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I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:45 pm
by pattomike
I enjoy my scooter when I am riding it to work, or riding it home from work. But if I take it out to ride it for enjoyment's sake, I get bored so quickly it isn't funny. Today was a perfect example: it is sunny and warm, a perfect day to ride. Yet after 20 minutes of riding around aimlessly, I came back home. Do any other forum members experience this, or do I simply not have an adequate supply of cycle addiction? I am sure it would it would be no different if I were on a scooter or a Harley.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:15 pm
by 87112
Scooters are more fun in city where you are dodging people and cars. For freeway riding about 1.5 one way is the max I can take before boredom sets in.
If you're just into it for the " ride" the Pcx beats the Forza. The Forza is the overall winner for do it all of course.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:18 pm
by GeorgeSK
I have a couple of really fun bits of road that become destinations. On the Forza, I go out with the Admiral for a 1.5-2.5 hour loop that catches someplace scenic, one of my favorite twisties, or an ice cream place much further away than necessary. I have nice loops every direction but south (too much in towards suburban Boston). My PCX use is different - I pretty much always am going someplace - to work, to a student's home, something. Still on little back roads, though, and that makes even going to work more palatable.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:17 am
by Lafree
Hi , perhaps you need to ride with a mate or club I ride with a mate who has a Honda 550 who never leaves me behind and generally say let's have a go on your scooter because he likes the no gearchange and the acceration, yesterday I went on the Hare and Tortoise run in Wells Somerset 40 miles in the morning lunch laid on at the football clue 30 miles in the afternoon followed by tea and cake 200 bikes glorious day. Lafree

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:38 am
by alx123
If you don't know where your'e going, you'll never arrive there. Why not plan a destination every ride? It'll be like accomplishing a goal, no matter how small.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:18 am
by fish
You guys probably notice the boring photos of my same few destinations.....but they are pleasant places to be at, and the trip there is over pleasant roads. And the people there have become friends.
Maybe you could find a pleasant destination for your scooter rides?
It took me 5 years of exploring around Ohio to discover all the above....but it was a good investment of my time.
I live in the sticks .....but I see places in NYC neighborhoods on instagram that would be great fun to visit every day on a scooter. ....and would hardly ever become repetitious.
Be happy where you are.....a switch from Y-Fronts to Boxers works for some.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:46 am
by gbru2505
I get what you're saying. It's hard to switch off. Possibly age-related - I'm 51. I'm trying to learn how to switch off, before I y'know...I switch off for good. I find the bike isn't great on our country lanes though. And if I don't know the road, I need to keep watching for potholes that could dismount me or cause damage to the bike. I do listen to music when I'm riding and that can make it much more pleasant. I have another app installed that'll read out the artist/track at the start of every song which is useful if it is a new playlist that I'm listening to. Planning a destination for a coffee or doing a circular route also helps.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:31 am
by easyrider
Its all about finding pleasant interesting roads and places to stop.Anything gets boring if its repetitious and not enlightening especially in Type A personalities that are heavy into practicality, and efficient use of time. Best thing to do is try to find interesting and appealing roads or places that interest you or schedule meaningful errands that might involve the bike so it is purposeful and rewarding.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:36 am
by homie
Scooter is good to have a destination combining the ride with a mission or hobby. You have luggage space for a trip to the range or my favorite... metal detecting. Yesterday was a good hunt whilst Precious was perched high on a nearby hill in eye sight of course. For the sportsman I would think hunting, fishing, try taking the PCX to a summer party and you will become the Pied Piper. As for the sport bikes you never need a destination, you are the eye candy of the interstate... that never gets old 8)

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:45 am
by PCX150Rider
vErY InTEestInG ToPIc. o_O

Never bored no matter where or when I ride. I'm kinda one of those people who subscribe to "It's about the ride . . . not the destination". That said a good destination is always a good destination. :D

In fact . . . if I don't get to ride I start feeling like I'm missing out on life. It's like a breakfast without coffee . . . just isn't the same. :roll:

I am much more deliberate about my riding approach now than I was say . . . 20 years ago? Less carefree and a lot more cautious.

Also, I find I pick and choose where I ride more now than I used to in order to avoid traffic jams or road construction sites that cause those multi-mile backups. 8)

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:27 am
by easyrider
PCX150Rider wrote:vErY InTEestInG ToPIc. o_O

Never bored no matter where or when I ride. I'm kinda one of those people who subscribe to "It's about the ride . . . not the destination". That said a good destination is always a good destination. :D

In fact . . . if I don't get to ride I start feeling like I'm missing out on life. It's like a breakfast without coffee . . . just isn't the same. :roll:

I am much more deliberate about my riding approach now than I was say . . . 20 years ago? Less carefree and a lot more cautious.

