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New PCX Rider

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 7:47 pm
by Shoe
Hi All!

Lurked a while window shopping and finally pulled the trigger on a 150 yesterday. Been a looonng time since I've been on 2 wheels. The first few miles made me somewhat uneasy, but being underdressed and dealing with rush hour... In Michigan...

Today was much better. 39 miles through medium traffic and learning the scooter's attitude really made it enjoyable, even at 42*F doing 60mph.

I see this critter is very stingy on fuel and will provide a nice alternative to running a 3/4 ton diesel. Can't wait for Spring, but any dry/seasonable day will do!

Love the Site (and the PCX)


Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:27 pm
by Urbanian
Congrats and Welcome!

You're a brave soul starting out in this season!

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:41 am
by Indyglow
Welcome Shoe. Where in Michigan? I'm your next-door neighbor in Indiana.

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:31 am
by Shoe
Indyglow wrote:Welcome Shoe. Where in Michigan? I'm your next-door neighbor in Indiana.
A N/E Suburb of Detroit. Close to Lake St. Clair. I have a friend that owns a Smokehouse in the outskirts of Hammond.

Actually our weather has been above average (so far). I guess it's how you dress. Leaving for the Keys on Friday. That should make for some nice riding. We're staying in Islamorada and may make the trip to the Scooter Capitol of the world (Key West) for a day

Say, quick question. I added a removable Scooter Logic cargo box


The back rest on this thing provides no cushion. I should have tried it at the dealer, but never the thought never crossed my mind. I can see this being very uncomfortable for the passenger. Has anyone found an aftermarket pad? Looks like they used pop rivets to attach it.

I guess I could fabricate one at my shop, but if available for under 30-40 bucks it's not worth my time.

Like mentioned above, it is removable, but we all know how chicks shop... :o That little under the seat storage won't cut it. :lol:

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:46 am
by Urbanian
Shoe wrote: Leaving for the Keys on Friday. That should make for some nice riding. We're staying in Islamorada and may make the trip to the Scooter Capitol of the world (Key West) for a day
Oh so jealous! Gonna leave the car in Homestead so you can scooter all the way to KW? What a perfect ride! My first visit to the Keys I stayed in Islamorada at a cheap little motel near mile 84.

Have a great time, and don't run over any Key deer.

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:20 am
by jonjon_salas
Thanks to this forum, I've been reading good reviews about the PCX since summer and decided to go for a PCX 150 instead of a Kymco downtown 300.I am a beginner rider, This will be my first 2 wheel. Deciding factor for me to choose the PCX is styling and the price, also hearing good service support for Honda products than Kymco products. I weight 145 lbs and 5'7" in height . and I think size is perfect for me , not too bulky and not so small. Got the PCX for 3200 MSRP ,Holiday discount of 249 and OTD =4,085 . BTW i chose the black PCX and looks great!!!

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:04 am
by gn2
You've either made the right decision or the wrong one.
If all you want is a city runabout you've made the right choice.
If you will want to do longer journeys on busy high speed roads you've made the wrong one.

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:48 pm
by Shoe
gn2 wrote:You've either made the right decision or the wrong one.
If all you want is a city runabout you've made the right choice.
If you will want to do longer journeys on busy high speed roads you've made the wrong one.
I hear ya! Although it may do 70mph, I am very reluctant to hit our inter city freeways where the average speed nears 80!

As far as the Magic cargo box, I started on it today. Got the base plate done, drilled the holes and mounted the flush mount nuts.

Now to chase a semi-firm foam, encapsulate it in visquine (sp) and cover it with the vinyl. Not quite sure of the color though. The original is black, but a candy apple red might offset the color scheme.

The cheap looking half-moon around the back of the box also needs attention. It already looks worn straight from the showroom.

I'm in the hopes of scoring some reflective material that's being used on certain clothing. Or grinding the edge, covering it with red vinyl and possibly adding an additional LED brake light in the center.

As you can tell, I'm a gadget freak. You should see my

Anyway, I have been taking pictures of the pad project. I will post a step-by-step if anyone is interested

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:13 am
by maddiedog
Welcome to the forums!

There's not much in terms of backrest for both passenger or driver. There are some good aftermarket seats available from Thailand, but expect to pay around $200 shipped. One of the vendors that has posted here has a bunch on his site:

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:59 pm
by WhiteNoise
Good for you Shoe! Back in the saddle again and on a super cool scoot! Take you're time getting acquainted again and enjoy your ride :P

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:17 pm
by Shoe
Love It!

