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Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:31 am
by gse123
Hi all,

I am new to the PCX owners club... well - I will be in a week when it is delivered! I am a complete scooter noob, in the sense that I haven't even taken my CBT yet! (got that on Saturday).

I don't drive at all, and have been getting public transport to work for the last god knows how many years... but I just got offered a new job which would be a pain to get to unless assisted! So after much research I have gone for the PCX, and can't wait to get it delivered!

Anyway.. the thing that concerns me the most at the moment is correct storage - I do not have any garage or shed to store it in overnight or when not in use, so it will have to be outside, round the back / side of the house (hidden from view by a fairly tall wooden fence, but not exactly high security). Also worth noting that I have nothing solid to anchor it to, and as it is a rented property , drilling holes in the concrete for an anchor point is not an option ufortunately.

Apart from strong disc locks and a good quality all weather protective cover, is there anything I can do to ensure it is as safe / protected as possible under the circumstances?

Looking forward to becoming a PCX owner, and joining in more on this site! :D


Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:59 am
by Cracksta

where are you from?

When I had my gixer, i was parked at the front of the house but it was on the drive so is slightly hidden, i used a rain proof cover which is quite good. A rear chain is better than a front one unless its alarmed, its even better if you can chain the bike to a pole or something solid.

The bike being out of view is best, so always cover it up and chain it to something, if you use a front disc lock, try find an alarm one as its better because if its not alarmed, it only takes 2 guys to pick it up and move it away without you hearing a sound.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:02 pm
by gn2
Hi and welcome :)
Get good insurance.
Mine sits outside unlocked and uncovered but I live in a very quiet small village.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:23 pm
by gse123
Cracksta wrote:Welcome!

where are you from?

When I had my gixer, i was parked at the front of the house but it was on the drive so is slightly hidden, i used a rain proof cover which is quite good. A rear chain is better than a front one unless its alarmed, its even better if you can chain the bike to a pole or something solid.

The bike being out of view is best, so always cover it up and chain it to something, if you use a front disc lock, try find an alarm one as its better because if its not alarmed, it only takes 2 guys to pick it up and move it away without you hearing a sound.
Sorry - I forgot to update my profile with location. I am in the UK.

Unfortunately, there is literally nothing I can chain it to, so perhaps I should go for an alarmed disc lock... I've just read a lot of stories about the alarms going off when it rains heavy etc

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:26 pm
by gse123
gn2 wrote:Hi and welcome :)
Get good insurance.
Mine sits outside unlocked and uncovered but I live in a very quiet small village.
Hello and thanks!

I live in a fairly quiet area of a small town, but I just want to be as careful as possible.

Any insurers you would recommend that would cover theft?

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:32 pm
by maddiedog
Welcome, and congrats on your new PCX!

I think your idea of a cover is best, out of sight is out of mind for passerbys, almost eliminating random theft.

You could also look into a Xena alarmed lock, like Cracksta suggested. I have one of these: ... arm/page1/ I forget what model though -- you could email them and ask.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:07 pm
by gn2
gse123 wrote:Any insurers you would recommend that would cover theft?
I switch insurance every year and always go with the cheapest, they all cover theft.
Have a look on a few comparison websites.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:33 pm
by figurehead71
Welcome, and all the best with your CBT on will be fine with it I am sure.

I do not have a garage either, however the landlord does not mind me drilling, also what they don't know about wont hurt them. Have you considered drilling a "ground" anchor into the wall rather than the floor? Upon removal the holes can be filled in the brick work.

I have had my bike now for 6 weeks and still yet to put up the ground anchor. I have my bike at the side of the property (end terrace) behind a locked gate with a good well lined weatherproof of the ones by BikeIT I find suitable, don't opt for one of the cheap crap unlined nylon covers...go for a more premium PVC one with a lining.

