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Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:54 am
by RichyP
Hi guys,

I have an issue that is extremely annoying, issues with tyres!

Previous scooter I had was a Peugeot Speed-fight 100cc, the last 4 months I had the scoot, I had to replace the rear tyre 3 times due to punctures!!

Which was quite costly and extremely annoying and as well as me wanting to get something bigger and a lot newer, actually led me to getting a bike a lot sooner as I was fed with the continuing issues.

Now I realise these issues aren’t the bikes fault, they are more than likely mine!

Fast forward to 3-4 months of owning my 2013 PCX
and I am loving it, until….. I noticed the other day that my rear tyre felt a bit slippy / funny when cornering on my way to work. I stopped to check and it didn’t feel too bad in all honesty, pulled in to fill with air (always filled front to 29 and rear to 33) and the rear was only on 11!! I filled it and it was fine for 2 days, then checked it again and it was all the way down to 8.

Apart from my route to work which is a 20 mile round trip, I did change my route on my old scoot to see if it made any difference, is there anything else that could be affecting this? I ride quite conservatively and don’t only give it some welly when im on a straight and there is no traffic around, so i dont think its my riding style that is affecting this.

Its just annoying as I have spoken with riders who have ridden for years and never had an issue, and this will be the 4th tyre I will have had to buy in the last 12 months of riding.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated, and what good set of tyres to replace these standard ones with as well.
Richy P

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:14 am
by tbln930
Have them slap a tube in it. I know folks that never trust a patch for a motorcycle tire that always put a tube in it.

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:29 am
by Mel46
The only suggestion I would make is figure out where in your route you pass close to construction. You are getting the punctures from either construction debris or from really bad roads. If you find puncture holes or nails, chances are good that it is construction debris. If you find that the sidewall is split then I would think that the pot holes are causing it. In any case, the amount of problems you have had with your tires is not the norm. Most rides have either no problems with flats or perhaps 1 in the life of the bike.

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:43 am
by DAB
Did you find out what caused the punctures, front or rear wheel. Get them repaired if possible.

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:10 pm
by ScooteringAbout
Got a nail in my rear tyre. I've a tube in it now, will likely replace the rear when I hit 5k miles currently on 3.400.

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:07 pm
by maddiedog
Tire shops HATE the Slime stuff, but it actually works. You could try using some of that.

I don't ride on patched tires, but if I had a history like yours, I may consider that as an option. I agree with Mel -- most riders have little trouble with tires. I almost always wear through mine on cars and motorcycles, and can count on one hand how many I've had to replace due to damage.

tbln930's suggestion for a tube is a good call too, that can save you money. Make sure the tire is balanced with the tube, or you will wear through the tread very quickly. :)

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:07 pm
by tbln930
I am wondering if he really just has an unknown seep and no obvious puncture. I slimed my lawn tractor tire doing that and it has held for a few years. which is near me might give you a good thrashing if they saw slime in a bike tire. :lol:

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:54 pm
by you you
maddiedog wrote:Tire shops HATE the Slime stuff, but it actually works. You could try using some of that.

I don't ride on patched tires, but if I had a history like yours, I may consider that as an option. I agree with Mel -- most riders have little trouble with tires. I almost always wear through mine on cars and motorcycles, and can count on one hand how many I've had to replace due to damage.

tbln930's suggestion for a tube is a good call too, that can save you money. Make sure the tire is balanced with the tube, or you will wear through the tread very quickly. :)

I think tyres are plugged rather than patched like an inner tube. Perfectly safe.

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 5:00 am
by RichyP
Hi guys,

thanks for you advice, as you can imagine it is so damn annoying the amount of times it has happened.
Anything that stops me enjoying my bike infuriates me!

I do agree with Mel64, it most likely is construction works as in Nottingham over the last 24 months there has been a lot!

They are installing tram systems everywhere and ripping the roads up everywhere as well, the only problem I face is every possible route to work is riddled with this same problem.

As far as the leak on the rear, there is no obvious sign where any potential puncture is. The last one I had was quite obvious as it was a massive bolt of metal! But this time there isn't any.