Also, I find I pick and choose where I ride more now than I used to in order to avoid traffic jams or road construction sites that cause those multi-mile backups. 8)
Me too, I strategise the roads I take now and make the ride safer and more enjoyable.. never used to care, but drivers today are worrisome with all the distractions, cell phones , texting , traffic , and other BS etc. Try to make the ride more enjoyable and less worrisome.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 3:11 am
by Spaguar
pattomike wrote:I enjoy my scooter when I am riding it to work, or riding it home from work. But if I take it out to ride it for enjoyment's sake, I get bored so quickly it isn't funny.
I feel the same and it doesn't bother me one bit.
I'd agree with gbru2505 that this is probably age-related - I'm 59. When I was a youngster I would enjoy endless rides, on and off-road, day in and day out. Today I need a destination or a reason to ride but then I enjoy it a lot. Riding to and from work is usually the best part of my day. So, enjoy when you are enjoying.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:53 am
by GeorgeSK
Try looking for faint squiggles on Google Maps or Mapquest or whatever, and go check them out. You have an instant destination, and may find a great piece of road. Or a pot-holed minefield. But you won't know until you look.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 12:40 pm
by Emanon77
Have you thought about scamping (scooter camping) take your camping gear on your bike and go wild camping and a bit of fishing or even get into photography and take your camera out with your bike, it will Give you a bit of purpose on your bike outings, that’s what I will be doing when I get my pcx next week, can’t wait.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:33 am
by superandyp
I went for a ride couple of weeks ago when the heavens had opened and there was flash flooding every where. It made for a fun trip. Felt for the people who's homes and vehicles were damaged tho. I did go down a Dual carriageway and had to go through a large puddle that nearly flooded the engine tho (no way of turning round as would have gone against the traffic) . My advice to you would be to go for a ride after a natural disaster of some sort..... Don't take my advice :)

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:44 am
by PCX150Rider
My advice to you would be to go for a ride after a natural disaster of some sort..... Don't take my advice :)
The only thing I haven't ridden through is a tornado. But I have ridden passed "Dust Devils" out on the plains of Kansas. . .or maybe it was western Colorado. . .one thing for sure it was a long time ago. :roll: :lol:

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:48 pm
by happyscooter
find you a fun hobby that your scooter can take you to. For example i have done metal detecting, rigging up a detector to my pcx and finding an out of the way park to look for buried treasure. i have also tried gold panning and packed a bag with a pan, some lunch and drinks found a quiet river and panned it. im an amateur so gave it a try it was fun. or i just find fun spots near the lakes to park, ill take a foldup chair on the pcx and sit down and watch the sunset or just relax by the water with the scooter nearby. Its such a fun toy the pcx :) wish i had more time and energy but work too much. but i swear when i retire im gonna explore and do nothing but simple hobbies like this and i know ill have a scooter to take me there

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 8:38 pm
by honkerman
I’m finding that as I grow older, I’m content with the short jaunts. I don’t need a long ride to make me feel like i’ve accomplished something. I’ll do about ten to 20 miles and I’m ready to go home and take a nap. Maybe in a year or so I’ll turn into the stereotypical biker-bar-hopper... not that I have any interest in drinking in public.

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 1:51 am
by you you
I went out on a ride a couple of days ago with my nephew. 250 miles on the big bike. Excellent fun at the time but I was knackered after about half an hour after the end of the ride. Stiff as a board.

Getting old...

Re: I get bored very quickly if I don't have someplace to go

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:15 am
by PCX150Rider
I went out on a ride a couple of days ago with my nephew. 250 miles on the big bike. Excellent fun at the time but I was knackered after about half an hour after the end of the ride. Stiff as a board.

Getting old...
That's a good day ride. No wonder you're sore. The spirit is willing but the realities charge a tax. o_O

Sometimes I get "Charlie Horses" after riding a while and have to stretch my leg out to try and relieve it. No highway pegs on my machines though. . .never wanted any either. ;)

In the old days they used to drink whisky to cure what ailed them. . .hence the adage "Feeling no pain". Not a bad idea really at the end of a long ride when you know you can put the keys away. ;)