Bringing her home on Saturday!

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Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by tildarama1 »

Hi everyone,

I have been lurking on this forum for some months and have greatly enjoyed the enthusiasm of all of you PCX owners/loves. I feel in love with the PCX around 3 months ago and have finally put the deposit down and will be picking my 2013 PCX up on Saturday.

I am a 23 year old, female from the UK and haven't ridden a scooter since I was 17 (50cc hazardous vehicle). I had a slight geared vs automatic war in my head but decided on automatic as I figured I could concentrate on and learn the roads better without having to worry about gears/clutch etc, I also cannot drive a car (and don't really want to) so I have no geared experience.

Weather permitting I will be taking my CBT on Saturday 25th of May on my own PCX (decided to do it on my own vehicle so I can become completely accustomed to the only bike I will be riding for a few years at least). I am very nervous about my CBT but as i'm going automatic and I know pretty much what to expect i'm sure all will go well.

It has been great reading all of the helpful advice and great stories from all of you, and I hope to become part of the PCX CLUB this Saturday :)
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by EmilyJEG »

Ooh, congratulations! :P They are really nice. I didn't actually like it when I first saw it but it quickly grew on me and I absolutely love mine now :)

I'm 23 too! I was in a slightly similar situation to you, I guess. I took some driving lessons when I was 18 but quit in the end as my instructor was a complete perv lol, so I can't drive - and until I did my CBT I'd never ridden a scooter.

Where in the UK are you?

I'm sure your CBT will be fine. I was nervous but the instructor was really calm and patient - even when my boyfriend was doing atrociously and nearly didn't pass lol... (he is far too slow and only hit 30mph because I was in front of the instructor, going reasonably fast, and he was behind, so he had to keep up!) Good luck anyway! :)
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by tildarama1 »


Similar to you. Can't drive (instructor was OK though), cars aren't really for me. At 17 your given a deadly weapon, all of the other road users and the road, and I couldn't handle it!

I 'tested' the PCX in the Honda car park but lets just say that - the saying you never forget how to ride a bike clearly doesn't apply to ones with engines in them. Especially when you are given a nice narrow car park to try it in which is full of shiny new cars!

I'm in Cumbria, you?
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by EmilyJEG »

I'm not sure if I'll ever drive, although it would be useful if I could so I could rent a car and go on holiday etc. Not much space for luggage on a scooter lol... I find driving weird - it'd be much easier if I was sat right in the centre and could also see the end of the bonnet properly!

I think I'd be nervous in amongst brand new cars too! I didn't even have a test ride lol - it's a good job I liked it when I got it! It was definitely an impulse purchase :P

I'm in Leeds. Which end of Cumbria are you? I'm trying to work out if you could realistically be persuaded to come on a 'meetup' with some others from here ;) Finding another female PCX rider who isn't a million miles away has got me excited :lol:
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by tildarama1 »

Yeah, i'm in the Carlisle area of Cumbria :) Would be great to arrange a meet!

Same here. I feel 'safer' on a bike/scooter and the lady at Honda agreed with me. She said she feels like she knows what she is capable of on a bike, more than in a car.

When I tried learning to drive my mother held onto the side of the seat and the door, like she was ready to jump out any second, and kept shouting "your too close to the curb", FOR THE RECORD I WAS NOWHERE NEAR but she admits she hates being a passenger. :roll:

I was a little put off by my test ride because of the car park etc but i'm still excited for my PCX :) :D

BTW thanks for the warm welcome :)
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by EmilyJEG »

Quite far then! I think if we were to have a meet up in that sort of direction it would have to be an 'overnight' stop because it's a bit far to do 'there and back' in the same day. I quite fancy going to somewhere near Leyburn at some point though - to Forbidden Corner for about the tenth time lol :) And there is a really nice pub that direction too which does lovely food for a good price ;) I'd love if a few people on here were interested and did something like that!

Yeah I feel quite safe on a scooter too, but then I read horrible stories about people having accidents and it puts me off a little. I think I'm quite 'sensible' though; sometimes when people have accidents it's because they're going far too fast (not likely on a PCX lol) or trying to do tricks for example.

I hate being a passenger when I've known somebody before they could drive. I went in the car with my cousin and although he is quite a good driver, it just feels weird. I guess I'm used to people 20 years older than me doing the driving (my Mum and grandparents), which doesn't help lol...
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by tildarama1 »

Yeah, completely agree. AND THE FORBIDDEN CORNER looks pretty damn awesome!

Same goes for car accident stories though. Thrown off a bike or crushed in a car. You can make anything sound bad and dangerous if you look at the right stuff. And it all depends on the mentality of the rider/driver, and you cant control other drivers so... Just gotta be as safe and sensible as you can!

