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Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:33 am
by Embattle
Got to love being ripped off on insurance, last year I paid £150 which included road side recovery. This year bearing in mind I've now got my Full licence (A2 restriction) has cost me £215 with road side recovery. Some brokers said there under writers didn't even do the PCX, which is shocking considering its popularity.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:15 am
by iceman
I went with Carole Nash Scoot and Commute (they have a special insurance for scooters alongside their motorbike policies). Was cheaper than all others on comparison sites. I have 2yr's provisional no claims (20 years car no claims did not count for anything!)

Re: Insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:25 am
by Mel46
Well our insurance just doubled after our accident, even though we were not at fault. In fact, they only paid out $4,000 between our two bikes. That counts cost of repairs AND the emergency room visit. The rest of the $70,000 medical costs are ours, whether we can afford it or not, because we chose to head for the ditch rather than crash into the rest of the accident pile (head on crash right in front of us).
Insurance is a ripoff but it comes in handy when it is needed, like if we had crashed into the mess, which would have probably been a lot worse for all of us.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:19 am
by Embattle
What also appeared odd was on comparison sites the older 10 bhp model was less to insure.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:20 am
by gn2
Never just accept a renewal, always always always hit the comparison sites.
Then you can phone your existing insurer for a price match and if they won't then its time to switch.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:17 pm
by Embattle
Did a few comparison sites still all massively above my previous, my previous insurer wouldn't even insure it.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:02 pm
by you you
Embattle wrote:Did a few comparison sites still all massively above my previous, my previous insurer wouldn't even insure it.

Do you mean your previous insurers wouldn't re-insure it?

Re: Insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:44 pm
by Embattle
Yeah, my current one wouldn't insure me again or as they said in the letter their underwriters couldn't provide a quote.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:46 pm
by flyingzonker
Mel46 wrote:Well our insurance just doubled after our accident, even though we were not at fault. In fact, they only paid out $4,000 between our two bikes. That counts cost of repairs AND the emergency room visit. The rest of the $70,000 medical costs are ours, whether we can afford it or not, because we chose to head for the ditch rather than crash into the rest of the accident pile (head on crash right in front of us).
Insurance is a ripoff but it comes in handy when it is needed, like if we had crashed into the mess, which would have probably been a lot worse for all of us.
I had a friend who insured everything to the hilt with the excuse that it gave her peace of mind and that she had found that in the long run insurance paid for itself many times over. Well, in her case at least, it was true. When her husband died in a fatal crash--which was actually his fault, but this happened in Florida where fault is interpreted in weird ways--her insurance settled with her for 300,000$.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:05 am
by you you
Embattle wrote:Yeah, my current one wouldn't insure me again or as they said in the letter their underwriters couldn't provide a quote.

Try Carole Nashe and the comparison sites. You may be asked if you have been refused a quote but I don't think it will matter. The PCXs are a run of the mill scooter from an insurers perspective.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 3:47 am
by Fugu
Mine is fully insured with everything.
I pay 180€ anually :-) Not too bad..

Re: Insurance

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 1:40 pm
by Mel46
Boy are you Lucky! 180€ annually?? We are now paying $1,000 annually for 2 PCX 150s. My car isn't even that much.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 2:55 pm
by Fugu
Mel46 wrote:Boy are you Lucky! 180€ annually?? We are now paying $1,000 annually for 2 PCX 150s. My car isn't even that much.
Yeah, I'm dead serious. 180 Euroes, I wont ever complain about that price! I paid up front instantly, I was born and raised in Denmark, and we have the highest taxes in the world on cars and bikes, if not one of the highest.
I really scratched my hair when he told me the price, and that the 49cc's here in Spain cost more than the 125cc's.

But hey :-D somebody has to get lucky i guess.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 3:34 pm
by gn2
180€ is quite expensive, this year my insurance will be about £90 ($120 €107)

Re: Insurance

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 6:40 pm
by Ishkabibble
I just got my bill for insurance for Natasha for the next six months, and it works out to just under $13.00 a month, or $156.00 a year.

That's with full replacement, and the standard insurances for motorcycle. If and when I take a certified motorcycle safety course within one year of the policy initiation for Natasha, I get a 7% discount on that, and I can then add her to get the multi-car discount.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 7:18 pm
by Urbanfreestyle
Just to make you all a bit annoyed my insurance is £62 a year fully comprehensive.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:27 am
by flyingzonker
I really scratched my hair when he told me the price, and that the 49cc's here in Spain cost more than the 125cc's.


This makes perfect sense to me: A 49cc is a magnet for four-wheeled ire everywhere but on a college campus. People will honk you, roar past you and cut back in too close--more in anger than in sorrow--and sometimes even roll down their windows and shout at you thus: "Get off the road!" Sad but true.

I feel safer on my Reflex a lot of the time than I do on my PCX. Speed is your friend--except when it gets crazy.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 5:52 am
by Fugu
gn2 wrote:180€ is quite expensive, this year my insurance will be about £90 ($120 €107)
Did you read my post?
I'm from Denmark, and Denmark have one of the highest taxes on cars and motorcycles in the world.
I would have to pay atleast the double in Denmark, so I'm pretty happy. Especially since this is my first 2 wheeler ever. Dont have any experience riding them before.

But good for you, 90£ is a great price. Good for you.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 5:55 am
by Fugu
flyingzonker wrote:[quote="Fugu.
I really scratched my hair when he told me the price, and that the 49cc's here in Spain cost more than the 125cc's.

This makes perfect sense to me: A 49cc is a magnet for four-wheeled ire everywhere but on a college campus. People will honk you, roar past you and cut back in too close--more in anger than in sorrow--and sometimes even roll down their windows and shout at you thus: "Get off the road!" Sad but true.

I feel safer on my Reflex a lot of the time than I do on my PCX. Speed is your friend--except when it gets crazy.[/quote]

That does actually make perfect sense to me! Never thought of it that way!
even i hate the 49cc's.

Re: Insurance

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 7:34 am
by you you
Fugu wrote:
flyingzonker wrote:[quote="Fugu.
I really scratched my hair when he told me the price, and that the 49cc's here in Spain cost more than the 125cc's.

This makes perfect sense to me: A 49cc is a magnet for four-wheeled ire everywhere but on a college campus. People will honk you, roar past you and cut back in too close--more in anger than in sorrow--and sometimes even roll down their windows and shout at you thus: "Get off the road!" Sad but true.

I've never had that.