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Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:47 pm
by maddiedog
There's already another PCX forum that I'm sure many of the members that will be here are already familiar with. ClubPCX has grown to be a decent community, but the people who run the site are Corsport, a sports car / bike enthusiast store. They are occasionally quite rude, and have made claims about the products they sell on the forums to try to push products. In addition, they have used duplicate accounts to promote their products by posing as satisfied customers. They consistently look for drama, picking fights with me and several other regular posters there without provocation. They gripe about how much of a "service" they provide by setting up and paying for the hosting and domain for the forums, which essentially costs them $10 per year to maintain. They rudely decline any suggestions about moderation, or how to improve the community. They have attempted to monopolize parts availability to the USA by insisting any vendor selling parts with them pays a vendor fee. This hurdle limits availability to us, and certainly does not promote the community. They have censored posts, edited out any contradictory information they have posted, and even modified user posts to help their business. Spam posts sometimes sit for days. And, to top it all off, they are selling the PCX they own.

Since Corsport won't even own a PCX soon, I question the future of ClubPCX. Not wanting to be without a forum for the PCX, I have created this forum. With over 1100 posts on ClubPCX, I have invested a lot of time and effort into there. But, I'll be putting my posts here from now on. I encourage you to do the same.

Unlike Corsport, I have no agenda or parts to sell. I will never censor you. I will never edit your posts. I will never talk down on you or act like I'm better than you because I run the forums.

As a rider like you, I have no agenda other than to expand the collective knowledge of the PCX, and to have fun. I want you to post here, upload images and guides here, and help foster a benevolent, strong community focused around our bikes.

I hope that this community grows and one day is comparable to the Thai PCX forums, with thousands of members and hundreds of vendors offering a myriad of parts available to the PCX. Anyone, vendors included, are encouraged to sell their parts for free in the for sale thread. This includes Corsport. I do not wish to create any enemies.

I am always open to criticism and suggestions, either post them here or PM me. Most importantly, thanks for sticking around and hearing me out. I hope to see you around here. :)

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:59 pm
by EddieC
hey dave!

I couldn't agree with what you have to say about the corsport pcx guys more. I'm proud to say I will be slowly transitioning over to this site permanently as we gain more members. Have you tried posting a link for the "other pcx forum" on club pcx? Chances are it'll stay up there for at least 3 days if they treat it the same as spam =]

you wont sensor us? FUCK YA! Good to be here, and nice to have some fresh air.


Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:17 pm
by maddiedog
I will post one shortly. I want to wait another day or two first...

Nice to see ya here, hopefully we'll see some more guys from ClubPCX soon. :)

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:19 pm
by carlmt
Well - wadaya know?

I'm IN !!!!!

Hi Dave - thanks for the looks good........nice decor.....good company...

Beer any good??

SO - what's been happenin' while I been away? Toys being thrown out of prams? :roll: Someone taken their ball away? :roll: :roll: You boys should play nice while I'm not about!!! :D :D :D

Word will get around - I guess a few more of the regulars will show up soon......

Now - where's that beer??? 8) 8)


Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:26 pm
by maddiedog

Mmm, beer. I should leave work and have some. Gonna get me some Guinness tonight.

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:49 pm
by ese12105
eew... Guinness is gross... And thanks for the new forum!

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:50 pm
by Fiah
Well I can't say I felt the influence of the hosts of the other forum as much as you did, but I appreciate your effort anyway! So I guess I'll hang out here.

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:56 pm
by felix
I had no problems there. No harm in joining up and seeing where this goes though.

I've got Warsteiner dunkel waiting at home.

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:55 pm
by Alibally
I'm in too. Looking forward to a new beginning. I might pop over to the dark side now and again to see whos slagging off who though. :lol:

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:42 pm
by maddiedog

I don't expect anyone to outright leave clubpcx, I just will be here instead of there.

Again, I'd like to emphasize that I'm open to suggestions about this forum. I want this forum to fit the needs of the users. :)

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:25 pm
by felix
Could you link the banner to the board index? Helpful for mobile browsing.

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:18 am
by Fiah
maddiedog wrote::lol:

I don't expect anyone to outright leave clubpcx, I just will be here instead of there.

Again, I'd like to emphasize that I'm open to suggestions about this forum. I want this forum to fit the needs of the users. :)
Suggestions? I have one: minimize the number of subforums. For forums with a small number of users, it makes no sense to have a forum for each and every topic. My suggestion would be to limit it to 3 or 4 very broad categories. Something like PCX-talk (including everything technical, howtos etc but also just 'Look guys my new PCX!'), Offtopic talk (for everything not related to riding or PCXs) and 2 others tops.

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:38 am
by TC3
Hi Dave

Cheers for the invite. Good job but hope i can change the green theme....

Not sure i agree with the idea of limiting the amount of sub forums. I like having several categories to make it easier to find posts and you never know how popular this place may become.

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:18 am
by maddiedog
I'll add a couple of themes tonight so you can change things up. The green is pretty hideous... Also, I need to add the link at the top like TexPCX asked for too.

I think I'll need to add an off-topic forum, or just have everyone post that sort of thing up in here, in General. We'll see how things play out with posting, and can always add, subtract, or move forums as needed. It's quite easy for me to adjust on the backend.

On an unrelated note, Corsport banned my account and IP. I found the IP ban humorous, because I just renewed my IP to get a new one, but it was still rude and unnecessary of them. I did nothing but speak the truth, and even invited them to come over here. After all I helped with building the community, they banned me so casually. :roll: I can't really blame them though, I pose a threat to their forum.

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:19 am
by tuanies
I stop paying attention and shit goes down? WTF?

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:52 am
by corsport
Corsport, a sports car / bike enthusiast store. They are occasionally quite rude, and have made claims about the products they sell on the forums to try to push products. In addition, they have used duplicate accounts to promote their products by posing as satisfied customers.

Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image.

You really don't have to make this any uglier. But your insistence on posting lies about our forum and my business won't get you anywhere. Remove this post and all of your lies and misrepresentations about CorSport and ClubPCX or we can go down the aforementioned road.

Thanks for your time.

Re: Why a new forum?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:34 pm
by maddiedog
Wikipedia wrote:It is usually a requirement that this claim be false
My claims are not false. You have been rude to me. You have used multiple accounts to promote your products. You have made claims to promote your products that were proved false by user experience. I am doing nothing more wrong than posting a negative review on a website for your company.

In order to pursue a suit against me for libel or defamation, you must prove not only that my actions have caused your business direct harm, but also that my statements have no regards to truth. You have no case, so take your warmongering elsewhere.

Citing a Wikipedia page, banning my IP and username on your forum, and threatening legal action does nothing but make your cause appear even more desperate. Your most mature course of action would have been to either ignore me completely, or take this as an opportunity to offer your products elsewhere. As I said Tai, you and your coworkers at Corsport are welcome here. You're also welcome to post your products here. I am trying very hard not to take your actions personally.

I do not wish for this type of drama to continue publicly on the forums. You can reach me via PM if you would like to come to some sort of agreement. For now, I'm going to lock this thread and dump it in the drama forum, because no one wants to read this crap.