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Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:54 am
by maddiedog
I have been hosting free for a long time, and have had donations that just over break even with costs. Lately, they've tapered (which is completely fine!), and so I'm considering alternate ways to keep the site self-sufficient or even help get me some revenue to help pay for my kid's college, medical bills, or whatever else. Life has been getting expensive for me lately.

A friend of mine is a web / SEO self-proclaimed god, and claims I'm forgoing literally hundreds of dollars in revenue a month for the site by not displaying ads based on the pageviews here. I'm leery of the accuracy of his number figure -- my rough calculations lead to $60 minimum per month, not hundreds per month, which is still more than twice what the site has averaged from donations. At the high end, if the ads are successful, the site could generate up to $500 per month, which is simply insane. I can't imagine that happening. Regardless, before I do anything, I want to see what you all think. This site is all about the community -- you guys and gals -- and I'm very proud of what we've built together. I don't want my actions to put that in jeopardy, hence me asking before doing anything.

If I were to implement ads, they would more than likely appear between the top bar (right below Logout / Last visit was: ) and the top naviation (Board index >> Add-ons >> Off-Topic), as well as at the bottom of the page. They would more than likely be text, and not generate any sound or be intrusive.

What do you think? Reply or respond to the poll. :D

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:09 am
by maddiedog
For full transparency, here's what our views lately look like. A LOT of people look at this site, literally hundreds (if not thousands) of people view and learn from here without posting. :D
stats.PNG (34.15 KiB) Viewed 6867 times

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:20 am
by gn2
That's what AdBlock+ is for.

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:49 pm
by GeorgeSK
So long as some audio doesn't blat or a site-stopping banner or splash screen take over my machine, I'm pretty much OK. The value of the information found here is worth a bit of annoyance. Our contributing a bit of cash is nice, but running this site has ongoing expenses that would be nice to have covered. What the heck - Revzilla and Motorcycle Superstore are already stalking me - they can follow me here too.

And, as GN2 points out, if ads really bother me, there are ways to avoid them (besides simply being oblivious).

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:01 pm
by GeorgeSK
Oh yeah - so long as we keep the "Singles in your Area" stuff totally off the list. THAT would change my activity on the site.

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:52 pm
by you you
I wouldn't leave (you might want to run an auction for that) but please don't

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:02 pm
by you you
Nothing more irratating than trying to scroll down on a pad and hit an advert. Ffs

Stop being tempted and man up. Once the principles disappear.....

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:08 pm
by Alibally
I use tapatalk so might not see them anyway.

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:11 pm
by ScooteringAbout
I use a variety of Firefox adblock filters, however Maddie, I am perfectly happy to disable them for this site, so long as we don't get sfx playing adverts.

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:47 pm
by you you
DrewJW wrote:I use a variety of Firefox adblock filters, however Maddie, I am perfectly happy to disable them for this site, so long as we don't get sfx playing adverts.
Monetization? Can we have a decent spellchecker?

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 5:24 pm
by kcpcx
I almost answered - not at all -.... Until I remembered the annoying ones I find on other sites. Super annoying auto play videos. Ads I can't scroll past or that pop up until time elapses. The audio ads are horrible. Someone starts yelling at you through your speakers.

Small banner under the header only? Sure, no problem. But I've found that ads are sites are a slippery slope, and they usually become overbearing after a time.

So, as long as the ads didn't gradually get more annoying over time, I'd be fine with them.

VWVortex is a good example. I used to visit that site more than I do now. They went to ads, and went to the auto play ads even though they swore they wouldn't. Once it becomes a hassle to visit the site due to ads, I started to visit less.

Not that my little opinion counts in the big picture. But I'd caution you to be very careful how far you open the door, if you decide to go the ad route. I totally understand why you would, and I might in your shoes. But the key to me would be to keep a tight leash on them.