What I do put on it every night without fail is a XX6 Xena Alarm Disc Lock, and obviously have fully comprehensive insurance too. I found one of the best premiums for myself on cost and service is with Carole Nash whom also provide a free DNA+ kit for marking up your bike parts and holographic stickers as an extra deterrent in case of theft

Basically, if you keep your bike on your property, remove any "tools" to a thief as possible, and make it as annoying to yourself (unfortunately) to get your bike out on the road as possible.

For example when i have my anchor installed a thief would have to climb over the side gate, or break the lock..if they climbed over they would still need to break or pick the side gate lock. Then they would have to disable the disc alarm before attempting to break the chain lock which also passes through the bike cover (most have slats for passing through locks)

The most ideal time to do this of any opportune thief obviously through the time element with all obstacles is the infrequent times I am out without my bike...of which then you rely on your insurance to cover you.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:24 pm
by gse123
Thank you all!

Figurehead71 - I've looked at the Xena disc lock alarm, but have read that I can be set off by heavy rain / wind etc. Have you experienced this yourself?

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:52 pm
by Urbanian
In addition to what everyone else said, there are a number of small things you can do every time you park your bike anywhere to frustrate would-be thieves.

Use your ignition keyhole cover.

Lock the steering to the side. Hard to push a bike that’s making a hard right (or left) turn.

Set the parking brake. The bike just won’t roll, and a thief likely won’t know how to disengage it.

Put the side stand down. In a rush, he might not think to put it up, and can’t start the engine.

Flip the “kill switch”. (This only works with bikes in the US.) I’ve heard of cases when this was enough to confound a thief.

Nothing here is foolproof, but if just one of these things stops a crook, or sends him to look elsewhere for an easier target, it will be worth the effort.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:57 pm
by gn2
Urbanian wrote:Set the parking brake.
Only fitted on the US model.
The rest of the world knows how to park properly :lol:

Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:06 pm
by Alibally
There are insurance approved locks and chains you can get. I have a ground anchor in a locked shed and a big chain. Some company's give discounts for data tagging as well. I had a cover that had a base on it the top part zipped around. It was a bit of a bugger in the morning taking it off but it kept the bike clean and dry.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:33 pm
by figurehead71
gse123 wrote:Thank you all!

Figurehead71 - I've looked at the Xena disc lock alarm, but have read that I can be set off by heavy rain / wind etc. Have you experienced this yourself?
I have not had the problem with sensitivity (yet) myself, if you are careful enough you can put the key in and unlock even without setting the unit off.

There are two Xena ones with the 6mm pins the XX6 (which I own) and the cheaper XZZ6L..I find most reports of sensitivity problems with that other model.

Only criticism I have so far is with it being a little fiddly fitting the battery in the first instance.

Good advice from Urbanian (UK applicable bits :D ) I do that too..steering lock on, cover the keyhole...all extra hassle for me to start the bike, but a good nights sleep by protecting my investment from the opportunist chav.

Oh yep, the Termoscud Apron I now have on it is an extra problem for them, getting to the keyhole is more fiddly.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:35 pm
by Urbanian
figurehead71 wrote: Good advice from Urbanian (UK applicable bits :D ) I do that too..steering lock on, cover the keyhole...all extra hassle for me to start the bike, but a good nights sleep by protecting my investment from the opportunist chav.

Oh yep, the Termoscud Apron I now have on it is an extra problem for them, getting to the keyhole is more fiddly.
Fiddly is good when the other guy doesn’t know how to do it, and I can form a habit so I don’t even need to think about it.

You UK guys are making me appreciate my US bike more than ever. I really like the fact that my parking brake and kill switch are two more simple tools I can use to make my bike more secure! The ATM driveway at my bank has a slight incline. I’m glad I have a parking brake to keep the bike from rolling while I attend to business. Very convenient.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:05 pm
by gn2
Put the bike on the centrestand, hey presto: parking brake obsolete.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:21 am
by scisor34
gn2 wrote:Put the bike on the centrestand, hey presto: parking brake obsolete.