I will be honest as well, knowing that there are issues with tyres has knocked my confidence in cornering and riding after all the problems i have had with tyres in the past, to the point where i am a lot more cautious in the corners as its just made me paranoid that there's a problem when there isn't, well in between the tyre issues anyway.

I will get a tube put in the back tyre, in the mean time, what tyres would you recommend to replace the standard ones?

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 5:24 am
by gn2
Vee Rubber if you want the cheapest option ... front.html ... -rear.html
Michelin City grips are generally highly regarded and the Dunlop Scootsmart is also a good tyre.
Plenty options to choose from ... g=&brands= ... g=&brands=

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 5:44 am
by RichyP
gn2 wrote:Vee Rubber if you want the cheapest option ... front.html ... -rear.html
Michelin City grips are generally highly regarded and the Dunlop Scootsmart is also a good tyre.
Plenty options to choose from ... g=&brands= ... g=&brands=
thank GN2,

Id rather have the best, dont like skimping on cost, so i think i will look into the michelin in all fairness,
thanks mate

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:52 am
by sendler2112
You can easily diagnose the leak yourself by spraying soapy water on the tire and bead and valve stem to see where the air is bubbling out.
I have never had a flat in 50,000 miles of riding but would have no issue continuing to use a tire that had a small nail hole plugged. I have plugged 100's of nail holes in car tires and never seen one fly out or seperate the cords.

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:30 am
by Mel46
We love Michelin City Grips. However, if you are going to continue going through construction for another little while I would consider just repairing the tires you have and wait for the next round of flats. Construction sites are always hard on tires. I can't count the number of times my cars have gotten flat tires from construction material that was dropped near the site by big trucks that haul the stuff away, and by general carelessness. They have a job to do and time is money to them. They don't have time to pick up everything that gets dropped so we get to pick it up for them...... that's one way of looking at it, anyway. We are still picking up roofing nails from having our roof replaced 4 years ago. It is definitely a problem, just not theirs I guess.

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:41 pm
by Pcxdemon
Yes, maybe you have a leaking valve?
Pump it up to 33 and put some spit on your finger ( gross I know) then cover the valve and base of it with the spit and see if it bubles...

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:58 am
by RichyP
Thanks guys, I will hold out on the new tyres, been quoted £20 to pit a tube in the rear tyre so I will do that for now and see how I go, I will try the spit /soapy water method as well

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:37 pm
by DAB
I think you should get it plugged and don't use an inner tube.
I think there could be issues of the inner tube moving within the tyre and therefore failing at the valve base.

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:20 pm
by ScooteringAbout
Got a tube in mine as I said at minute, just came back from a long ride over Belmont, and rear psi is down again to about 22psi from 33. Time for a new rear tyre I think. I've done 3,500miles on it. Cannot be bothered continuing to chase the leak.

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:42 am
by RichyP

I have got the bike going in for a tube to be installed in the rear Tyre, with the amount of issues I have had in the amount of time I have had and the fact i cannot change my commute route much, I fear that if I go and buy the Michelin City Grips, which will be fine for a short period of time but I would be just throwing money away as its an issue that is bound to return with all the roadworks in and around my commute journey.

I will see how i get on with the tube installed in the rear and see how I get on.
Thanks for all your advice and assistance with this guys, much appreciated :)

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:15 pm
by iceman
Checked my tyre pressures today - last done about 2-3 months ago - and both front and rear were down about 4psi so put them back to 29/33. Not doing bad on that extra drag as mpg gauge showing 145mpg and since last fill up still got 4 solid bars.

Re: Tired of Buying Tyres

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 4:28 pm
by you you
DrewJW wrote:Got a tube in mine as I said at minute, just came back from a long ride over Belmont, and rear psi is down again to about 22psi from 33. Time for a new rear tyre I think. I've done 3,500miles on it. Cannot be bothered continuing to chase the leak.

Get rid and stump up for a new tyre. Plugging a tyre is ok but inner tubes on a tubeless tyre isn't good