you're not paying at the pump with a card and not really a problem.
Just exactly how difficult is it to take a helmet off and put it back on again?
Dismount is normal, I would never fuel a scooter while sitting on it because its easier to see the fuel level and because of the fire risk.
You would need to be one hell of a lazy cunt to sit on it while fueling rather than get off.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:31 am
by gn2
OriginalRocket wrote:You Europe guys have some issues.
We're not the ones living in a country where its legal to fuck the livestock or children.
And don't get me started on your insane ideas about gun ownership.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:51 am
by Duggle
gn2 wrote:We're not the ones living in a country where its legal to fuck the livestock or children.
Neither are we. Maybe you can clue us in as to which country on earth allows this? He shouldn't have started the fight by bashing on Europe but this is ridiculous.
gn2 wrote:And don't get me started on your insane ideas about gun ownership.
Right back at you.

As to the original subject... Always dismount to fill up. You never know when a fire at the pump could happen, could be caused by static. Best to be off the bike so you can move clear and drop and roll. If you're on the bike and it's not on it's center stand, a fire will make you jump off, the bike will fall over and the contents of the tank will spill all over the place making a huge flare-up. Odds are that you would never have this happen to you, but it's just like "all the gear, all the time", that one bad situation could really mess up your life.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:13 pm
by OriginalRocket
Take it lightly. Making fun of some of the laws of other countries. Don't worry, we all got problems. I live 30 minute drive North of the Murder Capital of the USA. (Chicago, Illinois) Just last weekend (48 hours) 47 people were shot. 5 died. That's 1 shooting an hour!!! Good times.

I get my UK views from BBC Top Gear. It's an educational show you know!

I'd like not to have another nanny state country in the world but I see my own country following in the footsteps of others. Luckily where I live, the locals are not trying to sideline the motorcycle community.

I digress though. If the law or local ordinance says you have to take off your helmet, then you do not have a choice. Fueling while sitting on the bike, especially with helmet and gloves on. I don't see how that is possible, or easy to do. As mentioned before, auto shut off doesn't work on our big open hole fuel tank. One must look and see the fuel and pump slowly.

I overfilled once with my PCX. AND I happened to be standing on the left side of the scooter. My foot was directly under the overflow down hose. Yup foot soaked in fuel. Not a fun ride home. I now make sure my feet are clear before fueling.

Thank goodness that the EPA (environmental protection agency) has removed the mandate for vapor recovery systems on fuel pumps (its the flexible cuff that sucks air and fuel vapor to keep it from reaching atmosphere). New cars have their own fuel vapor capture and purge systems. Makes for fueling up a lot easier not having that piece blocking the nozzle end view.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:51 pm
by Scottish
How is it a fire hazard if you're sitting on the bike exactly? as for the bike remaining more level when on the centre stand, I find having two legs the same length you can manage that job fairly easily... you're also looking right down the nozzle so theres no danger of over fill.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:41 pm
by gn2
The fire hazard exists whether you're sitting on it or not.
Sitting on a burning scooter or standing beside one, where would you prefer to be?
To help with your decision, where do you sit at a bonfire, in the bonfire or beside it?

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:07 pm
by Scottish
Stupid question and stupid analogy gn2, thanks anyway.

Re: Dismount to fuel up ??

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:42 am
by binje
I always dismount and stick it on the centre stand before filling up. I have a modular helmet which I only flip open if I am paying at the counter. Have never bothered when paying at the pumps. I usually end up at either an Esso, Shell, BP or Tesco petrol station depending on which point of my commute I am at. Thankfully havent had any jobsworths yet telling me to take off my helmet.
iceman wrote:
I still find it difficult to fill up the PCX as it does not auto cut-off and trying to coax smaller amounts of fuel out the pump into the tank without it going all over the inside of the filler area.
Like Urbanfreestyle said, I dont have a problem with the auto cut-off either and I squeeze a couple of times too to top up. Plus, like Mel, I too stuff paper towels around the filler cap to catch any overspill.

Lol.. sounds like I am just copying what other people do.. :)