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Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:44 am
by homie
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So I'm living large... scooting everyday enjoying the perfect weather around the Chicagoland area and just when you get a little too happy... something always sucks.

Yes this is my motto... and because something always does tonight it was animal drama with a near death experience because I'm sure the other dog saw the light. Not the first time a free ranging K9 in my neighborhood has felt the over protective nature God gave a Shepard... read this and put yourself in Chiefs size 14 shoes for a moment.

Chief and I do as we always, taking the Shepard out for a walk and yes we know he has potential as he's nailed other dogs that run up unleashed. This breed is not the lazy type, German Shepard's have places to go and I'm not by any means out of shape for all the walking. Chief's says we have the right and if your dog is free to roam my dog will object as soon as yours gets in range. Out of the yard and into the teeth of my Shepard is how it goes and I will always pay your vet bill and even apologize. Chief won't but as a Christian I will. Usually its a hind quarter nip, a torn ear, leg, he never threatens people and I pay 150-200 dollars for the local animal clinic to patch up the victim... I insist.

Tonight was absolute hell as a pure white schnauzer came out of nowhere and became a rag doll in the mouth of my Shepard. I'm telling you this was dam disturbing to witness. I dived in kicking the holy shist out of MY dog but it was all over in seconds. Home owner comes out after the fact and there's her white dog turning red and she goes bizerk! Passers by exited their vehicles to say they saw the whole incident and gave support with contact information in case of dispute. But these were witnesses from a line of traffic caused by a car accident which only served to keep this poor dog from getting to the animal clinic on the corner before it closed.

Clear across town in a 24 hour intensive care facility the dog will live. I know I don't have any legal responsibility to pay for any of this but I love every ones dog and mine earns his keep protecting my family & property. I intend to keep the Shepard and keep paying for his taste of free range pets that I have no control over.

I bet this draws battle lines for dog lovers in here but Chief and I were invited... so there is that.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:53 am
by homie

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:57 am
by MikeP
Sorry to hear homie, thats a tough position to be in.
Several years ago I had rats in my shed and under my deck. So I did the only proper thing and set my trusty rat traps. The good steel jaw ones, not those wooden wanabee traps. I caught 7 of them, and their tails are still on my shed door as a warning to other rats. Before I retired my traps, my neighbours cat came to tresspas and went under the deck. Snap, scream, neightbour came a running to save their cat. Well it cost him a grand to fix the cat. I could have fixed it for 10 cents, well maybee 15 cents, 22 ammo has gone up. Anyhow I like animals, and I felt really bad, however I feel pet owners are responsible for their animals. You are a kind soul to pay for an incident that is caused by the other pet owners lack of reaponsibility.
Thats my 2 cents worth, well maybee 5 cents, that has gone up two. :)
Keep smiling, you have a beautiful dog there!

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:04 am
by fish
Was your dog leashed?
Properly -- short for control?

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:36 am
by homie
fish wrote:Was your dog leashed?
Properly -- short for control?
Yes my dog was in the street on a leash and the incident was on city property. The neighbors dog is doing ok this morning. Several tears on his body that need monitoring and draining. Checked with the animal hospital and he's going to be there a while. Please don't let your dogs free range the streets thinking all others are not in protection mode. Ready at a moments notice to rip them to shreds... some animals will fight.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:54 am
by homie
MikeP wrote: Well it cost him a grand to fix the cat. Anyhow I like animals, and I felt really bad, however I feel pet owners are responsible for their animals. You are a kind soul to pay for an incident that is caused by the other pet owners lack of responsibility. Keep smiling, you have a beautiful dog there!
He really is a magnificent animal but strong and getting stronger. I can't imagine any other option for the 2k plus expenses but me paying.

