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First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:57 pm
by CelticCross
We had an unseasonably warm day yesterday in north east Ohio so was able to get out and ride for the first time in 2016. Snowed this morning and forecasted to be below normal temps with more snow this week, so expect that this was my last ride of the winter.

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:06 pm
by Mel46
Well you are better off than we are. I just finished repairing my wife's bike after our accident but we can't ride due to the weather, so you were able to get one more ride in than I could. Enjoy the memory. :-)

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:02 pm
by TonyM
That's one of the few advantages of living here in California - you can ride all year around in most parts of this state. I went on an hour long ride this afternoon and it felt good to get out as we've had rain recently and I no longer deliberately ride in the rain these days.

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:20 pm
by iceman
The only reason I don't like riding in the rain is the harm done to the scoot - in terms of muck and grime build-up over time - not bothered about me as I wear waterproofs. I don't bother cleaning the lower part and wheels anymore as they get dirty the next time I ride.

It was torrential rain with many water-logged roads commuting to work this morning at 2am , but the bike and IRC's did me proud.

It would be a waste to only use the scoot for nicer months and pay £520 in tube fare over four months and waste four months of insurance and tax keeping the bike covered up.

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:30 pm
by Blackbeard1718
Mel46 wrote:Well you are better off than we are. I just finished repairing my wife's bike after our accident but we can't ride due to the weather, so you were able to get one more ride in than I could. Enjoy the memory. :-)

Sorry to hear about your Accident! Hope you're both OK! What happened?

I got a couple of Rides in, during the past several days, and they felt GREAT! Weather this week is staying between 40's-50's, so I'll wait and see what the next week brings us.

I usually ride Year-Round here in Texas, as long as it's not Sloppery or Bone-Chilling Cold!



Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:14 pm
by CelticCross
I was able to ride year round when I lived in Virginia and miss that here in Ohio. It is supposed to be drier and warmer this winter, but still might not be able to ride again until March. Even if the weather does warm up enough for riding (>30 degrees) this winter, not sure I will given the amount of de-icing salt put on the roads. Will probably wait for spring rains to wash the salt of the road surface.

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:27 am
by Mel46
I think most of the members know about our accident back in September, so I won't go over it again. Here is a progress report. The bikes are fixed, aside from needing a windshield on my wife's bike, but she won't be riding for awhile anyway.
As for her progress, the surgery went well on her shoulder, and the doctor has pronounced the shoulder well. She is now doing physical therapy and is doing quite well. She is finally able to drive. Riding will come eventually, but not now.

I am thinking about swapping out her bike's variator, drive face, and weights for NCY while it is inside for the winter. I already have everything except the variator itself.

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:27 pm
by you you
Mel46 wrote:I think most of the members know about our accident back in September, so I won't go over it again. Here is a progress report. The bikes are fixed, aside from needing a windshield on my wife's bike, but she won't be riding for awhile anyway.
As for her progress, the surgery went well on her shoulder, and the doctor has pronounced the shoulder well. She is now doing physical therapy and is doing quite well. She is finally able to drive. Riding will come eventually, but not now.

I am thinking about swapping out her bike's variator, drive face, and weights for NCY while it is inside for the winter. I already have everything except the variator itself.

So your wife is thinking of going back on the bike if she is ok with it. Excellent.

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:43 pm
by Mel46
My wife is now very excited about the prospect of getting back on her bike someday. However, we both are frightened at the prospect of getting out of our subdivision on the bikes. Country riding is great, but getting there from our subdivision will be daunting. The drivers in our vacinity not only do not care that others are around them when they are driving, they also find the cellphone to be more important than the car. Ssooo, driving their car in their lane, following rules for their side of the road are all irrelevant! They play bumper cars out there with real cars! The most expensive car wins...or sometimes it is the biggest, most expensive car. What chance do little scooters have??

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:31 am
by Kompact
^ Bumper cars huh? Might want to move to a new area of town.

Don't be shy with the horn if you think people don't see you, misjudge your speed or are getting too close.
Glad to hear your lady is recovering.

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:45 am
by Mel46
I just installed one of those Nautilus Air Horns on my wife's bike. I already have one on mine. Now we can wake those sleeping giants up when they move into our lane. I have no idea how those 'tanks' haven't hit more cars than they have, but if we can wake them up before they hit us, I am all for it!

It isn't that hard to install one after every piece of tupperware has been removed, but putting one in the front behind the headlight is tight. Thinking about it now, I have to wonder if it might have been any easier to put it somewhere else. Maddiedog helped me with my first install, so I just followed what we had done on my bike to install one on my wife's bike. Has anyone else put one of those air horns on their bike? Where did you put it?

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 12:16 pm
by WhiteNoise
That might be a good thread to start up Mel. Show them yours, (:lol:) then ask for their ideas?
Just a thought. I'd be interested too ;)

Oh! And Placed in the PCX forum!
(I just about forgot where we are right now :lol: In the Forza 300 forum).
So what! I get lost once in awhile or twice, thrice......etc. :oops:

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:58 pm
by fish
Mel46 wrote:I
I am thinking about swapping out her bike's variator, drive face, and weights for NCY while it is inside for the winter. I already have everything except the variator itself.

Re: First Ride - Last Ride

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:19 pm
by fish
Mel46 wrote:My wife is now very excited about the prospect of getting back on her bike someday. However, we both are frightened at the prospect of getting out of our subdivision on the bikes. Country riding is great, but getting there from our subdivision will be daunting. The drivers in our vacinity not only do not care that others are around them when they are driving, they also find the cellphone to be more important than the car. Ssooo, driving their car in their lane, following rules for their side of the road are all irrelevant! They play bumper cars out there with real cars! The most expensive car wins...or sometimes it is the biggest, most expensive car. What chance do little scooters have??
Mel, Glad you are both feeling better.
About your riding area ---
I freq. ride at sunrise, for various reasons, but I find it quite relaxing due to the lack of auto/truck traffic on the roads. People holler about 'deer danger' - but hellsbells, cars kill a lot more scooter/motorcycle riders than do deer in Ohio!
I expect all kinds of SA replies, here, to this post, but if you're needing a better feeling about your leisure scooter riding - I give you this reply.

A dawn ride out of the city into the country - solves 50% of your scary riding.
If good weather and no snow and a day off, I have not slept-in in 2.5 yrs!