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French Scooter Porn

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:58 am
by gn2

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:52 am
by Scottish
That Yamaha TMAX is a sexy beast!

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:01 pm
by jasontheparamedic
Very nice!

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:42 am
by edscoot
Maddiedog, take a look at page 11 of the gt4 link.

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:34 pm
by maddiedog
I have to wait until I get home to look at these, since I work for the US Government, I can't visit most foreign sites from work. :(

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:51 pm
by gn2
If you were visiting foreign sites in a big fast jet and dropping high explosives, that would be just fine :lol:

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:21 pm
by you you
gn2 wrote:If you were visiting foreign sites in a big fast jet and dropping high explosives, that would be just fine :lol:
On hospitals and the general public no doubt :D

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:21 pm
by gn2
Either that or the troops of their allies...

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:49 am
by edscoot
I met an ex member of 1 para. He had recently retired after 12 years with them including Afghanistan etc. I raised the subject of US airforce friendly fire, his response was that "they (the USAF) had saved our arses often enough".

It's pretty impressive that there are not more friendly fire incidents really, there must have been thousands during each of the previous wars going back to the beginning of man. Friendly arrow? Wode on wode?

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:09 am
by you you
edscoot wrote:I met an ex member of 1 para. He had recently retired after 12 years with them including Afghanistan etc. I raised the subject of US airforce friendly fire, his response was that "they (the USAF) had saved our arses often enough".

It's pretty impressive that there are not more friendly fire incidents really, there must have been thousands during each of the previous wars going back to the beginning of man. Friendly arrow? Wode on wode?

In WWII both the allied and the Axis forces bombed civilians deliberately and with some gusto tbh

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:41 am
by WhiteNoise
Like page 1, 2, 3, and 4 :D All really sweet sexy machines

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:29 am
by rich666
I have to wait until I get home to look at these, since I work for the US Government, I can't visit most foreign sites from work.
I know how you feel on that one, the UK government are just as strict as to what I can surf at work.

Edscoot - you mentioned the term "friendly fire" - that has to be the definition of an Oxymoron if ever there was one. There is absolutely nothing friendly about gunfire whether it's your enemies or allies chucking bullets and missiles in your direction. :|

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:54 pm
by you you
I do a lot of shooting and its all friendly. Great sport to take up.

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:40 am
by Cascanciu
I have to agree with both. Murphy's laws of combat state things like "friendly fire, it isn't", "tracers work both ways", or "your equipment comes courtesy of the lowest bidder", amongst others. And they're universal. This said, I haven't seen combat, but friends of mine have (in Afghanistan, too, and they are paras, too) and they too are grateful to the USAF. It looks like having an A-10/Apache/F-16 circling overhead results in some peace of mind over there.

I too do shooting whenever I can. Mainly shotgun and pistol (practical shooting, aka IPSC) and I consider it a gentleman's sport.

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:29 am
by you you
I'm envious. My pistols were destroyed.

Still have long barreled pistols and black powder ones but its not the same..,

Bugger it I'm moving to Spain. At least our 12 year (seriously) degree course wouln't be wasted

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:22 am
by Cascanciu
qed wrote:I'm envious. My pistols were destroyed.

Still have long barreled pistols and black powder ones but its not the same..,

Bugger it I'm moving to Spain. At least our 12 year (seriously) degree course wouln't be wasted
12 years?. Wow, what degree is that?. You mean a university degree?.

I'm sorry for your guns. Wasn't there any way for you to keep them?. We have VERY restrictive firearms regulations here, but as I see, not as bad as in the UK. Here you may keep a firearm that you have inherited (for example) even if you don't have a permit, by drilling a hole in the chamber and barrel, and doing some other modifications to it, so as to make sure it won't fire again. You can do that and you will just be allowed to keep it at home. It's sad to ruin a gun like that, but at least you can keep it.

I see (on the net) that there is still IPSC activity in the UK. What are the regulations like?. Do shooters have to keep their pistols at the shooting clubs or how is it like?. I understand there's no way to keep them at home, for what you say.

