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Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:04 pm
by Zero1979
Been browsing this forum the past few days, I'll be gett by my PcX 150 in mid March. 2015 pearl white! I'm super excited about since it will mean no more sitting in 1-1:30 traffic getting to and from work.

What should I expect (besides the obvious) with my PCx?

I am scheduled for my local MSF course March 3rd (why I'm waiting to get the bike)

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:35 pm
by Valiant
Zero1979 wrote:Been browsing this forum the past few days, I'll be gett by my PcX 150 in mid March. 2015 pearl white! I'm super excited about since it will mean no more sitting in 1-1:30 traffic getting to and from work.
Why's that? Do they allow lane-splitting where you live?
What should I expect (besides the obvious) with my PCx?
Not sure how obvious it might be to you, but the PCX is a 153cc engine, so set your expectations accordingly. It won't have the power of the 250cc bikes you use in your MSF course. It's considered "barely freeway legal", and for good reason.

I would also throw in that you might find yourself getting honked at a lot if you try to use it on the freeway without modifying the transmission using aftermarket parts, as 0-50 acceleration with stock is rather pitiful. Top speed is rev limited at 64 mph with a stock setup, which means you won't go any faster even downhill.

Not really trying to put you off the purchase, but you have to recognize the PCX for what it is, a convenient way to get around the city with occasional freeway use in mind. There's more than a few people who've sold or traded in their PCX for a more powerful bike when it finally dawns on them that they didn't buy a 22 hp crotch rocket.

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:01 pm
by Zero1979
They do allow lane splitting where I live (San Diego), I don't feel like I would need a lot of power considering I will be going around 30-40 mph through gridlock 95% of the time... I also plan on using it for fun to roam around the back roads.

Thanks for the input! I will eventually buy a "real" bike, but probably not for a while.

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:28 am
by WhiteNoise
Hey zero, how ya doin'? Welcome to our forums! :P How's about typing in San Diego in your profile we'd appreciate that big time cuzz it helps us to help you when you have a question or whatever. Folks across the pond have different stuff on their Pcx's so answers are given according to location...a lot & sometimes :D
You can add yours just by following my easy peasy directions right below my post.

Nuff said. I'm bursting! We got Another 2015 Pearl White coming aboard! Dang, that's exciting! Yer gonna love this little but peppy twist n go! You'll see...You will :D
Perfect for your present needs. Oh yeah & I'm Thrilled you'll be taking the MSF course - Wahoo! March 3rd...Smart thinking 'n great Planning!
Don't forget pics. We'll Wait ;)

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:13 am
by Fizzy Rascal
Welcome. :)

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:17 am
by forza300
Zero, welcome to the rest of your life ! :D


I have ridden bikes from the mind-bendingly fast to the stupidly slow. The one thing they all have in common is the smile-factor (and ability to efficiently transport me from a to b).

Even though it's a scooter, strongly recommend getting some advanced rider training after a while, especially observation and learning how to read the road and enter/exit bends/corners. Not sure if there are any twisties near your place but great places to learn how to ride and take bends.

Thanks for sharing your message with us. Stay with us and let us know how you go.

March is only 11 days 14 hours, 6 minutes and 36 seconds away !!!! ;)

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:49 am
by kramnala58
Welcome. White is faster. ;)

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:35 pm
by Bash On!
Welcome, Zero1979! We're glad you're here.

Keep in mind that while the MSF course is a terrific idea, it really only qualifies you to ride at low speed in a parking lot. Many accidents occur with new (or newly returning) riders or on bikes that are new to that rider. You'll be in both categories for a while.

Take it easy when you get your PCX and practice with it on quiet roads away from heavy traffic before you jump into that commute. Bikes/scooters handle a lot differently than cars and the PCX will even handle differently than the bike you use for the MSF course. Try to find a an experienced rider to show you the ropes for street riding. Bet there's a local scooter club with helpful members if you don't know anybody who rides.


Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:00 pm
by dkazzed
I've never been honked up doing the speed limit on the outside general travel lanes. Attempting to do the same on the inside passing lane may incite a bit more than a honk.

I'm not a fan of the outright fear mongering that takes place on this forum regarding taking the PCX out on the freeways around here. Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, I'd have no problems taking the PCX on 60mph speed limit freeways based on my experience with driving on these freeways. Los Angeles and 70mph rural freeways, it might get a little hairy. But Washington State and Oregon drivers tend to drive on the slower side, judging from when I sometimes set the cruise to a lowly 65 mph and still manage to pass a whole bunch of passenger cars as well as semis. But what's excellent about freeways are all those passing lanes faster motorists are more than welcome to use.

I do agree with slowly graduating yourself to a freeway. When I get a faster bike, I'll probably stick with my usual 49cc route for a week, try a few km of freeway for a week, a bit more the next week, then full out take the freeway the next.