Kick start your bike, hey presto: electric start absolete. Stick your arm out, hey blinkers obsolete. Turn your head, hey presto: mirrors obsolete. Come on man......... It's an accessory that can be convenient at times. Do the math.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:21 am
by Urbanian
scisor34 wrote: Kick start your bike, hey presto: electric start absolete. Stick your arm out, hey blinkers obsolete. Turn your head, hey presto: mirrors obsolete. Come on man......... It's an accessory that can be convenient at times. Do the math.
Don’t waste effort arguing with gn2. He just thinks he looks superior by being a perpetual contrarian. If this is the only way he can impress himself, just let him be.

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:12 am
by Cracksta
scisor34 wrote:
gn2 wrote:Put the bike on the centrestand, hey presto: parking brake obsolete.

Kick start your bike, hey presto: electric start absolete. Stick your arm out, hey blinkers obsolete. Turn your head, hey presto: mirrors obsolete. Come on man......... It's an accessory that can be convenient at times. Do the math.
Kick start - thats alot of effort in the morning!
stick arm out - 1 hand control, poke by the police
turn your head - then your not looking forward :P

But in all seriousness, centre stand does eliminate the need for a parking brake but then again even if it was parking braked or centre standed, it only takes 2 guys to lift it in 2 seconds!

Definitely get a cover, thats a must and stops rain going in your bike, regards to disk lock being over sensitive, you'll need to attach is on your brake disk, i read the lowest area give less sensitivity (we're talking about wind here) but yes, in a storm or very windy day, your disc alarm can go off.

You'll get to a point where you dont bother chaining it up, this is what I did, I have my cover chained to a pole in my old house, so when I covered my bike, it looked like it was chained to the rear wheel, you can only tell if you lift the cover LOL.

So get a rain proof cover, a rear chain as i believe with a front one they can just wheely your bike and push it out, rear chain you cant but a front alarm one will annoy them.

Bike Rain Cover - Essential
Rear chain - Essential (can use it to lock your bike when your out and about)
Front disk lock (alarmed) - optional - is helpful when you are parked up for a short period
Alarm - optional - i woudnt bother unless its already there, you'll get more electrical problems than its worth
Datatag/alphadots - optional - its like those security markings on the bike, this will hopefully deter bike thieves as its not worth the risk.

I would say with our bikes, we are more prone to random thefts or oppurtuntist theft, if it was planned, your bike will go regardless but not worth the hassle for a £2.6k RRP price tag!

Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:33 am
by Theboybilly
I agree with all of the ideas given here. For myself I try to park near to much more expensive, or more vulnerable bike or scooter when out and about. At home I park behind a 4x4 so it cant be seen from the road. It's also covered so people that might see it would have no idea what scooter it is and whether it's a 'runner' or under repair, as Maddiedog says - out of sight almost eliminates random theft. I also have an Oxford lock and chain with a Grip-lock as backup. But for the more determined thief, the professionals, they will get your PCX if they really want it. All the hardware in the world probably won't stop that. Try not to worry too much, your insurance will cover any theft as long as you can show you've taken due care. It's just a piece of metal & plastic at the end of the day. For some extra peace of mind pop into your local police station and ask what figures they might have for vehicle crime in your area, and if they have a security marking scheme.


Re: Hello all! New PCX owner with couple of questions! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:11 am
by Keebler Dwarf
I also park my scooter at an apartment, though I do at least have a bike rack to chain it to.

Most important is to get insurance. Half the reason I got a scooter is the insurance is so cheap.
Next I have a bike lock for each wheel. Back gets the chain that loops to the bike rack. Front gets a U-Bar that doesn't connect to anything but makes the bike impossible to ride.
Then I cover it every night, but this is more to protect it from weather than anything else.

But the thing that best helps with my peace of mind is that the bike is just outside my window. In theory, someone can steal anything if they put enough effort into it. All you have to do is make it so inconvenient to steal without alerting others that it's not worth the trouble.