First tank 89.9 MPG's :lol: and not like I took it easy on Red (haven't come up with a proper name yet)

Getting a little ribbing from friends, but honestly I really didn't want another bike. It might tempt me to sell everything and hit the road until the money ran out. :o

Looks like a perfect fit for my needs. Ran a bunch of errands Monday that would have easily cost me 12 bucks in diesel and still a 1/2 tank at 70 some miles. Here I am with almost 90 on the clock and it didn't take a gallon!

Really impressed with the performance! Once the mirrors were properly adjusted and the fear of taking intersections at a proper lean were suppressed, I feel very comfortable riding. (just like 30 years ago)

Allow me to ask what are the best riding glasses for night time riding? I'm thinking amber... Any suggestions?

I also flyfish so a combination of a polarized lens would kill 2 birds....

Again, Thanks for the warm welcome and Happy Holidays to you All!

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:33 pm
by Shoe
maddiedog wrote:Welcome to the forums!

There's not much in terms of backrest for both passenger or driver. There are some good aftermarket seats available from Thailand, but expect to pay around $200 shipped. One of the vendors that has posted here has a bunch on his site:
Thanks for the link

I took some materials from my shop and made a plate, hit the local boat upholsterer for a strip of vinyl and a friend that makes inlays for diabetic patients and used his samples for cushion. What a difference! My wife will have a much better riding experience!

We really need a US source for some of these parts.

The 150 PCX Rocks!

BTW, I'm still looking to replace that band of red plastic around the back of the box. Looking that it would have to very thin to fit, I'm thinking some material that is used in clothing with a reflective quality. Wrap in and call it a day.....

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:06 pm
by C-Note
Shoe wrote:BTW, I'm still looking to replace that band of red plastic around the back of the box. Looking that it would have to very thin to fit, I'm thinking some material that is used in clothing with a reflective quality. Wrap in and call it a day.....
Here's where I've been going for parts. It's in Georgia and has very good prices for OEM parts.

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:05 pm
by you you
What's an inlay for diabetic patients?

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:23 pm
by Shoe
Usually a foam based inlay to resolve ulcers and pressure points along the foot bed within shoes.

Primarily a semi firm closed cell foam, unlike a memory type foam. Somehow Soft Foam comes to mind. I guess it could be a shade softer in retrospect, but 10x's better than that piece of garbage that came with it. The key for her to participate Is comfort!!

I almost bought 3 boats in the last year, but the bow configuration wouldn't allow a sunning pad for the queen.... 8)

Rule number 1....

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:37 pm
by you you
Shoe wrote:Usually a foam based inlay to resolve ulcers and pressure points along the foot bed within shoes.

Primarily a semi firm closed cell foam, unlike a memory type foam. Somehow Soft Foam comes to mind. I guess it could be a shade softer in retrospect, but 10x's better than that piece of garbage that came with it. The key for her to participate Is comfort!!

I almost bought 3 boats in the last year, but the bow configuration wouldn't allow a sunning pad for the queen.... 8)

Rule number 1....

An insole then?

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:13 pm
by Shoe
Yup, but 4 layers to give enough bulk (cushion). It could probably use 1 more, but a huge difference between it and the original cage-type piece of crap. She will enjoy the ride much more seeing the stock was harder than a wedding dick... On her lower back

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:36 pm
by gn2
Shoe wrote:Allow me to ask what are the best riding glasses for night time riding? I'm thinking amber... Any suggestions?
Clear is best.
Shoe wrote:I also flyfish so a combination of a polarized lens would kill 2 birds....
Aha, a fluff chucker!

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:44 pm
by Shoe
Took the longest ride to date (175 miles)

Went from the Upper Keys (Islamorada, Florida) to Key West and the "Most southern Point of the US". Left at 6am and got back just shortly past noon after a little shopping and a nice Bloody Mary in the scooter Capitol.

Pretty comfortable, except for some of the bridges (the longest was 7 Mile Bridge). A strong crosswind kept things interesting with trucks breathing down my neck and no place to pull over.

Averaged 96.5 mpg's

Pictures to follow.... 8)

Happy New Year, mates!

Re: New PCX Rider

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:57 am
by philvb
Shoe wrote:Hi All! Lurked a while window shopping and finally pulled the trigger on a 150 yesterday. Love the Site (and the PCX) Shoe
Congratulations on the purchase, and welcome to the board. :)