When my dad was 20 he went on his friends motorbike and his friend kindly told my grandmother 'Well mrs, the way I look at it, when your times up it, its up!'. Which im sure greatly reassured her lol :lol:
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by EmilyJEG »

It is amazing :D

Yeah, I always assume the worst of other drivers so that I'm 'on the ball'... I've made a couple of mistakes but nothing major and have definitely learned from them - but some car drivers have done really stupid and dangerous things (going through a red light at a crossroads for example!) and I'm glad that I have noticed quickly enough!

That's quite funny - I'm sure she'd have been mortified lol :P
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by tildarama1 »


Everyone makes mistake but as long as you learn from them its natural.

My mum is pretty cool with the whole 'bike' thing. I think she's just happy i'm going to be able to get out and do my own thing really. She's a little nervous about me driving home after my CBT ( i do understand why) but I am a 'growed up' after all hahahah

So how long have you had/been riding your PCX?
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by EmilyJEG »

I passed my CBT in July last year and got my PCX a week or two afterwards. It's done 260 miles so far, not helped by the fact I didn't ride it between the end of September and last weekend lol :oops:
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by tildarama1 »


I decided now was a good time to start again as its nearly 'summer'. However, the weather may have other ideas on my CBT day so we shall have to see. :lol:
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by EmilyJEG »

Yeah I don't like the idea of riding in the miserable weather. I got rained on once and it was not a pleasant experience haha :( It was so heavy that within a few minutes, my whole bottom half was soaked through to the skin...

We park our scooters in a car park about half a mile away. It's not that bad a walk really, but when you've got a heavy helmet, heavy jacket etc it starts to be a nuisance. If we had somewhere near the flat to park them I'd happily ride more often, but that's the downside to living in the city centre!
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by tildarama1 »

Yeah, I'm pretty sure my helmet wont fit under the seat. I have an XS head but still look like a freakin' lollypop :(

Luckily I will only be using the bike to commute about 15 mins each way to work. So no worries about kit or anything cos I can just dump it in the corner.
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by EmilyJEG »

Mine is XL because my head is massive, and it doesn't fit under the seat (the helmet, not my head - haven't tried that one). I'm pretty sure an XS would though.

One day I'm going to live in a flat or house that has a parking space lol :)
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by you you »

Leyburn and the forbidden corner. Now that's my neck of the woods. I love the forbidden corner

Pately Bridge, Ripon, Fountains Abbey or Brimham Rocks
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by you you »

tildarama1 wrote:Hi everyone,

I have been lurking on this forum for some months and have greatly enjoyed the enthusiasm of all of you PCX owners/loves. I feel in love with the PCX around 3 months ago and have finally put the deposit down and will be picking my 2013 PCX up on Saturday.

I am a 23 year old, female from the UK and haven't ridden a scooter since I was 17 (50cc hazardous vehicle). I had a slight geared vs automatic war in my head but decided on automatic as I figured I could concentrate on and learn the roads better without having to worry about gears/clutch etc, I also cannot drive a car (and don't really want to) so I have no geared experience.

Weather permitting I will be taking my CBT on Saturday 25th of May on my own PCX (decided to do it on my own vehicle so I can become completely accustomed to the only bike I will be riding for a few years at least). I am very nervous about my CBT but as i'm going automatic and I know pretty much what to expect i'm sure all will go well.

It has been great reading all of the helpful advice and great stories from all of you, and I hope to become part of the PCX CLUB this Saturday :)

Looks lovely. Nothing like the excitement of getting a new bike
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by former50cc »

You made the perfect choice in personal independent transportation.
I love my PCX. I fear my daughter who soon will be have her motorcycle endorsement here in the US will dominate the use of my scooter. I bought it for my whole family to use, but I just know my girl. She'll be riding it more than me if I don't jump on it first.
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by tildarama1 »

Thanks everyone :D

Ive been watching lots of youtube videos of the PCX for months!

Also found this:

HONDA AUSTRALIA ROADCRAFT TRAINING - Some really useful videos and he uses a PCX in many of the demos.

Wish there was something like this place available in the UK.
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by EmilyJEG »

The videos are really good actually! Good find :)

Do you have Facebook? If you do and want to add me, you can find me by searching my username from here.
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Re: Bringing her home on Saturday!

Post by tildarama1 »

EmilyJEG wrote:The videos are really good actually! Good find :)
Do you have Facebook? If you do and want to add me, you can find me by searching my username from here.
Yeah, those vids are pretty good!
(I only use facebook for my work, sorry.)
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