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Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 6:15 pm
by fish
White and bright colors for scooters seem to be a good idea.

And I have read several places that the #1 visible item on a rider is the helmet. So, bright colors there - probably white is best for all light conditions.

But, to each his own.
To explain - a scooter rider wearing a bright jacket and helmet was struck in the side in an intersection by a vehicle driver who did not see him in time to avoid the accident.
So, following his rehab, and using some of the hefty court settlement, he bought an expensive all matte black motorcycle and a matching matte black stealth helmet.

Obviously bright gear is not fool proof - but I'd bet my actuary dollar that that jazzy looking all "stealth-black" ensemble is going to be significantly harder for a driver to pick out.

Like I said, to each his own.
It seems that we might ride, the way we ride, for many different reasons.

Search, "Are white helmets safer?"
"A study published in the World Health Organization's Helmet Manual analyzed the link between the colour of a biker's helmet and chances of his crashing. It suggested that policies that encourage white and light-coloured helmets can help prevent motorcycle crashes.

Wearing a white helmet makes the bike driver more conspicuous both during the day as well as at night, explained Madhu Khurana, chairman and managing director of a major helmet manufacturing firm. "Bike riders should wear only white or yellow coloured helmets as they become more visible, especially at night and chances of them being hit are greatly reduced. We make helmets in all colours, but eight out of ten people prefer to buy black-coloured helmets."

If a new rider is just now putting together his gear - this might give you something to think about.


Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 7:05 pm
by gn2
White helmet for me every time.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 8:28 pm
by Cube
White is cooler in the sun, for sure. I went light gray this time as I didn't want to wait for a white one. I did upgrade it with 3M black reflective tape however

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:10 pm
by Mel46
There is a 16 year old new rider in our neighborhood who is JUST learning to ride. He has been trying to learn to balance on his new BLACK Ninja.

He dropped his bike twice within 30 minutes, and he can't turn yet without dropping it. We live in a subdivision that is a big circle with several cross streets in the middle. He has been riding in a circle between first and second gear for a week now and still has problems.

Why do I mention this? His father bought him the bike and his gear. Full helmet, black. Check. Leather jacket, black. Check. Leather riding gloves, black. Check. Leather boots, black. Check. Leather riding pants, black. Check.

So much for visibility. I guess his father didn't read the article about white or yellow helmets, or hi-viz clothing.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:25 pm
by GeorgeSK
I snagged a new helmet during the winter - an HJC FG-17. Matte black with hi viz accents and white. This was the first week with acouple of days when it has actually been warm, and I do think the helmet picks up more heat than my old hi-viz SS. I'm not terribly sorry - the deal was good for a DOT and Snell 2015 rated helmet, but a mostly black helmet will be warmer in the sun. Not a big surprise, I suppose, but not something that I thought of in February.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 11:20 pm
by alx123
bought white (see profile) because my pcx is white LOL.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 5:16 am
by CharlieP
I bought a white helmet mainly because it is cooler in the summer. If I was worried about visibility a headlight modulator or a high vis jacket would be much more effective.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 9:57 am
by Mel46
So, can you put hi-viz decals on them? Maybe that would solve the dark helmet problem???

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 12:41 pm
by lillypinkjenny
CharlieP wrote: If I was worried about visibility a headlight modulator or a high vis jacket would be much more effective.
Apparently not. I think it's something to do with how your head moves more than your body or the bike, so your helmet is the most visible area.

My helmet is black. I know that a white one or a hi viz one would be better seen, but .... I bought a black one ... again. :roll:

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 2:35 am
by Bonniedogsdad
White AGV flip front, it's too big to fit under the seat but goes in the top box no problem, why white?, it is higher visibility that any other , was at the right price (offer)and I never have any other make other than AGV.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 6:47 am
by WI_Hedgehog
I delved into the subject of drivers "not seeing" motorcyclists deeply last Fall when a woman at a T-intersection was stopped and looking down at her phone, checked for traffic by looking up and straight at me--directly in the eyes--then pulled out right in front of me creating another near collision situation where I was fully alert and traveling under the speed limit with my high beam on and there was no way she missed seeing me. Being an "experienced rider" I already had an idea of what was coming and was on the brakes, but why did I have to survive so many previous near-misses to become "experienced."

Car drivers fail to see motorcyclists and bicyclists because they don't expect to see them. In short, saccadic masking makes drivers not see us. For those of you who'd rather watch a video than read:

Here's a more simplistic line of reasoning, but also valid. Note it does not explain why a driver can look you straight in the eyes and "not see you" as the previous video does, and rather explains another way drivers miss seeing motorcyclists.

Looking like a teed-up golf ball is not going to help much in the real world...if they miss seeing your moving headlight they're going to miss seeing the rest of you too.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 9:19 am
by Mel46
Interesting. It doesn't explain the drivers that are driving while texting though. They aren't even looking at the road. I can't count the times I have seen near misses of cars on cars in which one of the drivers was texting while driving. Your mind can't even take a snap shot if you don't look up. Being against the law does not seem to have much effect on many drivers.

What the motorcyclist said about making sure the road is absolutely clear before pulling out is a good Suggestion. You can't tell what a driver is thinking, so they could change lanes as you pull out. You have to act as their eyes too, and suspect that drivers will do what they should not do. Stay safe and ride with care.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 8:39 pm
by GeorgeSK
I fully believe that there is something primal in the way the mind of a person in what is effectively an armoured vehicle can simply ignore the little gnat of a motorcycle (or bicycle or pedestrian). Since the object does not present much of a danger, it can be ignored.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:29 pm
by PCX150Rider
I'm sort of guilty of having black and silver helmets also but when I got my new SyMax III the Hi Viz Yellow wasn't available in my size and they were on sale at the time so the rest is history. . .hope I won't be. . .at least not yet. The upside is I did compensate accordingly and get a Hi Viz Yellow vest from "Olympia".

I don't know what else can be done with a helmet for visibility short of having strobe lights mounted on top in the shape of the local currency. . .$$$. . .etc. ... :roll:

When I ride or drive I always look for two things. . .anything that moves. . .anything that looks wrong in the picture. ;)

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 11:43 am
by ScottDR
My new lid. Bell Vortex XL in flat black (hey, got to love clearance!). But I definitely added some Hi - vis! It just BARELY fits under the seat.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 2:25 pm
by PCX150Rider
Helmet looks good! Nice job with the added reflective material. . ..

FWIW I have to use the helmet leash for my FF helmets but am able to get my 3/4 open face under the seat OK. 8)

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 6:07 pm
by ScottDR
Thanks! Weird. My large HJC FF fit easy under the seat as well.

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 1:22 pm
by k2apache6.0
Agreed, heres mine all $36 worth of it

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 2:13 pm
by WhiteNoise
Oh No You don't!
Fess up K2,
what lid is that?
Make n Model, Sir! :D
Looks Cool!
Would you Strike a Pose for us?
Just asking ;)

Re: Why a WHITE helmet

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 2:51 pm
by fish
WhiteNoise wrote:Oh No You don't!
Fess up K2,
what lid is that?
Make n Model, Sir! :D
Looks Cool!
Would you Strike a Pose for us?
Just asking ;)
Yes, and a pic of your $36 head.