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Precious has a new owner....

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 9:28 am
by homie
A very nice knowledgeable and capable fellow is picking up the Precious today. I can tell he has good mechanical skills and will take excellent care of my baby. I'm saddened but content for the moment as he paid a fair price and appreciates the mods and extras. Horn and luggage box lock mods I offered to uninstall be no. :D Time for a moment of emo... then get back to packing up this house.

He should be introducing himself shortly so behave yourselves 8)

Re: Precious has a new owner....

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:42 am
by GeorgeSK
Moving on... I'm happy that you feel it is going to an appropriate home. But your extremely helpful videos will live on forever.

So - you have the Buell - anything else on the horizon? You were toying with something electric. is that still on your radar? (Zero's new SR looks like a usable (and fun) machine for day trips.

Re: Precious has a new owner....

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:44 am
by homie
GeorgeSK wrote:So - you have the Buell - anything else on the horizon? You were toying with something electric. is that still on your radar? (Zero's new SR looks like a usable (and fun) machine for day trips.
You can bet as soon I get settled I will be heading down to the Honda dealer to test ride a 2020 PCX, The Fuell has not been released yet but they are emailing me with tempting promo's. Channel stays up no matter, until someone makes better walk thru Valve clearance tutorial.

Re: Precious has a new owner....

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 1:27 pm
by springer1
homie wrote:
GeorgeSK wrote:So - you have the Buell - anything else on the horizon? You were toying with something electric. is that still on your radar? (Zero's new SR looks like a usable (and fun) machine for day trips.
You can bet as soon I get settled I will be heading down to the Honda dealer to test ride a 2020 PCX, The Fuell has not been released yet but they are emailing me with tempting promo's. Channel stays up no matter, until someone makes better walk thru Valve clearance tutorial.
I'm glad !

Re: Precious has a new owner....

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:18 am
by Old Grinner
It's OK Homie. It gave you it's best years . . .. :D

It will be fine in the hands of the new caring owner who has a kid who's going to ride the thing in an abandoned open pit mine and beat the crap out of it. o_O

OOOooopppssss . . . sorry . . . couldn't help but throw it some ridiculous humor. :lol:

Time to move onto something new and with all the latest and greatest. :geek:

Life is short. Live in the now! :D

Give us the feedback on the new 2020 when you get it and in the mean time you can think about what to name it . . .. 8)

Hope they offer it in "White" again. ;)

Re: Precious has a new owner....

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:36 pm
by WhiteNoise
Wipes Eyes
A Sad Day
Always when a bike pulls away...
Without You

image.jpeg (325.14 KiB) Viewed 2413 times

With a Different Look
A Different Style
She'll be Back Again
To Go The Miles

Let the Courting Begin!

Re: Precious has a new owner....

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:28 pm
by homie
Dang WN you know how to bring the emo... stop it! That one in the middle was a great metal detecting day at the Church, the barn pics go back a while and the scooter porn on top was a scenic overlook formerly known as a great southwestern Chicago suburb land fill. Ah the precious memories.

Re: Precious has a new owner....

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:47 am
by WhiteNoise
I wasn't getting "sappy!" I would never make You uncomfortable like that :lol: :roll:
Gotta Question, what will you be riding in Florida the Buell or leaving it behind? Will you spring for the PCX sooner than yer head planned? I do Agree a newbie does looks very tempting 8)

Saw the weather, it's crap up North. Did you have snow? Best get to FL before temps peak and it gets "hot n steamy." By gosh don't miss those cooler evening sunset rides, they're the absolute best (imo). I never did a sunrise ride in woodsie Northern FL. Haha, I wasn't up that early and it was too humid with too many bugs. Big Bugs! Parades of Dragonflies hunting parades of skeeters, etc. etc. etc.
then there's May "Love Bugs." Ok, I'll stop! In a minute!
Btw, Keep yer sugarbowl (and other foods) covered tight, think "no-see-ems" and friends.

Lighten Up Already WN!!
Brightside. Where you're located Will Be better. The surrounding areas are established and more populated. Critters and bugs moved out long ago. Moved north I'm guess'in :lol: :x
"I should'da known better" when I did my build in 1988. No one informed me of what was to come.
Many surprises. NY to Fl what a trip, and what an experience. Enjoy homie bro!! And go to the Southern most point-the KEYS!! 0 miles! The Buoy. Great Sunsets there. Photo heaven. Click Click!

P.S. Metal detecting. You did well on Church grounds? Did they collect outdoors where folks flipped coins? Missing the basket payed off for you!
I've got the equipment but I've yet to get out there myself. Life got Sad. But Please keep those tips and tricks coming my way! I really appreciate your sharing your experience's.

How about this for a Hot Spot!! Not far from me bulldozers and cranes are clearing old college school grounds to build many town-homes. Mountains of dirt are scattered throughout the campus built higher than the brick buildings that will remain. I would pay someone to to get in there to scan the whole area!! But dang it, they just installed bob wire to the fencing they put around the whole perimeter. I can only imagine the Incredible finds!! The Perfect spot just blocks away. Oh I'm Cryin' :cry:
4-3-19 Campus Grounds-648x486.jpg
4-3-19 Campus Grounds-648x486.jpg (132.35 KiB) Viewed 2357 times
(Bob wire was added after I took this photo)

Off all topics now and Finally shutting up. You may never read this. So I'll just be boring everyone else.
See ya