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:06 am
by Valiant
dkazzed wrote:I've never been honked up doing the speed limit on the outside general travel lanes. Attempting to do the same on the inside passing lane may incite a bit more than a honk.
You won't be honked at while staying on the outside travel lanes, but I've incited a few honks while merging onto the freeway from a ramp. Again, because 0-50 speed with the stock variator weights(16g for 2013 model, 18g for 2015) is even less than what your average minivan can manage.
I'm not a fan of the outright fear mongering that takes place on this forum regarding taking the PCX out on the freeways around here. Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, I'd have no problems taking the PCX on 60mph speed limit freeways based on my experience with driving on these freeways. Los Angeles and 70mph rural freeways, it might get a little hairy. But Washington State and Oregon drivers tend to drive on the slower side, judging from when I sometimes set the cruise to a lowly 65 mph and still manage to pass a whole bunch of passenger cars as well as semis. But what's excellent about freeways are all those passing lanes faster motorists are more than welcome to use.
Not fear mongering, just being cautious. It also depends on actual traffic speed and not strictly the posted speed limit. General speed here tends to be about 10 mph above the posted limit(speed limit 50, traffic speed 60), and maybe 20 mph above in the passing lane. Though again, I've only been honked at for merging and changing lanes(to a left lane), and not for my cruising speed.
I do agree with slowly graduating yourself to a freeway. When I get a faster bike, I'll probably stick with my usual 49cc route for a week, try a few km of freeway for a week, a bit more the next week, then full out take the freeway the next.
I'd also advise some gear as well. While your odds of getting into an accident on the freeway is significantly less with the lack of traffic lights and alleys, seeing a driver cut across 4 lanes without signaling at 60 mph kind of makes you think about the kind of damage you might suffer if you take a spill at 60+ mph.

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:48 am
by Bash On!
"I'd also advise some gear as well."

Excellent advice. A lot of people (me included, until I thought some more) think that because a scooter look innocuous (read safe and slow) that a scooter rider doesn't need full protective gear.

The pavement or a car hurtling towards you doesn't care what you're riding.

Regarding the so-called "outright fear-mongering," it's just prudence we're counseling. Motorcycling/Scootering is a dangerous sport, especially for a brand-new rider as the OP is. Minimizing safety concerns is not wise.

My position stands that though the PCX may be "legal" for a freeway in certain jurisdictions, it is barely adequate for that task and to use it in a manner for which it is barely adequate raises one's risk. Only the rider/owner can decide whether the resulting risk is too much or not. In the case of the OP, he has never ridden before and this advice is critical for him to make an informed decision. Peace.

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:40 am
by tbln930
From my observations the volume of traffic is much more key to the risks than the type of road. I live semi-rural with low traffic but the interstate that circles St. Louis is 25 miles north and it gets a lot of the motorcycle accidents I see in the news due to hits from other traffic. There are enough lanes that it tends to be packed with vehicles but still operate near 60 mph or more most of the time. It is dangerous. I contrast that with the 65 mph highway I take down south where I often never pass or get passed by another vehicle in twenty miles or more.

The closest I come to city traffic is our suburban villages that are much more spread out and laid back with more moderate numbers of vehicles. It is rare that I hear of a motorcycle/scooter accident there either. Contrast that with St. Louis where I never dare go that is often packed with motivated drivers and collisions abound daily. I know that's what scooters were somewhat designed for but I avoid that like the plague and never need to go there on a bike. It's too risky.

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:33 am
by gn2
Here's an interesting article on the subject:

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:36 am
by Bash On!
gn2 wrote:Here's an interesting article on the subject:
That is a most interesting discussion of the subject, gn2. Excellent analysis of the data through different lenses. In the end, I treat wherever I am riding at the time as the most dangerous place (and that's not just because of my lack of skill!).

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:55 am
by tbln930
That article has merit. Where I live hilly windy terrain can often be the main enemy and the last two fatal accidents I know about in my immediate area in the last few years were single vehicle accidents and driving too fast for conditions ending in impact with the terrain. Both accidents were commuters on motorcycles returning home in the middle of the night and missed curves on a road. One was at 50 mph and went down a ravine into trees and the other hit the end of a safety rail getting on an off ramp slowing from 65 mph. There was virtually no other traffic in the areas. With the slower speeds and high traffic density I suspect there are many more lower impact type accidents in the city.

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:14 pm
by gn2
Some things to do are:

Read the road well ahead, aim not to have to use the brakes
Keep a safe distance, absolute minimum of two second gap, four seconds is preferable at higher speeds
Keep your eyes moving, maintain an active scan of what's happening around you
Never get into a situation you can't get out of
Make sure other drivers see you

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:44 pm
by dkazzed
I almost missed a curve on Thursday riding home from the ferry terminal on a dark unlit winding two lane mountainside/coastal road in the rain at night. Luckily I was only doing 30km/h the entire way until a bus pulled out onto the road that I was able to follow at full speed.

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:02 pm
by Zero1979
Location is now fixed!

Wow, lots of insight here! I have a full face helmet and will be getting some Hi viz body gear before taking it out. Here is so cal the he traffic is so bad that during my commute the tastes people will be going is 50... Yesterday my a stage speed in my car was only 20... Thus why I want the PCX for cutting through all that. I've honestly never seen an accident involving a motorbike in 4 years of my commute, not saying it won't happen, but there are a lot of people who ride here and in my experience most drivers are aware of bikes.

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:02 pm
by Zero1979
Damn auto correct, hopefully you figure out what I was saying

Re: Getting my first bike soon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:39 pm
by dkazzed
Valiant wrote: I'd also advise some gear as well. While your odds of getting into an accident on the freeway is significantly less with the lack of traffic lights and alleys, seeing a driver cut across 4 lanes without signaling at 60 mph kind of makes you think about the kind of damage you might suffer if you take a spill at 60+ mph.
I agree with the riding gear. I will definitely upgrade my current ballistic polyester cycling grade gear before I hit the freeway. I'll just get decent starter stuff for now, although I want a more stylish jacket that won't look out of place when I go to a business meeting. I wanted the Tucano Urbano Ermes or BMW Motorrad Urban jacket but both ARE quite pricey. The Alpinestars Gunner especially in light grey/vis yellow is nice too. Or maybe just get a cheap armoured waterproof jacket to start and save up for the TU or BMW jackets.