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Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:19 pm
by Brando
I brought my 2018 PCX into the dealer for its first service last Friday. All was well until I noticed 2 small gouges in the plastic in the area on the left of my seat tail. Looks minor in the photos but immediately noticeable. My PCX is under a year old and in pristine condition. What can I say? I take care of my things. Anyway, I immediately pointed it out to the service guy and he apologized and went to grab a camera to take photos to have the owner take a look today. This really irked me because things like this shouldn't happen. Damage is damage.

I don't know what the owner is going to say or offer for a fix. How would you guys handle it?


Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:39 pm
by Jge64
Whatever you do go see the owner in person, don’t do it via email , phone or meet with any lesser person in the dealership. That part is about $48, I would replace it ,it’s very hard to paint metallic pearl white

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:44 pm
by Brando
Jge64 wrote:Whatever you do go see the owner in person, don’t do it via email , phone or meet with any lesser person in the dealership.
Thanks, Jge64. Will do. I have met the owner before and he was a very personable, hands-on guy from my first impression.

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:16 pm
by you you
Tie down straps from the bench?

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:19 pm
by Brando
you you wrote:Tie down straps from the bench?
It could be. Thanks for the suggestion.

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:28 pm
by gn2
Nothing stays new forever, the function will not be impaired.
But they should replace the part.

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 8:58 pm
by Old Grinner
Ouch . . . that would bother me too!

Stuff happens though. If the dealer replaces the panel that would be awesome. You can get touch up paint also.

When I got my new Honda Fit last year my lawn mower threw a stone and it hit the side and put a small dent that penetrated the paint. Very small spot but it really bugged the hell out of me. After about 5 very careful light coats it's hardly noticeable. In fact to the untrained eye nobody really noticed it until I pointed it out. Honda's touch up paints are pretty good if you have a steady hand. For my fit I could have used either the "pen" part or "brush". Good stuff!

Then to add insult to injury . . . not too long after that episode a bat flew into my side mirror one morning on a trip that began before dawn. I heard a weird smack noise but didn't know what it was . . . passed it off as a large bug. Subsequently another sound arose that resembled a flapping plastic bag in the wind. I couldn't figure it out but was on a long haul ride and not inclined to stop. Then up at Chatham light at Cape Cod my daughter and her boyfriend spotted remains from the bat jammed onto my side mirror. WTF?
Needless to say we properly disposed of it and fortunately no damage.

But I could go on with other stories from the past about damage to new vehicles I bought caused by deer, lousy drivers in parking lots, and kids throwing ice balls but I think you get the message.

FWIW another reason vehicles get scratched at repair centers is from belt buckles. The mechanics "should" put covers over the fenders but if they are in a hurry they may not always do that.

Anyhow, you are not alone. As small as the scratch or dents may be it always bothers us when somebody else did it. And if we do it to ourselves it's even worse. :roll: :o o_O :?

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:29 pm
by big bear
my sons friend backed into my 2004 pontiac montana yesterday morning smashed in the front fender i could not open the drivers side door. Lucky for me he and my son are mechanics and they have ordered the replacement parts and will fix it themselves. thats what happens when you dont check your mirrors

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:52 am
by homie
Gorilla damage, I would replace that and look to see who wears boots with steel lace eyelets at the garage. If you don't use the step thru you must commit to tossing your big azz foot OVER the tail.

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 9:49 am
by WhiteNoise
You Have a Right to be Angry. You Deserve a New Panel - ASAP, Their Treat.

Total Carelessness! Could be any one of the reasons that members mentioned. I see more marks than the 2 you circled. Such a shame.
This was your 1st service. Unlikely, but Do you know If the valves were checked? Appears the mechanic, (and I say that word loosely) mishandled the panel.

We'll never know what took place. The Damage is done and yes the shop is responsible. Photos were taken, and boss is involved. Stay in touch with the boss. Be calm but be firm. You already know you're in the right, don't change that

Keep us up to date. We are family. Tell him we stand behind you here on HondaPCXdotorg.
I'm feeling this, "Power to the People, Power to the People, Right On" ;)

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 10:59 am
by Mel46
A little off the subject but yesterday we went to Home Depot to purchase a few items, like flowers and soil. Anyway, as we were about to get in our car a really nice looking van pulled up behind us. We commented to the guy that his van really looked nice...custom paint job. As we were talking we watched an old man hobble over to his new Avalon, parked on the other side of the van. He opened his door, sat in the seat, started the car, and before he even got his left leg in the car he threw it into reverse and stepped on the accelerator.