For now the Shepard will be limited to my property until things blow over. Many will run in terror with their shiatsu and poodles at the sight of me coming down the sidewalk. No one will feel safe around my killer dog on the trail anymore... he's hunting now. I must realize this and Chief says things will never be the same for the young Shepard.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:35 am
by GeorgeSK
13-winter 050.jpg[/attachment]I feel your pain and situation, Homie. We have a belgian malinois/greyhound cross. Tall, thin, fast like greyhound, very bitey face with head up, alert, and protective like a mallie. A walk is an ever-vigilant experience. Fortunately he like most all dogs and there are very few that are off lead in our area. The problem is he doesn't trust kids (actually reasonable) and dislikes men in dark clothing. We have trained him to stop and look at us when we say "collar", whereupon we take the collar and so get a firm hand on the tiller, so to speak. But if someone surprises him and us, it can be pretty scary. Do we need to mention USPS, fedEx, and UPS guys?

Taking care of the vet bill for the victim is the only right thing to do, but it would be nice if everyone was responsible enough to not let little Fluffy out without some level of restraint. Good luck with the situation.
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13-winter 050.jpg (119.35 KiB) Viewed 2875 times

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:18 pm
by you you
homie wrote:
So I'm living large... scooting everyday enjoying the perfect weather around the Chicagoland area and just when you get a little too happy... something always sucks.

Yes this is my motto... and because something always does tonight it was animal drama with a near death experience because I'm sure the other dog saw the light. Not the first time a free ranging K9 in my neighborhood has felt the over protective nature God gave a Shepard... read this and put yourself in Chiefs size 14 shoes for a moment.

Chief and I do as we always, taking the Shepard out for a walk and yes we know he has potential as he's nailed other dogs that run up unleashed. This breed is not the lazy type, German Shepard's have places to go and I'm not by any means out of shape for all the walking. Chief's says we have the right and if your dog is free to roam my dog will object as soon as yours gets in range. Out of the yard and into the teeth of my Shepard is how it goes and I will always pay your vet bill and even apologize. Chief won't but as a Christian I will. Usually its a hind quarter nip, a torn ear, leg, he never threatens people and I pay 150-200 dollars for the local animal clinic to patch up the victim... I insist.

Tonight was absolute hell as a pure white schnauzer came out of nowhere and became a rag doll in the mouth of my Shepard. I'm telling you this was dam disturbing to witness. I dived in kicking the holy shist out of MY dog but it was all over in seconds. Home owner comes out after the fact and there's her white dog turning red and she goes bizerk! Passers by exited their vehicles to say they saw the whole incident and gave support with contact information in case of dispute. But these were witnesses from a line of traffic caused by a car accident which only served to keep this poor dog from getting to the animal clinic on the corner before it closed.

Clear across town in a 24 hour intensive care facility the dog will live. I know I don't have any legal responsibility to pay for any of this but I love every ones dog and mine earns his keep protecting my family & property. I intend to keep the Shepard and keep paying for his taste of free range pets that I have no control over.

I bet this draws battle lines for dog lovers in here but Chief and I were invited... so there is that.
You might need to sort out your own aggression and inadequacy issues before you have a dog that will be aggressive for you

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:19 pm
by you you
homie wrote:
MikeP wrote: Well it cost him a grand to fix the cat. Anyhow I like animals, and I felt really bad, however I feel pet owners are responsible for their animals. You are a kind soul to pay for an incident that is caused by the other pet owners lack of responsibility. Keep smiling, you have a beautiful dog there!
He really is a magnificent animal but strong and getting stronger. I can't imagine any other option for the 2k plus expenses but me paying.

For now the Shepard will be limited to my property until things blow over. Many will run in terror with their shiatsu and poodles at the sight of me coming down the sidewalk. No one will feel safe around my killer dog on the trail anymore... he's hunting now. I must realize this and Chief says things will never be the same for the young Shepard.
Oh dear.....

You are teasing aren't you?