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 5:54 pm
by homie
Yep, you'll never make it on donations alone. They advertise on my other hobby forums and REALLY blow you out on Dodge Ram's website. But they are related to truck accessories so it's not like Viagra ads.

Cheswick says yes too

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:29 pm
by sendler2112
Ads are fine as long as they don't affect the load speed or start to take over the view as they just have at

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:30 pm
by Mel46
I use my tablet to visit this site. When I am out and about it is problem enough getting the signal. I don't want to spend my time and signal on ads, but if it keeps this site going I can live with it.

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:16 pm
by relic
30 bucks a month in donatations
ouch! you Pcx ers should be ashamed

rattle your pay pal account and buck up

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:27 pm
by MikeP
I have two thoughts.
If everyone who used the information on this site to fix their bikes calculated how much money they saved and gave 1% of those savings to maddiedog, he would be rolling in the money to fund this site.
I know its a Mary Poppins philosophy.
Therefore bring on the ads maddiedog, make some money for your hard work and creation.
Afterall don't we all use youtube, facebook, twitter and craigslist just to name a few. We all "put up" with their ads.
This forum is just to valuable to loose. The members are great and the information shared just priceless.

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:06 pm
by vamootsman
How much $ do you need?

Re: Monetization

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:10 pm
by relic
I agree with Mike
if you have a way of putting a few extra dollars in your pocket
because of your own initiative
ps don't know Mary Poppins
but Frank Zappa
coined a phrase about being in it for the money
We all are

Re: Monetization

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:51 am
by maddiedog
vamootsman wrote:How much $ do you need?
It's less about how much it takes to run the site, and more about what money I'm just giving up by not doing ads. Ads are basically free money, I get paid when they're viewed or clicked, simple as that. Since ads generate so much money, websites are worth a lot of money. Part of the impetus for this poll was an offer from a non-member (just some random guy on the internet) to buy the site for $3000. I turned it down, since I felt the site was worth more than that and didn't want to allow someone else to mess up all the work I've put in here.

Adding ads is a huge change in the way I wanted to run this site since I founded it years ago, but a lot has changed since then. It's not like I just got older and had a kid... My wife was diagnosed with MS earlier this year. We're 26. We're ridiculously young to find out, which is good because it means her prognosis is more positive from starting treatment early, but it still means we're much more concerned about our finances. I'm fortunate that I make good money at work and have great benefits, so we have no unpaid bills yet, but if she ever has a bad MS relapse, we'll have to buy a wheelchair-capable car, sell our house and get a single-level house (or retrofit ours), etc.

I don't want donations as support, I have way too much pride for that. We're far from a charity case -- I have great insurance, and we're not in debt, so we're hardly struggling. An extra couple thousand from ad revenue per year just means more padding in case things get worse, all without taking money from anyone here. In all honesty, the donation scheme makes me feel sleazy anyways. I know I save you all money by helping out on the Tech Help section and making how-tos, but I do it because it's fun, not for money. :lol:

Re: Monetization

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 11:34 am
by WhiteNoise
Bring on the Ads Dave! Do what You must do!
I Truly appreciate your asking us first and explaining further what is going on "behind the Forums."
Me? I want YOU, YOUR family and YOUR forums to be All that they Can Be! Wife and Family come first. If I can help you, and it seems I can (even with a vote), I say Yes to Ads.
Those that want to donate should feel free to do so as well.

I belong to the Ridgeline Owners Club, their "motion type" ads are annoying, distracting and they tend to break up ones thoughts while participating in conversation. I don't believe you would let it go that far. What I call, Dancing ads.

Ah wait!
Dave...What about using an "Amazon Button" (like Modern Vespa) has at the bottom of their every page? I understand the owner gets slight kickback for every click. We ALL Use Amazon. Well.... :oops: I use them A LOT! Can that be done here?

On a personal note,... I'm so sorry to read about your wife's illness. "Good Lovin'" goes far. God will help. Hugs for You All