Bam!! He backed his car right into the side of the van. We could only stand there in disbelief. He hadn't even closed his driver side door yet when he hit the van. He just sat there in his car, like he couldn't figure out what had happened. We had to all come around to him and ask him what the hell he thought he was doing. He got out of his car, walked around to the back of it, and just looked at his bumper, which was scratched up and pushed in. The van owner pointed to the damage to his van and the old driver said, "oh."

And that is what we get to deal with on a daily basis. I have seen old drivers back into parked cars, motorcycles, people, cars, and everything else. They usually don't even acknowledge that they hit anything.

Your little scratch at the dealer should be fixed by the dealer, but expect more as time goes by. I just hope there aren't any old drivers there. They might run right over your parked scooter and not look back.

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:44 am
by WhiteNoise
Umm...Mel, it's possible that old man had a health attack or issue of some sort? Reading along it sounded as if he was disoriented before stepping "one" foot inside his Avalon. I realize the impact of this whole scene, and it's unfortunate that it happened but I'd be pointing that old timer to a doctor. But, that's me. I worry a lot. Caring for my Mom for most of my life has brought me to where I am today. I know I have to shake "some" stuff off, but it will take time.

I imagine all the necessary papers and numbers were exchanged between them. An inconvenience for sure. I'm glad no one was hurt. I pray the old guy is ok.

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:12 pm
by Brando
WhiteNoise wrote:You Have a Right to be Angry. You Deserve a New Panel - ASAP, Their Treat.

Total Carelessness! Could be any one of the reasons that members mentioned. I see more marks than the 2 you circled. Such a shame.
This was your 1st service. Unlikely, but Do you know If the valves were checked? Appears the mechanic, (and I say that word loosely) mishandled the panel.

We'll never know what took place. The Damage is done and yes the shop is responsible. Photos were taken, and boss is involved. Stay in touch with the boss. Be calm but be firm. You already know you're in the right, don't change that

Keep us up to date. We are family. Tell him we stand behind you here on HondaPCXdotorg.
I'm feeling this, "Power to the People, Power to the People, Right On" ;)
Just missed a call from the owner of the dealership. Calling him back now. I’ll let you guys know what happens. Thanks for all the support. Appreciate it!

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:28 pm
by Old Grinner
Umm...Mel, it's possible that old man had a health attack or issue of some sort? Reading along it sounded as if he was disoriented before stepping "one" foot inside his Avalon. I realize the impact of this whole scene, and it's unfortunate that it happened but I'd be pointing that old timer to a doctor. But, that's me. I worry a lot. Caring for my Mom for most of my life has brought me to where I am today. I know I have to shake "some" stuff off, but it will take time.

I imagine all the necessary papers and numbers were exchanged between them. An inconvenience for sure. I'm glad no one was hurt. I pray the old guy is ok.
I think the "elderly" driving situation comes down to two things most of the time:

1) They are afraid to give up the keys for fear that they will become "shut ins" and can't stand the thought of it and don't really have any family around to help them because years earlier family members moved and parted the ways for work or pleasure. That means that it will cost $$ for them to sit home and have a "caretaker" get them food or drive them around, sort of like assisted living.


2) They were jerks when they were 19 and they are still jerks at 90 and think of nobody else but themselves and their ego drives their actions. They will drive as long as they wish no matter what their health situation is and willfully ignore advice from friends or medical professionals. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 accidents for these elderly to "get the message" that it's time to hang up the keys.

I found it hard to believe that elderly people would put self before the good of the masses but they do. Wisdom comes with old age I thought. Now that I'm getting older I see people in my age group who look 90 and some who look 50. A lot depends upon how they took care of themselves along the way and their attitude on life. For some it was all about luck . . . or lack of it.

That said, and I'll wrap this up, I sincerely feel that anyone over the age of 80 should take a mandatory drivers test every two years. If they are low income they can claim any fees as a tax credit. But in order to hold the line on public safety I think it's time has come due to the sheer numbers of people competing for space on the roads now and I'll leave it at that. Oh . . . and add donut shops, sidewalks, houses/garage walls, and storefronts to that space also. "I thought it was in reverse Officer". :roll:

Just my two cents worth. And I hope I have the good sense to know when it's time to hang up the keys in my future . . . .. By then it will be time to start moving the scooters and bikes into the living room and call it art. :lol:

Don't mean to offend anyone but collisions have no conscience. :geek:

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:34 pm
by Old Grinner
Just missed a call from the owner of the dealership. Calling him back now. I’ll let you guys know what happens. Thanks for all the support. Appreciate it!
Hope it's what you wanted to hear! :D

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:56 pm
by Brando
Old Grinner wrote:
Just missed a call from the owner of the dealership. Calling him back now. I’ll let you guys know what happens. Thanks for all the support. Appreciate it!
Hope it's what you wanted to hear! :D
So, I didn't have to speak with the owner directly. I was told that the service manager was going to take care of everything. Ray, the service manager, apologized again for what he thought was carelessness on "somebody's" part during my service. It sounded as if they already handled what needed to be handled on their end before he even called me. Long story short, they are going to replace the damaged part. To them, that was the best way to resolve this unfortunate situation. He ended our conversation by telling me he hopes that I will give them another chance and continue to come to their dealership for service.

The part is ordered and they will call me when it arrives for installation. All in all, I'm satisfied with how they handled everything. No arguing or pointing fingers. Just talking it out calmly and coming to a solution.

I'll reserve final judgement until after they install the new part.

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 2:21 am
by you you
Brando wrote:
Old Grinner wrote:
Just missed a call from the owner of the dealership. Calling him back now. I’ll let you guys know what happens. Thanks for all the support. Appreciate it!
Hope it's what you wanted to hear! :D
So, I didn't have to speak with the owner directly. I was told that the service manager was going to take care of everything. Ray, the service manager, apologized again for what he thought was carelessness on "somebody's" part during my service. It sounded as if they already handled what needed to be handled on their end before he even called me. Long story short, they are going to replace the damaged part. To them, that was the best way to resolve this unfortunate situation. He ended our conversation by telling me he hopes that I will give them another chance and continue to come to their dealership for service.

The part is ordered and they will call me when it arrives for installation. All in all, I'm satisfied with how they handled everything. No arguing or pointing fingers. Just talking it out calmly and coming to a solution.

I'll reserve final judgement until after they install the new part.

Sounds like a result

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 6:35 am
by fish
My Honda power seller did my Forza fuel pump recall while I waited. Thhey broke tabs on the tailpiece, then removed the same from a new floor model to replace mine. Broke it, too!
Very embarrassed service manager.
He sent a tech, with manual, 35 miles to my house to replace the panel on a frigid winter day in my garage. I feared the worst, due the cold. But kid did a good job.
That big tailpiece is hanging over the fireplace - all that remains of my lovely Forza.

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 7:12 am
by Mel46
Old Grinner wrote:
Umm...Mel, it's possible that old man had a health attack or issue of some sort? Reading along it sounded as if he was disoriented before stepping "one" foot inside his Avalon. I realize the impact of this whole scene, and it's unfortunate that it happened but I'd be pointing that old timer to a doctor. But, that's me. I worry a lot. Caring for my Mom for most of my life has brought me to where I am today. I know I have to shake "some" stuff off, but it will take time.

I imagine all the necessary papers and numbers were exchanged between them. An inconvenience for sure. I'm glad no one was hurt. I pray the old guy is ok.
I think the "elderly" driving situation comes down to two things most of the time:

1) They are afraid to give up the keys for fear that they will become "shut ins" and can't stand the thought of it and don't really have any family around to help them because years earlier family members moved and parted the ways for work or pleasure.:geek:
Many of the really old, including that individual, live in retirement/assisted living facilities around here. They take their cars out once or twice a month, instead of using the free transportation offered by the facility. Many of them should have had their licenses pulled long ago. You can usually tell which ones. They are the ones with that glassy look in their eyes, who look confused enough that they can't even remember where they parked their car. In that old man's case, he had a brand new Toyota Avalon, so he didn't fall into the poorer category. I am betting that in his case he was too proud to admit that he should no longer be driving, rather than the "shut in" situation.

Re: Minor damage while being serviced

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 8:31 am
by Old Grinner
Many of the really old, including that individual, live in retirement/assisted living facilities around here. They take their cars out once or twice a month, instead of using the free transportation offered by the facility. Many of them should have had their licenses pulled long ago. You can usually tell which ones. They are the ones with that glassy look in their eyes, who look confused enough that they can't even remember where they parked their car. In that old man's case, he had a brand new Toyota Avalon, so he didn't fall into the poorer category. I am betting that in his case he was too proud to admit that he should no longer be driving, rather than the "shut in" situation.
Every thing you always wanted to know about "pride" but were afraid to ask . . . or too proud to ask? :? ... g-be-proud