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 2:43 pm
by Mel46
We have had problems with unleashed dogs in our neighborhood too. At one house a lady with the 'old age' disease lets her dog sit on the front porch with no leash. It runs out in the street after other dogs, people who are running, people who take evening walks, etc. We would have to pull our dogs back and try to get her little dog away at the same time. The old lady would walk out slowly and ask the dog to come back to the porch. Her grown son would eventually show up and pick up that stupid little yipper. One day it tried to attack a dog that was much much bigger, and it lost. The old lady was angry that her little dog was killed...notice that I said ANGERY. She had been lucky up to this time. We have 3 Jack Russell Terriers who would have taken that dog apart in a minute if WE hadn't taken action first. The point is, if your dog is on public land, on a leash, you are in the right if the animal of someone else attacks you or your dog. Your dog was doing what you would do if someone tried to attack a member of your family.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 2:56 pm
by you you
Mel46 wrote:We have had problems with unleashed dogs in our neighborhood too. At one house a lady with the 'old age' disease lets her dog sit on the front porch with no leash. It runs out in the street after other dogs, people who are running, people who take evening walks, etc. We would have to pull our dogs back and try to get her little dog away at the same time. The old lady would walk out slowly and ask the dog to come back to the porch. Her grown son would eventually show up and pick up that stupid little yipper. One day it tried to attack a dog that was much much bigger, and it lost. The old lady was angry that her little dog was killed...notice that I said ANGERY. She had been lucky up to this time. We have 3 Jack Russell Terriers who would have taken that dog apart in a minute if WE hadn't taken action first. The point is, if your dog is on public land, on a leash, you are in the right if the animal of someone else attacks you or your dog. Your dog was doing what you would do if someone tried to attack a member of your family.

Taken apart in a minute?

What is it about dogs and machismo. It's the wrong cocktail and gets dogs a bad name. I'm ashamed by the stupidity of some humans

And while I'm on it its "angry" not "angery" and homie can't even spell his dogs breed name. It's a German Shepherd not shepard. Poor bloody dogs, all of them.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:07 pm
by homie
That's it youyou! I keep the SHEEPHERD to mangle all small neighborhood dogs and then I feel much better :lol: There be pit bulls roaming these parts on the trails that make me turn and go the other way. Part of what you say is truth the guy with the lesser dog hits the ditch, turns around or crosses the street. There is a system that could be perceived as strong or aggressive masculine pride but the dogs set the standard and it all works fine unless someone is off the leash.

btw the little white dog is released from a rough night of stitches and a bad reaction to anesthetics that got him incubated for a time. But tonight he's coming home. If the owner can maintain the healing process follow up will be made without incident or more fees. I just had a long conversation with the owner and we both are going to try harder to keep this from happening again. Its all good! except my wallet is a little lighter

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:42 pm
by you you
homie wrote:That's it youyou! I keep the SHEEPHERD to mangle all small neighborhood dogs and then I feel much better :lol: There be pit bulls roaming these parts on the trails that make me turn and go the other way. Part of what you say is truth the guy with the lesser dog hits the ditch, turns around or crosses the street. There is a system that could be perceived as strong or aggressive masculine pride but the dogs set the standard and it all works fine unless someone is off the leash.

btw the little white dog is released from a rough night of stitches and a bad reaction to anesthetics that got him incubated for a time. But tonight he's coming home. If the owner can maintain the healing process follow up will be made without incident or more fees. I just had a long conversation with the owner and we both are going to try harder to keep this from happening again. Its all good! except my wallet is a little lighter

Shepherd. Keep control of your dog. It's not his or her fault. The dogs never keep the standard, they are trying to please you. Poor buggers when the "you" or you you :D doesn't know himself

Nice to have you back by the way.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:36 pm
by JohnL
Sorry to hear about your dog problems homie. I love animals especially dogs though we own a cat who thinks he's a dog.

We have a continuing problem in our area (burbs) with barking dogs, and believe me it isn't the dogs fault, it's the dumb owners who have no idea about a dog's natural instincts. Some of these dogs are supposed to be working dogs and they are left all day penned up in a suburban back yard while the owners go away to work or worse still go on a weekend holiday. A dog is a pack animal and needs to know what his position is in the pecking order, and needs to be part of the family, not a kid's or adult's sometimes toy to be left to their own devices.

