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Max miles per tank?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:17 am
by binje
Hi all

Like it says on the tin, what's the most miles you have got out of a tank before conking out or filling up. Fuelly says the furthest I have managed is 158 miles on a single tank before I chickened out and filled up. (the best consumption I have managed is 138mpg which was on a tank where I filled up at 150 miles)

Just wondering what's roughly the furthest I can go before she runs out of juice? What's the most you guys have managed?

Re: Max miles per tank?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:22 am
by Slickvic
I don't even play that game.
Fuel gauge starts flashing around 100 miles and I hit the next gas station.

Running out of gas once will do that to you. (Have fun pushing to the station)

Oh and I ran out at 126miles. Probably because I was in a hurry the previous fill and did not top off. DOH!!

Re: Max miles per tank?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:21 am
by iceman
about 230 miles on a full tank and I get 140mpg for four top-ups so far

Re: Max miles per tank?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:49 am
by binje
Slickvic wrote:I don't even play that game.
Fuel gauge starts flashing around 100 miles and I hit the next gas station.

Running out of gas once will do that to you. (Have fun pushing to the station)

Oh and I ran out at 126miles. Probably because I was in a hurry the previous fill and did not top off. DOH!!
Ouch! I imagine that push to the station wasnt fun :roll: . I play that game only cuz I want to try and stick to fuelling at the beginning or end of journeys (the journey is normally 28 miles one way). My fuel gauge normally starts flashing around 145-150 so I try to work out if I can/cant make it to the end. Probably just me but I dont like to have to stop midway... I am just silly like that...

Thats a fair difference between the 125 and 150. I would happily trade the 125 for the extra bit of grunt on the 150 but sadly we dont have the 150 in the UK as far as I know... No market for it :(
iceman wrote:about 230 miles on a full tank and I get 140mpg for four top-ups so far
Iceman... you're just cheating with your bigger capacity tank and better efficiency engine. I kid :D ... that's a huge improvement. Honda really have worked their magic on the little 125. And I take it your riding is all around London then... Mine's about 20 odd miles down the A4 on fairly long runs between lights... which makes yours even more impressive...

Its always fun comparing real world figures to manufacturers' claims... With Honda they tend to be pretty spot in...

Re: Max miles per tank?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:42 am
by iceman
Yeah. 9-10 mile commute each way in outer London - all small 30mph roads and loads of traffic, lights and small hills (ok in the morning as I come in anywhere from 2-5am). Just over 40mph tops but usually cruising at 30 when I can, but you understand traffic issues even with spot filtering. If I had longer stretches to travel I may get greater mpg :)