If you do move here, and provided you don't have a criminal record :lol: ;) , you may obtain a sports shooter permit and shoot handguns if you feel like it. All you'll need is to purchase a gun safe, take an exam, join your local shooting sports federation and you'll be good to go. Takes two to three months, though, for the bloody paperwork to get back to you with the Authority's seal of approval. This permit will only entitle you to carry the gun in its case from your home to the shooting club and back, never on you and anywhere else than mentioned.

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:02 pm
by you you
Yes a university degree. Two hours a week for twelve years. This year, year four, its Spanish high society. And the start of the subjunctive. We've only just come to terms with the pretorite irregularities, imperferfect, present perfect etc etc. so many words ending in o or a :D

What was the point of keeping my guns de-activated. It would be like someone taking my dogs and destroying them and allowing me to keep them stuffed on the mantelpiece

Not sure about the IPSC in the UK now. I used to shoot practical but it was only at club level. Suspect they shoot steels with a mixture of long barrelled pistols and slug

Spain sounds like the UK a while back. Don't let the same things happen to you, but I suspect it's out of your hands like it was ours. Can't be talked about over and there aren't enough questioning minds asking why not

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:28 pm
by Cascanciu
Current Spanish "high society" resides inside the Parliament and the Senate. They're the new nobility. And people is so much pissed off at them I seriously fear they start to build guillotines and place them near those buildings. The Parliament is gonna be surrounded by riot police this morning. There are demonstrations scheduled and they fear the demonstrators might break in and kick some butt.

I understand :lol: . Spanish has that lot of rules and that lot of tenses, but that is, in fact, a good thing. Once you learn them well, it's fairly straightforward. And the good news is that as the phonetic language it is, once you hear something, you will know how to write it down (with some exceptions, as you already know). Guess what's one of our biggest problems when we study English, other than being able to pronounce a language that has 12 vocalic sounds instead of the 5 we've got, put aside the "H", the "J" or the "R".

Given the chance to choose, I'd rather keep my guns deactivated rather than surrendering them to be destroyed. Some firearms have their value because they're no longer manufactured, for example, or because they belonged to someone you loved. I hope it doesn't get as bad as it got there, but I have some hope it doesn't. There is a fairly big hunting and sports shooting community. Whoever did that would face consequences at the elections. Then there's the fact that the Spanish police is armed. I suspect that the fact that -most of the- British police is unarmed, had to do with what happened there. If the police is unarmed, why should civilians possess firearms?. Politicians think that way, mate.

Anyway, just go on with your Spanish and move here. Get your permit and enjoy your shooting again ;) .

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:18 am
by you you
Well it's the same here the rich get richer etc. more so during a recession

When we were in Barcelona there were demonstrations and they had sprayed "ladrones" on the windows of the banks :lol:

I wouldn't like to learn English from another language for many reasons. How come yours is so good? One of the surprising things about studying Spanish has been bumping into the movies from Spain and South America. There are some corkers. Not very cheery sometimes mind :D

Soon as the last kid moves we are off. Yo detesto la lluvia

Re: French Scooter Porn

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:07 am
by Cascanciu
qed wrote:Well it's the same here the rich get richer etc. more so during a recession

When we were in Barcelona there were demonstrations and they had sprayed "ladrones" on the windows of the banks :lol:

I wouldn't like to learn English from another language for many reasons. How come yours is so good? One of the surprising things about studying Spanish has been bumping into the movies from Spain and South America. There are some corkers. Not very cheery sometimes mind :D

Soon as the last kid moves we are off. Yo detesto la lluvia
"Ladrones" is the softest epithet they deserve, quite frankly. Thanks for your compliment. Mum put both my brother and myself in private classes with native teachers since we were small kids. Mostly Brits, with the exception of an Aussie and a South African. Then I worked a few years abroad and English was used on a daily basis at work.

Problem with movies (in any language) is that they're often quite slangy, but that has its good side, too. It's language anyway. Watch "Celda 211" and "No habrĂ¡ paz para los malvados" if you haven't ;) . If you do loathe the rain, don't come up north :lol:. It's called the "green Spain" for a good reason. I'm glad you decided to move over here. Despite all the current financial and political issues, this is still a great country to live in.