Obviously your dog knows his place in the family and will be a loyal friend and protector for life. It's a shame about your ego problems, but I'm certain you'll manage it with a bit of help from the forum members. :D :D :D

We go to a Sunday market every week and about 20% of people own dogs, and it's great to see so many socialised animals in one place, the dogs as well :-)

Your ethics are impeccable, but they come at a financial cost, and you shouldn't have to pay for every idiot's behaviour.

Stay strong.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:25 pm
by Mel46
And that is my point as well. My dogs are well trained, but if a dog charges us, barking and snapping, they will do the same thing as other dogs will do. They will go on the defensive to protect us, and if they see the other dog as a threat, they will act accordingly. Yes, we are the masters of our animals, and we act to control them in most situations. But if a stray dog attacks us, or is seen by our dogs as a threat to the pack, they will not allow it to proceed without doing what they can to prevent it from causing us harm. I know of few owners who would be happy if their dog ignored the fact that they were in danger, and allowed the other dog to attack them unimpeded. They may be well trained, but they are still animals, and there is still the pack instinct in them.
About 5 years ago our neighbor had a dog that would bite anyone and everyone. It even bit them. I have no idea why they kept it. They had a pig wire fence between their yard and ours. That dog bit through the wire fence, stuck his head through the hole and bit one of our dogs. Then as our dog turned to run, he grabbed our dog by the throat. She was helpless and was screaming. Our other two Jack Russells attacked him and killed him before he could let go of her and get his head back through the fence. Even the owner of that dog understood that our dogs were doing what pack animals do. They protect the pack. We now have a double fence up so that it will not happen again. But if it did, I am sure our dogs would do the same thing again.
And yet they are normally very loving, and people and pet friendly. Everyone in the area loves them because they are so happy and loving.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:02 pm
by Steph
Very nice of you to pay the vet bills. Sorry that this happened. Not sure what I would have done. I have a cat.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:38 am
by kramnala58
As I read this thread, for some weird reason I got the sensation that I was standing in a grocery store checkout lineup reading one of those tabloid/gossip magazines. I have owned a few dogs (large and small) and never experienced anything like this. It sounds rather bizarre.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:17 pm
by dergav
Wow!! there something about American dogs I wasnt aware off...they sound rather fierce.
The dogs round about where I live in Scotland ( all sorts and sizes) are reasonable friendly to each other on or off the lead...An odd growling and show of machoism now and again but never ripping each other to bits!!...I have never seen that nor anything approaching that...what would worry me would be if a small child wandered into the firing line of an aggressive dog...
My old Border Collie could be "unfriendly" to other dogs particularly other collies but only extended to lots of noise and growling...

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 6:34 pm
by Mel46
I think it all depends on the circumstances as to whether a dog becomes aggressive or not. Our dogs are very friendly to people and other dogs. However, they are Jack Russell Terriers. They are high strung hunting dogs. They have a mindset of a much bigger dog, and no fear. It is usually not recommended that you get one if you have small children. I believe they are still used for fox hunting in England.
In any case, they will not back down if challenged, so we keep them on lead when going for walks, and we cross to the other side when encountering other walkers with dogs. However, if a stray comes along, we can only try to keep our dogs away from it as best we can. If it growls and charges, we try to block it. But if it gets past us, all bets are off. This is different from a stray just wandering over to us and wagging its tail. We will then pet it and try to find the owner. Our dogs are friendly if the stray is friendly. I consider this normal everywhere.

Re: Bloody Hell...

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:13 pm
by Mel46
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They are normally easy going and sweet. They love just having fun and relaxing. But Butch (the one with the black harness) is serious about defending his pack. Katie, (the one in pink) was the one that was attacked. She loves everyone, so she was not prepared for the dog attack.